Thursday, August 30, 2012

Not good?

It was a busy busy day.  Productive.  Then the busy, busy, hurry, hurry came to a screeching halt and it transitioned into hurry up and wait.  

When I arrived to pick up Annie I drove to the very front of the line and backed in.  I've never done that before but today I just didn't have time to wait around.  I called her 2 minutes after class ended and told her where I was and that I needed her to come on out.   We then stopped by the library so she had a new and very much anticipated sequel book to read in the car.  (I made her promise she wouldn't start it until tomorrow afternoon.  Can you believe I had to do that?  Crazy, huh?)  We rushed home where I made taco meat for dinner.  Jake got home at 3:18 and announced he has a combination of 3 tests or quizzes tomorrow.  Seriously? 8-| "Quick crack open those books!"  I brought him a snack and drinks.  He studied for 15 minutes before changing into his band attire for the evening.  I wanted to be out the door at 3:45 but that didn't happen, BUT we were close.  I was driving carpool, percussion and horns needed to be early enough to get their instruments outside and/or shine their horns.  

Ok, that was the rush, rush, rush, then the waiting began.  I had signed up to schlep but it was obvious as soon as I got their it was more of a boys club.  It seemed like they had one too many guys that thought he was in charge... just an observation.  They asked if I needed help.  :-|  "Nope, I'm here to help when you need me."  "OOOh, ooook, we'll let you know when there's something you can do."  :-|  "OK!"  :-)  I smiled... but really I was like this on the inside.  :-|  I decided since I was just standing around I'd take a few pictures of my boy.  
< Shining a tuba is hard work!
> The new method of measuring how much my boy is growing.
I think it will be fun to take a similar picture every year until he graduates.

They sent me on little errands, enough to appease me.  I helped load a few things.  I got all the water in coolers.  That was my big task.  I amazed them with my strength.  LOL, not really.  I stopped by home on my way to the DAC (District Activity Center) for a big glass of ice water.  It was hot out!  

I got there before the band or the trucks.  I waited.  I asked where the ice machine was.  I waited some more.  It was hot.  I had left my water in the car.  The trucks arrived and the students all had jobs.  It was like an ant farm!  I should have taken a picture but I don't think it would have truly shown the magnitude of it all.  I filled all the coolers with ice.  I moved the extra water.  Then it was time for pregame, so I found Jack.  He commented on how red my face was.  :-|  Did I mention it was hot out?  

As the band walked out to line up before half time I gave Jake a Grandma Cate yodely "Hayen hollar" as he walked by.  Jake heard me, shook his head and smiled.  The band was AMAZING!  I didn't cry.  I never even got misty.  I was proud.  I heard several kids say after the fact that they did bad.  WOW, if that was bad I can't wait to see what good looks like!  It was incredible!  I took a video of their performance.  It's too big to upload.  Here are a few other pictures.
<Pregame.  Jake is just left of center.
They made a big W.
> Jake post game as the teams are shaking hands.
He was happy and tired.
And still has lots of studying to do!

Annie and her friends hung out during the game.  She left at half time with Jack.  I'm not ready for her to be in high school!  It's a good thing I have a year to adjust to the idea.

Tonight was fun.  I enjoyed chatting with the other band families.  When I schlep again I will know what to expect and when to arrive.  If it's more hurry up and wait at least I'll know.  I'm sure I'll find my niche.  :-)

I'm tired but really looking forward to tomorrow!


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