Tuesday, August 7, 2012


ABC, it's easy as 1,2,3...  today was a busy "pre"school day.  (lol)

Annie had Cougar Connection at the middle school.  It's a time to get your picture taken, visit with friends, get your locker assignment, practice opening your locker many times while visiting with friends, decorate your locker, visit with friends, organize your school supplies, etc. etc. etc.  They do not get their schedule until the first day of school.  I helped hand out pre-ordered school supplies.  This was the first year that Annie was sad that I had purchased her supplies through the school.  She decided last week she really wanted to picked out her own.  Sorry, sweetie.

Annie had a friend come over right after lunch and they primped for almost an hour before it was time to leave for school.  Annie looked like herself, not too much make up and hair looking great.  I saw many 6th and 7th grade girls that looked like Mimi from the Drew Carey Show.  I could tell they really liked blue eye shadow and black eye liner.  I wondered if their parents were aware... I would be mortified if Annie came home with those school pictures.  I know, at some point in life I would probably accept it and maybe laugh, but the initial shock would be... RETAKE!  I might sound harsh or like a prude, but I encourage Annie to embrace her natural beauty.  I often say "less is more."

I felt bad making the girls leave when I'm sure they could have spent all afternoon loitering around the school, but I had to pick up band carpool.  We got there right on time and both boys were exhausted.  Today was the first time I heard Jake complain about band.  He is feeling stress that two of the other tubas aren't "getting it."  One isn't following direction, getting his horn up when needed, coming in/ending late and he's tardy every day.  The other doesn't know his music or the steps.  It seemed superficial for me to tell Jake to let the directors worry about it.  "Mom, we are supposed to handle these things in our section!"  While I understand what he's saying, they are a section of five.  I'm torn.  I'm impressed that he is taking this so seriously and embracing the bands high standards.  But, he's new.  He's just a freshman.  :-|

Our break at home was short lived.  Jake, Jack and I had to be back at the high school at 5:45 for New Jag Night.  It's an opportunity for the principal to brag about the school... academic and athletic awards and achievements.  Then the assistant principal spoke but I can't tell you what it was about.  After that the parents were taken to a different area than the students to hear about MADD.   And finally the counselors spoke - spending a great deal of time on college and careers.  !?  He's just a freshman!  I was fine until that point.

Jake had his own pre-orientation, then snuck out to band practice.  I had told him to hurry out after he was done.  Not to dilly dally.  No chit chatting.  He did not understand that I asked him to stay the end.  He snuck out after the first segment.  Oh well.

When we picked him up at 9:00 p.m. he was so exhausted he was almost sick.  Jack gave him some water and he drank the whole glass.  He laid down in the backseat until Ryan got in the truck.  Ryan plays drums so it takes longer to get all the equipment put away.  Jake didn't fall asleep and engaged in conversation on the way home but he went straight upstairs, took a quick shower, got ready for bed and he was out like a light!  Poor guy.

Sweet dreams, Jake.

Jack is making more briskets tonight for a work charity event tomorrow.  It's the same organization but this time it's for the boys instead of the girls.  I pray Jack gets some sleep tonight, too!


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