Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Laughter and tears

Today was busy.  Productive.  Annie stayed in her pj's all day.  I'm not sure what time exactly but she did change into fresh jammies.  :-)

We enjoyed a dinner together.  It wasn't a fancy meal.  I made chicken salad, it was just the time we spent around the table enjoying each others company.  Jake had lots of stories from band camp.  He said a car drove by and gave a hoot and holler.  Jake turned around, raised his hands in the air and gave them a holler right back.  When he turned back toward the band all eyes were on him.  The director looking particularly stern, head tilted, his hands on his hips.  Everyone started laughing with the exception of the director.  Even the assistant director was trying without success to stifle his laugh.  Jake took a couple steps backward and to the side and hid behind another tuba player.  Oh, he fits in just right with the tubas.  :-)  It was hard not to join in his enthusiasm.  

Jake also told us how he had to play 16th notes.  Wow, that's fast.  Jack is musically illiterate.  We tried to explain without any luck.  Jake tapped it out on the table.  He said the tubas can slur two if needed but they need to stagger it.  Jake went on to explain to Jack that when you play notes that quickly you have to tongue them.  (Jack looked like a deer in headlights - but you could see the wheels turning in his head.)  The kids and I are familiar with this term, we all played wind instruments, but for Jack it just didn't connect. He had no idea what to say, so he slowly said, "you have to tongue your instrument!?"  Almost immediately Jack had the maturity level of 10 year old.  The giggles were contagious.  All our faces turned red.  Jack made several funny comments, which only prolonged our laughter.  Ok, it might be juvenile but you can't deny it's hilarious.  

Last week my parent brought Jake home.  Well, we met in Olathe.  I'm not comfortable with them driving in the city and they willingly accept rides whenever possible.  There were several places they wanted to go, so I happily drove them around and returned them to their car.  As my Mom got out of the car she looked up and saw a license plate.  She said, "look, P-O-O.  Ha ha!  That spells poo!"  Both Jake and Annie got a kick out of hearing their Grandma say poo.  And it made me smile as I typed it.  ;-)   Potty humor never gets old.

We had a busy evening.  Jake had to go back to school from 7-9 for more band camp.  Jack and I arrived a little early and enjoying hearing the band chant and cheer at the end.  Jack bought yet another grill.  I should note that he's sold a couple recently and this one is bigger and better.  I went to a Stella & Dot jewelry party.  I'd never even heard of it until recently.  They have nice stuff.  Expensive.  Unique.  I bought a necklace - for myself - for Christmas.  

So with a busy evening, does that mean no Olympics?  Absolutely not!  We recorded it then fast forwarded through all the commercials and hype.  We watched the Russian girls tumble and twirl in fast forward.  I admit I missed the stories.  We finished in record time - ha ha.  Not bad.  I cried.  Yes, cried my eyes out watching Ally Raisman's floor exercise.  I cried with the Russians and team USA.  I cheered for the men's 4x800 relay team.  That was an amazing race!  Whew!  What a night!  It's going to be another short night, especially since I drive carpool in the morning.  Blah.     

Hello Wednesday!

Sleep tight!


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