Sunday, August 5, 2012

Bummer (Whatever)

Some days all you can say is "bummer."   (At one point or another in my life I would have said "whatever" but knowing how much my Dad hates that word I have made the adjustment.)  Today was full of bummer moments.

This morning there was no Sunday School.  Jake wanted to sleep in - well deserved I might add.  It threw us off a bit, so we were running a little late.  We hopped in the car, buckled, ready and... it was dead again.  Seriously?!  I tried again hoping it was a fluke.  Nope, dead.  Arg, bummer!  We jumped in the truck and off we went.  We got to church just before the announcements.

When our Youth Pastor and his wife stood up during the announcements I got an ick feeling in the pit of my stomach.  They have decided to move back to Nebraska to be close to family.  They will be here through September. In my head, I completely understand, they are still new parents.  But looking at Jake... his disbelief and sadness, tears filling his eyes, my heart broke.  Jake was taken by complete surprise.  :(

There was a pot luck dinner after church.  Unfortunately, the turn out was poor.  Considering how much time and preparation was put into it... it was a sad bummer.  They had games and even a photo booth!  Jake had fun with it none the less.  The photo booth had lots of props, he put on a silly hat and crazy wig / visor.  (Oh, how I wish I could post a picture, but I promised him I wouldn't.)  Regardless of the turnout we had a very nice time.  It's always good to spend time with our church family!

I had taken baked beans and the crock was still about half full when we left.  I carefully placed the crock between my feet to keep it steady.  About half way home I crossed my legs.  No more did I adjust my legs and Jack turned a corner.  Jack got to see the lid come up, beans slosh over the side and all over his truck, "Noooo!"  It went about four inches past the Husky "skillet" floor mat.  "Ooops!"  Then I got the giggles.  He said, "it's important to keep it stable between your feet!"  My words from the ride to church, when I was driving and Jack was holding the beans, came back to bite me.  I laughed and apologized.  Jack said, "great, my truck will smell like beans for weeks!"  It was a temporary bummer, I got it cleaned up as soon as we got home.  Not the slightest smell of beans.

Suzy rode with me to Topeka to pick up Annie.  She thought it was a bummer that we couldn't have the windows down on the highway.  Sorry, Suz!

My parents went over to Manhattan UMC for church this morning.  The pastor is from my Dad's home town and they had been wanting to visit.  Marlene and Annie joined them.  Then they brought Annie home.  Saving Marlene a trip since we usually meet in Topeka.  No bummer, a blessing!

When I arrived at my folks they were playing cards with Annie.  I joined them for a few hands.  Annie thought it was a real bummer when I won during my first turn one game.  Bummer, but we all laughed!

Annie stood up and I looked at her outfit.  (Hmmm.)  "You wore THIS to church this morning?  Your shorts that are stained?"  My Dad started laughing.  "And flip flops!?"  Dad said, "oh you should have seen what some other people were wearing when they went up for Communion."  "What?  You went up for Communion in this?  Oh my."  By this time my Mom was laughing, too.  Annie had no defense, "it was all I had left."  (Deep sigh.)  I think it would have been completely fitting in this situation if I had said, "whatever!"    But I didn't.

Annie took the news of Jay's moving very well... for some reason she wasn't that surprised.  ?

When we got home I called Jake and told him we needed to leave pretty quickly.  He came home and announced he wasn't going to youth group.  He was gaming with the neighbor.  I didn't push him.  Jack was surprised - shocked even - but said nothing.  Annie is tired and wasn't sure she wanted to go anyway but she struggled with the obligation.  I told her whatever she decided was fine.  She did not go.  

Jack moved MY grill (that's what Jake is calling it - lol!) to the backyard.  He should have waited for help.  Half way around the house he tipped it over.  It's ok but now the pellets have grass mixed in.  I hope that doesn't change the taste of our food.  We used it for the first time tonight!  I was excited!  I'm letting Jack christen it.  Bummer for me.  lol.  It's a bit of a new way of cooking.  Here's the HOW IT WORKS from the Traeger website "The Traeger Wood Pellet Grill is simple and safe to operate. When a Traeger is turned on, the igniter rod is activated, the auger begins to feed pellets into the firepot, and the draft induction fan feeds air into the firepot. The igniter rod glows red hot for the first four minutes of operation - just long enough to ignite the pellets in the firepot."  Jack's review:  "Whoever invented this is a freakin genious!"  I'm just happy that we have a grill that I can use!  YEAH!

There are many ways to take a bummer day.  You can get all wrapped up in the disappointment.  You can be annoyed.  Or you can hold your head up, smile, laugh and keep moving forward.  Forward might be redirected temporarily but forward none the less.  Smile and just keep swimming!  <3

Now to relax with more Olympics!  Win or lose - not a bummer!  Exciting! :)


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