Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tall one

Today was productive.  Everyone was happy.  Life is good.

The kids and I were driving to church and I noticed a car racing up from behind us.  He zoomed around me and cut me off a half a block before I was going to make a right turn.  The light turned red and he stopped.  I was annoyed.  I was venting, "Seriously dude?  Are you in that big of a hurry?  Ya, big dummy!" and I then put him in the club.  (Jack has an imaginary club for bad drivers.  It's really helped with our road rage.  Instead of getting mad we put people in the club.  If it's a particularly bad driver they get put on the Board of Directors or sent to drivers school.  It's funny.)  The light turned green and he waited a second too long, so I honked... and laughed.  We probably all had smiles on our faces because that's what we do when Jack or I honk.  I wasn't giving him anymore of my attention and a shocked Annie said, "He just flipped you off!  (pause)  And he has a really tall finger!"  Jake agreed, laughed and repeated "tall finger."  It was particularly funny to me since I have a vague memory of a Wiggles song about the fingers... something about the thumb, pointer, tall one, ring finger and pinkie.  We never called it the middle finger, just the tall one.  Ha ha!  It makes me laugh just thinking about it.  I wish I could remember the tune. 

Tonight the kids took part in the final interview for the new Youth/Children's Director.  I think it's been good for both of them to be part of the process.  Tonight's interview was a very nice woman.  Fairly young.  She'd do a fine job - but she wasn't as good as #2.  The overall youth vote was for candidate #2.  I didn't meet her but Jack did and he was blown away.  

Jack had a better golf game.  Sadly, it was his last league game of the season.  I suppose leaving on a high note isn't a bad thing.  :-)


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