Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Focus and connect

I wish I would have started blogging ages ago.  It's calming.  It's freeing.  I go to bed happier and more thankful.  I go to bed thinking about all the good things that happened during the day instead of focusing on the not-so-good; the errors of youth, the rude driver that cut me off, the mean cashier that squished my bread. Those interactions are inevitable, but not worth the energy to cause me more than momentary frustration.

After I drove carpool this morning I went back to bed.  I slept hard until 10.  I came downstairs and found Annie and her friend were still sleeping... in the family room.  (Yes, she had a sleepover - a bad idea on my part.  They kept me awake.  I had to send a text to tell them to quiet down last night.  I was too lazy/tired to walk downstairs.  I threatened that if they woke Jake up I'd take her friend home in the middle of the night.  Then this morning Jake woke Annie up when he was getting ready and eating breakfast.)  I had an Olympics hangover, including headache.  I staggered the Tylenol and Ibuprofen and was feeling much better by 11.

I talked to Leenie this morning.  I don't remember much of our conversation.  I'm hoping she's making me a to-do list of wedding details I can help her with.  She's under so much pressure.  T-45 days until the big day for Deej.

I talked to my Mom.  I was telling her I'd see her in the morning; I'm bringing Annie over to meet Leenie.  It's Annie's turn to spend a few days in Manhattan.  I told her we were going to the park to ride the train.  Mom told me about her plans for the day.  I went on to tell her I was taking lunch to the lower brass section tomorrow.  "Really?  Because you just told me you were going to the park with Marlene and the kids?"  Well, one thing is for sure, she's still sharp!  I was embarrassed, but so glad she called me on it.  I would have felt terrible.

I didn't see the email until late this morning.  I get to bring lettuce, sour cream and fruit for lunch tomorrow.  Blah.  I didn't want to bring just plain old fruit, so I found a recipe for frozen fruit salad.  Yum!  Doesn't that sound good?  Especially when they kids will be coming from a morning in the heat?  Mmm!  I signed up to help serve lunch.  I hope this gives me a great chance to get to know a few other Mom's and squash some more of that anxiety.

I had lunch with my friend, Lisa.  I hadn't seen her in almost a month.  It was so good to see her.  I've missed her.    

During lunch an old student came in with her Mom and brother.  I jumped up from the table and practically ran to say hello.  Lucy gave me a big hug.  She hugged me the whole time I chatted with her Mom.  She told me she loved and missed me.  Her Mom said she didn't know who's face was brighter, mine or Lucy's.  Now, I'm so excited for the start of school! 

This afternoon I got a call from my friend, Kristi.  We hadn't talked in months, she lives in Philly.  I had left her a message a couple days ago.  I had a confession... in the craziness of my organizing I found a graduation card for her son.  It was sealed and addressed but had never made it to the mailbox.  I apologized for the delay.  It was so good to hear her voice and catch up.  I was in Target so our conversation got cut short.  We will chat again soon - after her weekend trip to NYC with her youngest daughter and friends and then family vacay.  

I chatted with Mary tonight about school and our classroom.  She's excited, too.  We're getting together next week to prep.  Yeah!

Jake asked me to tell everyone "hello" for him.  He had dinner with the tubas.  I drove Jake and the other freshman home.  He's very nice.  He made a comment about being reserved.  I told him not to worry, Jake has enough personality for the both of them.  They can balance each other out.  He said, "I think you might be right."  He's the boy Jake said was sloppy.  He's not sloppy, I think he's just a misunderstood.  He's quiet.  He stutters.  He's got a lot of curly hair, sort of mop-headed.  He's starting a new school.  I liked him.  

No one ate dinner together tonight.  Annie fixed her own while I was getting Jake.  Jake ate with friends.  Jack played golf.  I ate alone.  I missed my family.  It's our time to connect.  It's our time to be together.  

Jack came home quiet.  "How'd you play?"  "Awful, I couldn't get the ball in the air.  It was pretty depressing.  It was just terrible golf."  I asked if he was tired or had a rough day... "I'm tired of taking that many swings!"  Bummer.  We all have those days.  He's decompressing with Olympics.  :-)

I think we might need ice cream.  :-D

Who knew I had so much to say?  So much for keeping it short and sweet.  (lol.)


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