Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ring a ling a ling

I was up before the alarm.  And surprised that Jake wasn't up.  I'm pretty sure it was the first time I've had to wake him up on a school day in many, many years.  He's always been a morning person.  Annie was up early.  We had tried a method of curling your hair without a curling iron.  She slept with it wrapped around a headband and it looked like the picture when she went to bed.  She said it looked like the picture when she woke up, but when she took it out her hair was B-I-G.  She worked at brushing it out for at least 15 minutes before coming to me.  She was anxious.  There was only one solution and Annie didn't like it.  Wash it.  "I don't have time!"  I promised to help her dry her hair because she was almost in tears.  It all turned out fine and she was ready early.

Annie was psyched.  Jake... not so much about another photo op. 

Annie's first last day of middle school and last day as a tween.

I had a great morning.  Instead of jumping right in, we had a meet and greet.  Mary had a little meeting with the parents, while Katie, a specialist and I had fun with the kids.  What a great group!  I'm even more excited now that I've met our class!  

It was a busy afternoon.  I'm trying to tackle several projects.  I told Annie I would not be first in the car line after school so she should just hang out with her friends while she waited.  I left home 5 minutes after school was out - thinking I would avoid some traffic.  Wrong!  My thought was 'ok people, they're middle schoolers not kindergarteners.  This shouldn't be so hard.

It's hard to see but there is a street to the right, in the middle of the picture.  When I got to that point there were at least 10 cars behind me.  Most people hadn't been leaving space for drivers to turn right but I did.  A lady drove past me with her right turn signal on, I waved her by and would you believe she cut in line in front of me!?  I was livid!  Screaming loud enough that I'm certain she heard every word.  (DEEEP Breaths) 

Annie met me at the corner.  She had a great day.  She has friends in all of her classes but one.  BUT she got the teacher she wanted for that particular class.  She was happy once I gave her a bit of perspective.

Jake had another good day.  He said with a table full of band mates at lunch.  He didn't need as many supplies as I thought - but it's a good thing he likes the color green.  It was the only color of 3-ring binders left at Target.  I take that back, I got the last white one.  No worries, he was happy.

Jack is the best Dad ever!  This is how he spent his evening...

And here's how I decorated the kitchen table...
We're ready to celebrate Annie's 13th Birthday!


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