Friday, August 17, 2012


Happy Birthday, Annie!  
She started the day with birthday presents and bacon.  

I felt terrible that I couldn't take her to school today, but I had a "breakfast meeting" at my school.  (ha ha!)  I left at 7:00, picked up two of her friends and got to her school at 7:15.  Jack and Annie picked up Maggie "who needed a ride today" and arrived about 7:20.  Jack snuck up to the library while Maggie and Annie were in the bathroom checking Maggie's contacts.  (tee hee!)  The librarian was giving us the play by play from the library window overlooking the entryway.  Here's what happened next...
What a great way to start the day!

I had a productive morning.  Lunch with a friend.  And busy afternoon, although I was lonely for my birthday girl.
Jake came home tired.  7:00 a.m. band practice makes for a long day.  But he was happy.  He commented again how much he likes high school.  I am so glad!

Oh, and Annie had one surprise left, when Jack got home from work...
A laptop computer!
Facebook and Pinterest, here she comes!

We aren't sure what the evening will hold.  Annie hasn't chosen a restaurant yet.  I'm posting now instead of later due to the late night and early morning combo.  


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