Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Settling in?

Today started more normal... maybe we are starting to settling into a routine, naaa, it's too soon for that and both kids were still sleeping when I woke them up at 6:20.  It was the third time Jack's alarm had gone off but the first I heard.  I only woke up a couple times in the night and luckily went right back to sleep (a small blessing).  Thankfully it was a bus morning for Jake, so he didn't have to be out the door until a few minutes after 7:00.  Annie got picked up at 7:15.  We had gotten flowers for the librarian and she forgot them, so I made a quick stop at the middle school on my way to school.  

Our young class is fun but... young.  Usually peer models are there to model appropriate behavior but with young peers that isn't the case.  Ours have never been in the school setting before now.  It will take a little more work to get into a routine but we are all up for the challenge.  Potty training seems to be our first big task.  We played a game today, each student took a turn rolling the dice then picked a card matching the color.  It was all good until someone picked the card that read something about bellybutton.  I sat with my eyes covered.  I have no idea why I have this phobia, but the thought of someone sticking their finger in their navel makes me gag.  I took one quick peek and saw several kids looking at their bellies with pointer fingers knuckle deep.  BLAH!  I practiced deep breathing and vaguely remember Katie laughing at me.  8-p

Annie was back to her chipper self and Jake was so happy to announce he had NO HOMEWORK!  There was a pep assembly at school today and the band played.  He said it was pretty fun.

Jake had band practice again tonight from 5-8.  Jack and I arrived early enough to listen for few minutes.  They had memory tests tonight but Jake didn't mention how that went.  He did comment that he ran out of water so it's time to look for a bigger jug.  It was neat to hear him chat with band mates as they walked by the truck while we waited for Ryan (carpool).  One of the other tubas walked by and told Jake "great job today!"  Jake beamed.  :-)  They play at a football game a week from Thursday.  I'm so excited.  And I've decided I might need to wear sunglasses because I just might cry.  :-)  

My favorite saying of the day was "WHEN PEOPLE SUCK THE LIFE OUT OF YOU, WOULDN'T IT BE NICE IF THEY TOOK SOME FAT TOO?"  Thank you George Takei.  Haha!

Sleep tight!


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