Saturday, August 4, 2012

Smiley face

Happy Saturday!

We took a morning field trip to Louisburg...
Bar-B-Q Smokers & Grills / Used Cars (interesting combo)
Small town folks like to gab.
Jack said, "He really wanted me to be a repeat customer."
Suzy loved having the windows down.

Annie is having a great time in Manhattan.
She played with Playdoh.
She played games - won some/lost some.
She's enjoying Leenie time!
She wishes she could stay longer.
I miss her.

Jack worked really hard today.
He replaced all the sprinkler heads...

and he cleaned all of his grills.
Starting with his dirty, dirty Traeger.
Why yes, he used the power washer.
Now, it looks almost new!

Jake and I ran to Target.
We saw a rainbow.
It was gorgeous!
(Jake looks so grown up.)
We loves rainbows.
We took a few moments to enjoy it.

The only way I could get the right angle
was if Jake jumped in the cart,
so he did.

High School smiles...
I helped prepare lunch for the band.
Getting involved is really helping.
I'm really looking forward to Band Boosters.

Olympic smiles...
Anagram:  You can't have USA Gold without Douglas.
4x200 free relay - all (4) women sang our National Anthem.
Thank you - Shannon Vreeland, Allison Schmidt, Missy Franklin and 
Dana Vollmer!


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