Sunday, August 12, 2012

Early morning

I woke up really early this morning.  TOO early!  It was still dark.  I must have been flip flopping around because I woke Jack up, too.  So... we turned on the TV.  I checked my phone and commented that the girls were awake at 4:00 according to a Facebook post.  I thought about texting Annie, but I didn't.  We watched GMA, then I fell back to sleep until 8:30 when the phone woke me up.  It was a very distressed sounding Annie.  "Can you pick me up?  The girls have kept me awake ALL NIGHT LONG!"  Poor thing.  Jack was out the door before I hung up the phone.  When she got home I hugged her.  She said, "never ever let me go to another sleepover - just late overs!"  She said she almost called at 5:00, then 5:30, then 6:00.  It didn't help when I told her she should have because I was awake.  She went to bed and slept until 1:45, when I woke her up.  Her first response was, "you scared me to death!" then, "whew, I feel better!"  :)  Amazing what a little sleep can do.

Beautiful sunrise!
No, this wasn't from this morning... no ocean here...
I took this picture in '03 on our trip to Cabo.

While Annie was sleeping Jack, Jake and I went to church.  Our pastor was gone, so the Director of Children and Youth Ministries preached.  He is a very good speaker.  He spoke of The Intimate Loving God.  He shared this video:  Amazing love.  Amazing strength.  I cried.  The love a father shows his child.  I can only imagine the love our Father shows for us.  We willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly accept His love.  How often do we give of ourselves out of love and except nothing in return?  What an amazing world we would live in if giving of ourselves was done without thought or reason, just love?  Hm.  THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!  There are many stories on the internet about amazing love.  I recently shared a similar video showing the love between brothers.  I pray that sometime in my life the media will spend as much time on heartwarming stories as the harsher realities of life stories.  Oh to dream...

Annie just told me about a YouTube channel called SourceFed, with a weekly program that she watches called Feelin Good with Joe Bereta.  (I apologize if that's kind of confusing.)  "He only does happy stuff!"  I just watched it... I'm sad to report that while it did leave me "FEELIN GOOD!" it contain a bit questionable language.  "oh come on Mom, only a weenie bit!"  (lol.)  "Yes, I said that on purpose.  And it's realistic."  I really don't want Annie to become immune to cursing.  Not long ago she informed me that cursing only showed ignorance.  (I loved hearing that!)  My girl is growing up!  

The kids had youth group.  It was the last night for Katie, who will be heading off to KU tomorrow.  It's always hard to say goodbye and Katie has been a blessing and a great friend to both Jake and Annie.  She will be missed!  

On our way home we listened to comedy radio.  The guy was talking about bad street names.  I said, "none of these are as bad as Sores and Boils Lane!"  It took him a few moments but Jack  started laughing, at me, not the comedian.  (He was just a little slow on the uptake.)  It's so much fun to remember silly bits from old TV shows.  I miss the tales of Stars Hollow on Gilmore Girls.  I really do.

Jake thoroughly enjoyed his day off.  He spent much of the afternoon gaming at the neighbors house.  After youth group he was invited over to swim with a friend he hasn't seen all summer.  :)   My heart rejoices for him. 

Before I close, here are a few items Annie made yesterday...

< This is a bleached, netted swim cover top.
(The picture doesn't do it justice, very cool!)
> And a t-back workout shirt.

And bleached shorts... that she wants to bleach a bit more.
I think they look cool just the way they are, but what do I know.
(I remember bleaching jeans in high school.)

Now, to settle in with the Olympic closing ceremonies.  What joy it has brought to me the last two weeks!  My prayer is that every athlete has experienced that same joy in some way.


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