Monday, August 6, 2012

Seventy-six Trombones

Have you ever seen The Music Man?  I remember well how excited the kids were seeing the TV version in 2003.  We recorded it and watched it enough that, had it been a VCR tape, it would surely have been worn out.  The kids sang, danced and marched around our house for month.  We even bought the CD they loved it so much!  If you haven't seen it, I would highly recommend it!  You will see many familiar faces, I am certain.

It is crazy to see Jake in marching band.  (Ok, I'm not actually 100% sure I have watched him but thankfully there are only 5 tubas, so my chances are pretty good.)  It's even crazier to see the band practice.  I think back to my marching days in the early 80's... wow, what a difference!  They have so much potential!  Truly, blow your mind, out of this world fantastic!  Their "show" was designed and music written just for them.  So much for playing On Broadway, like we did.   Gone are the days of marching in straight lines.  Jake told me at one point he goes 24 steps one direction at an angle completely different from the people in front of and behind him.  I am very excited to see the show!  The preview is NEXT Monday... in the parking lot.  ?  I don't care, I'm still excited!

I went to my first Band Booster meeting tonight.  Anyone that says they don't like it, isn't involved.   And hasn't gone to a meeting.  I signed up for two things.  I will help with the Drive On event - which has raised $12,000 in the last three events - easy money.  Basically, I will ride along with people taking test drives.  Jack might not like that event since my car has been less than reliable lately.  I also signed up to shlep at some of the performances.  I'm a little nervous because we only have 90 second to set up.  Yikes, that's a lot of pressure.  BUT I'm already excited.  

Jack and I had already discussed it and decided we would go to two of the three out-of-town performances. We will go to DJ's wedding reception the end of September instead of going to Dallas.  We will go on a day trip to Tulsa - which includes a very fun tailgating party.  And we will go to St. Louis, and pay $30 per person to watch the competition.  If I play my cards right I will get to shlep that event... but oh the pressure.  Now, I'm not so sure that's a good idea even if it saves us $30.  Lol!  Did I say I was excited, because I am!  

The excitement builds... so will it be band excitement or the Olympics that keep me awake tonight? I think they will complement each other nicely!


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