Monday, August 20, 2012

And so it begins

The first Monday of the school year.  Blah!  It seemed as though there was a cloud over our house this morning.  No happy voices, only grumbles.  We slept with the windows open last night and I think we all woke up with a bit of allergies.  The kids were just a bit off.  :-(

I must admit that I enjoyed going to sleep with the window open.  Not long after I had laid down I heard a noise that sounded exactly like a boat on the water.  I told Jack, "it's a nice night for a boat ride."  We listened to it for a good 10 minutes until it finally wandered out of ear shot.  I wondered what it could have been?  It was calming. It made me go to sleep with a smile on my face.

Jack wondered why his favorite blanket has been smelling a bit like Suzy.
She looks cozy!

I walked into school and said hello, only to hear the woman in front of me announce that I was WAY TOO CHEERFUL.  We were down one person today but it wasn't a problem.  There are 7 kids in our class and all but one are 3 years old.  Quite a young class compared to last year.  They were a joy!  It's going to be a fun year, even as more students are added.

This afternoon I ran some errands, grabbed some groceries and had a nice chat with a friend.  Annie has decided to be on the crew for the Fall play.  There was a meeting after school.  I threw her for a bit of a curve because we won't be in town for the second night of performances, so she is limited to art and construction crew.  I arrived early to pick her up and sat at the front of the car line until this...  
Seriously, where did she learn to drive?
She was on the sidewalk!

And after school, the homework began.  Wow, the teachers didn't waste any time this year.  Both kids had more than a little.  I gave the kids a 15 minute break even though they wanted longer.  I will admit it was nice to have it mostly completed before dinner.  
Hard at work!

Biology is still Jake's favorite class.  Annie doesn't have a favorite or a least favorite yet.   I think we're all off to a good start!


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