Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Insanity in 2 parts

Part 1 - Annie was invited to a slumber birthday party Friday night for her dear friend, Maggie.  "Can I go?"  Me: "Do you want to?"  Annie:  "YES!"  followed by a lengthy debate recapping the events of the last sleepover and sad/grumpy Annie.  And her need for more sleep than most.  And Annie admitting that she should never say "never again" because things change.  We finished with Me: "Are you sure?"  Annie: "YES!  Please?"  Me:  "Ok, you'll have two days to recover from an all nighter."  Oh Lord, please don't let me regret this.  I don't know how much was Annie's true desire to go or Annie not wanting to feel left out.  Peer pressure?  Ugh!

Part 2 - tonight was Back to School Night at BVW.  I arrived early.  Stood in a crazy long line of people buying spirit wear and gear.  I luckily snagged the last stadium chair.  I tucked it safely in my trunk and walked aimlessly to the first classroom on Jake's list; Advisory/JAG (study hall).  He alternates these two classes on Tuesday and Thursday blocked schedule.  Advisory is lead by upper classmen/mentors and discuss everything under the sun getting Freshman up to speed on the ins and outs of high school. Kind of a cool thing.  I continued through Jake's schedule going to each class for 8 minutes and getting 7 minutes between each to find the next one.  I took a water bottle... but I should have packed a snack.  Whew!  Not easy!  It's a BIG building!  I still don't understand why Jake can't find time to make it to his locker a couple times a day, but until then he will be traveling with it on his back... in his backpack.  AND working on some killer biceps!

What did I take away from my high school adventure?  Wow, what a difference than when I was in high school!  Scary but good.  A HUGE change from middle school.  I truly believe that each and every teacher want Jake to success.  PE focus is on healthy living, which I like.  And his favorite teacher / class is Biology and I can understand why.  The teacher reminds me (and Jake) of my nephew, Patrick.  He is very passionate about the subject and his enthusiasm is contagious.  

Sleep tight!


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