Monday, August 13, 2012

Celebrations and laughter

This morning was the All-Staff Celebration / Convocation for 2012-2013.  It's an opportunity for the Board of Education and Superintendent to get everyone excited about the new school year.  It's something I always look forward to.  I had it on my calendar for tomorrow, so it was a surprise to realize when I walked into school that I was 15 minutes late, instead of 5 minutes early and in the wrong building.  The parking lot at COR was pack but I made myself a parking place and walked in in front of more than a few people.  

At the end, we were treated to a video and live vocal performance by Gracie Schram.  Gracie is the same age as Jake.  I remember her well from our COR days.  She's an amazing girl.  Gracie was recognized last May as being one of the top 10 youth volunteers in the country.  She was a singer, song writer and philanthropist, all before she turned 11!  She says, "my worth comes from God, not the world."  Please check out her website:  and be sure to listen to her song titled, With You.  WoW!  I can't say it enough, amazing!   Amazing!  I was able to hold back the tears, but it was tough.  It was oh, so good!

The rest of the morning was spent in the classroom.  It felt good.  I have missed Mary and Katie.

Jake had band practice early, then went over to a friends house this afternoon.  I was surprised to get a text from him asking me to call him and say I had to pick him up early.  I did and asked if he was ok.  "yep, just tired."  I'm thankful that both kids can call or text me when they need a break.  It's a tough thing to learn that it's ok to leave early... I'm so glad they both have.

Annie had her yearly physical today.  Whoa, was she in rare form!  It was very apparent she had been alone most of the day.  Chatty doesn't begin to describe her.  We waited longer than usual before her name was called.  She's 4'11" and weighs 97 pounds.  She's grown half an inch and gained 10 pounds since PE testing in early May.  She's 10% on height and 40% on weight.  When the nurse told her the percentages Annie asked, "What does that mean?"  The nurse replied, "it means you're smaller than most of your friends."  Annie responded, "oh, that's so true!"  We waited over half an hour before the doctor came in.  I've never waited that long.  It would have been a sight if there had been a hidden camera in that room.  Annie spent a good deal of time talking, looking at herself in the mirror--located right over my head, and laughing.  Did I mention it was almost non-stop?  Just before the doctor came in Annie was looking at herself in the mirror and made a funny face and asked, "when did they turn on the music?"  I assured her it had been on the whole time.  "Really?  Is this a Christian doctor's office?"  Me: "why yes, they are"  Annie: "they're playing Christian music."  I found it calming.  ;)  No shots for Annie.  Thank you God for my healthy girl!  And I am thankful for her chatter - even if I am currently sitting in the quiet and I still have a humming in my head.  Oh, how I love her!
Doctor's exam room giggles.

Tonight we went to the band picnic and preview.  The turn out was fantastic!  Jake was extra excited because we invited Barb and Susan, friends from church, to join us.  The laughter started even before we left the house.  I think Jack was caught watching Honey Boo Boo, when I was taking Jake out to shine his instrument.  Jack was in rare form.  Annie was in rare form, too.  As we were waiting in line I shared that I thought had there been a hidden camera in the exam room the doctor would have come in with her prescription pad in hand.  (lol!)  Annie was not amused.  We ate, then Jack was finally able to go out a door at the high school he's been wanting to use since the first time we were there... it was kind of a silly little thing, but Jack was happy.  We got our chairs and waited for the band to make their entrance.  Jack and Annie decided to sit on the back of the truck.  When the band entered and lined up I was full of emotion.  We had the perfect spot to see Jake.  They showed us how they warm up - stretching, their marching exercises, then they went through the first two parts of the show, twice.  Jake wore his blue shoes so it was easy to see where he was.  It was a bit hard to visualize the show on a flat surface but their marching was impressive!  Then they played the final parts of the song with music on stands.  Don't let it fool you though, they may have been looking at the music but their feet were still in motion in place.  I promise to share video from a couple of the games!  And they ended with their chant, which I love.  On the way home Jake confessed that he doesn't know the words so he just makes noise.  We all found that very funny. 


We are so excited about marching band!!!  

Note to self:  keep the flags away from Jack.  Unless, of course, we're at church using toothpick flags. Definitely nothing bigger than a 6" flag.  BUT only if we have enough to share with Susan AND Barb is playing bells.  :)  

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