Thursday, August 30, 2012

Not good?

It was a busy busy day.  Productive.  Then the busy, busy, hurry, hurry came to a screeching halt and it transitioned into hurry up and wait.  

When I arrived to pick up Annie I drove to the very front of the line and backed in.  I've never done that before but today I just didn't have time to wait around.  I called her 2 minutes after class ended and told her where I was and that I needed her to come on out.   We then stopped by the library so she had a new and very much anticipated sequel book to read in the car.  (I made her promise she wouldn't start it until tomorrow afternoon.  Can you believe I had to do that?  Crazy, huh?)  We rushed home where I made taco meat for dinner.  Jake got home at 3:18 and announced he has a combination of 3 tests or quizzes tomorrow.  Seriously? 8-| "Quick crack open those books!"  I brought him a snack and drinks.  He studied for 15 minutes before changing into his band attire for the evening.  I wanted to be out the door at 3:45 but that didn't happen, BUT we were close.  I was driving carpool, percussion and horns needed to be early enough to get their instruments outside and/or shine their horns.  

Ok, that was the rush, rush, rush, then the waiting began.  I had signed up to schlep but it was obvious as soon as I got their it was more of a boys club.  It seemed like they had one too many guys that thought he was in charge... just an observation.  They asked if I needed help.  :-|  "Nope, I'm here to help when you need me."  "OOOh, ooook, we'll let you know when there's something you can do."  :-|  "OK!"  :-)  I smiled... but really I was like this on the inside.  :-|  I decided since I was just standing around I'd take a few pictures of my boy.  
< Shining a tuba is hard work!
> The new method of measuring how much my boy is growing.
I think it will be fun to take a similar picture every year until he graduates.

They sent me on little errands, enough to appease me.  I helped load a few things.  I got all the water in coolers.  That was my big task.  I amazed them with my strength.  LOL, not really.  I stopped by home on my way to the DAC (District Activity Center) for a big glass of ice water.  It was hot out!  

I got there before the band or the trucks.  I waited.  I asked where the ice machine was.  I waited some more.  It was hot.  I had left my water in the car.  The trucks arrived and the students all had jobs.  It was like an ant farm!  I should have taken a picture but I don't think it would have truly shown the magnitude of it all.  I filled all the coolers with ice.  I moved the extra water.  Then it was time for pregame, so I found Jack.  He commented on how red my face was.  :-|  Did I mention it was hot out?  

As the band walked out to line up before half time I gave Jake a Grandma Cate yodely "Hayen hollar" as he walked by.  Jake heard me, shook his head and smiled.  The band was AMAZING!  I didn't cry.  I never even got misty.  I was proud.  I heard several kids say after the fact that they did bad.  WOW, if that was bad I can't wait to see what good looks like!  It was incredible!  I took a video of their performance.  It's too big to upload.  Here are a few other pictures.
<Pregame.  Jake is just left of center.
They made a big W.
> Jake post game as the teams are shaking hands.
He was happy and tired.
And still has lots of studying to do!

Annie and her friends hung out during the game.  She left at half time with Jack.  I'm not ready for her to be in high school!  It's a good thing I have a year to adjust to the idea.

Tonight was fun.  I enjoyed chatting with the other band families.  When I schlep again I will know what to expect and when to arrive.  If it's more hurry up and wait at least I'll know.  I'm sure I'll find my niche.  :-)

I'm tired but really looking forward to tomorrow!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tall one

Today was productive.  Everyone was happy.  Life is good.

The kids and I were driving to church and I noticed a car racing up from behind us.  He zoomed around me and cut me off a half a block before I was going to make a right turn.  The light turned red and he stopped.  I was annoyed.  I was venting, "Seriously dude?  Are you in that big of a hurry?  Ya, big dummy!" and I then put him in the club.  (Jack has an imaginary club for bad drivers.  It's really helped with our road rage.  Instead of getting mad we put people in the club.  If it's a particularly bad driver they get put on the Board of Directors or sent to drivers school.  It's funny.)  The light turned green and he waited a second too long, so I honked... and laughed.  We probably all had smiles on our faces because that's what we do when Jack or I honk.  I wasn't giving him anymore of my attention and a shocked Annie said, "He just flipped you off!  (pause)  And he has a really tall finger!"  Jake agreed, laughed and repeated "tall finger."  It was particularly funny to me since I have a vague memory of a Wiggles song about the fingers... something about the thumb, pointer, tall one, ring finger and pinkie.  We never called it the middle finger, just the tall one.  Ha ha!  It makes me laugh just thinking about it.  I wish I could remember the tune. 

Tonight the kids took part in the final interview for the new Youth/Children's Director.  I think it's been good for both of them to be part of the process.  Tonight's interview was a very nice woman.  Fairly young.  She'd do a fine job - but she wasn't as good as #2.  The overall youth vote was for candidate #2.  I didn't meet her but Jack did and he was blown away.  

Jack had a better golf game.  Sadly, it was his last league game of the season.  I suppose leaving on a high note isn't a bad thing.  :-)


Tuesday, August 28, 2012


This morning was rough!  Jake left without a word.  No goodbye.  No hug.  Nothing.  Annie said, "today he's the poster child for teenage angst."  I told her she had better watch out, because it could just as easily be her.  She didn't like it so much.  

Today was an early release day for the elementary and middle schools.  Once a month the kids get out an hour and a half early.  This gives the teachers a chance to have meetings without taking an additional two days off.  As a parent it was always a pain.  When I was working it was a challenge to make arrangements for my kids.  Now as a "staff" person it's a great opportunity to get all the little things done that collect.  Last year we called it a silly short day, but then one of the girls convinced her Mom it was silly shorts day.  We all got a big laugh out of it.  We've renamed it a silly day - no snack, no outside time.  Maybe we should call it a bummer day since those are most kids favorites parts of their day.

Annie had friends come over after school.  They helped each other with their math homework and then played Mindcraft on Xbox.  It was hilarious to watch them.  Annie snuck into someone's house and scared her.  It was so funny.  My Mom always said three was a bad number.  The girls all got along great in person but sort of fought over one of the girls attention in the game.  Again, I found it funny.  To solve the problem she jumped off the island and swam to another and made it her own space.  The boys wouldn't have done that... they would have continued to torture each other.  
Annie, Jen and Ella just hanging out playing a game.

Jake has band practice again tonight.  I'm getting that icky feeling again that I'm supposed to take... but we just discussed it last night.  Please don't let there be a misunderstanding.  Jake has to wear his marching shoes.  (No misunderstanding - they were running late.)
Jake's lookin' fancy in his marching shoes.

With the boys busy - Jack had a meeting at church, Annie and I met Aunt Sue, Lauren and Brittany (Lauren's BFF/roomie) for dinner in Belton.  Annie was in rare form... ok, I say that but really she was just her normal chatty self.  I always leave wishing we had more time to spend together.  I just love them all!  We are planning a trip to Vegas in January to celebrate Lauren's 21st birthday.  Sorry Annie, you have to stay home.   

The day is ending with me feeling very uneasy.  I'm praying for our church.  Lord, please don't let us get in the way of your work.  This verse came to my mind... "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."  Matthew 19:26.  Ok, God.  I'm giving my uneasiness to you and will continue to pray for your guidance.


Monday, August 27, 2012

God is Good!

Happy Monday!

You might think I've had a bad day, but that is not the case.  
I saw this and had to share it.

Today, God hands were hard at work.  My friend, Mindi, shared this picture on Facebook...

She said, "I don't even know who these people are, but made my heart hurt and figure they deserve having part of their story told...."  
The description under the photo read, "On this day I married my best friend and the love of my life. Feeling robbed of my happily ever after. Thankful he gave me 3 beautiful kids before our time was up. Happy Anniversary my Angel, I Love You." 

It's a small world.  I didn't realize it until I looked closely but this is a picture of Dave and Angie.  I work with Dave's sister, Mary.  Dave passed away last March from Mesothelioma.  I go to church with Mindi, she was in my Sunday School class (now she's teaching the youth).  We talked a lot about Dave in our class.  He was on our prayer list from December (when he was diagnosed) until after his death.   Before I left school today I shared Mindi's post with Mary.  Her heart was filled with joy.  She has a strong faith and doesn't believe things like this are just coincidence.  We hugged a couple times and it felt more like someone was hugging her through me than anything I'd ever felt before.  It was beautiful!  I am thankful that God gave me the courage to share this with Mary.  While I cried, she rejoiced!  

God is good!  I need to let Him work through me more often, be confident and not be so focused on my own anxiety. 


Sunday, August 26, 2012


This morning our Faithbuilder Sunday School class met for the first time since the Sunday before Memorial Day.  Our church did an inter-generational thing this summer combining all adult classes.  I enjoyed the summer session but it was nice to be back together!  Rather than jump into a new study we decided to have food and fellowship.  It was wonderful!  We had 14 people around our bountiful table.  What a blessing!

It was a quiet day.  We finally got a little rain.  A little.

The kids were excited to go to Youth Group.  They were invited to take part in the interview process for the new Youth/Children's Director.  They both enjoyed meeting candidate #1.  #2 is tomorrow night and #3 is Wednesday night.  :-)  I pray that their opinions are received with respect and appreciation.

Jack and I enjoyed a healthy dinner.  I am changing my eating habits again.  Lots of water.    :-)  Little sweets. :-|  I can do this!
Aren't we cute?

I took back the orange/blue zig zag dress because it was too big.  I found a replacement.  It's zig zag too, the same dress actually...
I liked the orange...
but I think I like the black, blue, green and grey better!

It's going to be a crazy busy week.  We have something on the calendar every night and a couple instances of divide and conquer.  We are all going to the football game on Thursday night, which I'm looking forward to, but I'm focusing on Friday afternoon!  :-D  


Saturday, August 25, 2012


I woke up to the smell of smoke.  Mmm!  Ok, that's probably something you have never heard before. And it does sound pretty funny, I admit.  Jack put a brisket and burnt ends on the smoker last night and set it for low and slow.  Which means it cooks at a lower temperature for a longer amount of time.  Here are a few pictures, out of order...  
Jack's lunch: 
burnt ends, brisket, baked beans and oriental cole slaw.
No it's not ketchup - it's Gates Sauce.
< Trimmed point.
> Cubed and foil sauced.
Can you smell it?

The kids both survived the night.  I woke up a little after 6:00 and sent Annie a text.  I was surprised to get a quick reply.  Everyone else was asleep.  Thankfully my text did not wake her.  She wasn't ready to come home so I picked her up at 10:00.  Happy and 6 hours sleep - well rested.

Jake and his friend, Jack were up at 7:45.  They didn't say anything to me about the skate park and played Xbox all morning.  I think Jack would have been happy to spend the whole weekend.  :-)  He had never had burnt ends before, so lunch was an adventure, but he really like them.  We took him home around 1:30.  

The kids had fun playing Skate City on Xbox.

Jack made beans and rice for dinner.  I love it when he's in the a cooking kind of mood!  
Family movie night.  We watched The Hunger Games.  I shut my eyes and plugged my ears a couple times.  I cried.  It was very good.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Hello Friday!

I took this yesterday.
Jake's new home away from home.

Have you ever been waiting for a ride and then had a bad feeling... a feeling that tells you to check the calendar and see if maybe it might be your day to drive?  I'm familiar with that feeling.  I had that feeling this morning.  I checked the calendar and then Jake said I didn't say anything, I just screamed and ran to the car.  I thought I said "I'M DRIVING!" but he didn't hear it that way.  Thankfully, he was outside before I started backing up the car.  I called the other family to tell them I was on my way and they were just leaving too.  We met at the light.  It all worked out for the best.  Meeting actually saved us about 4 minutes.  The boys weren't late.  Jake said they practiced on the football field, not the parking lot, which is a good half mile from the band room.  I'm so thankful he wasn't late.  I called Monique on my way home and she said she had texted me late last night offering to drive but I didn't see it.  And she was running late this morning.  It all worked out for the best and I can laugh about it now.    

It was a quiet morning without kids in the classroom but we had plenty of work to do and the time flew by.

Jake's biology class was having a party and he wanted to bring bacon.  He asked for two pounds.  He got one.  I cooked some in the oven and some on the Traeger grill.  I must not have had the temperature high enough and it smoked it more than cooked it.  After I got back from dropping off a plate of bacon to Jake I stuck the rest of the bacon in the oven and finished cooking it.  We had BLT's for dinner.  There were no complaints.    

Annie is at a slumber party tonight.  Her friend, Maggie, is turning 14.  The are so excited! When I dropped her off all the girls were waiting in the driveway.  I pulled up slowly and honked.  Screams from the girls... laughter from me and Annie.  (And Jack when I told him when I got home.)  I hope she has a good night.

Jake is having his friend, Jack, spend the night here.  They had fun playing football with the neighbors, skateboarding and biking and are now busy playing Xbox.  They want to get up early and go to the skate park.  (I hope that means they aren't going to stay up super late!)  We shall see.

Tonight I went shopping for a dress for DJ's wedding!  I didn't try anything on in the store.  I haven't had much luck and Jack is always honest... brutally honest sometimes, but honest none the less.  I came home with three dresses.  #1 is faux wrap dress, zig zaggy, navy, white, orange and super cute.  Jack said it was better than any of the other three dresses I'd brought home before now.  The only problem was it was a bit big.  Tomorrow I will see if I can find the right size.  It would be perfect for the rehearsal.  #2 is a sheath dress with a thin black belt at he waste and it's purple.  It has a lattice looking detail on the top.  When I put it on I wasn't so sure... it wasn't the most comfortable but Jack LOVED it!  "Really?"  I just wasn't sure.  He named all the things he liked about it.  Ok, then.  We have a winner!  #3 I tried on even though it I wasn't even sure I liked it.  It was more of an A-line.  It was coral.  It was comfy.  Jack said it looked "churchy" - not a bad thing but not "for a wedding."  Hm, purple. I don't usually wear purple, but I won't argue with Jack.  If he says it looks nice, it must!  :-)

My dress is this color... sort of.
The first picture I took came out royal purple.
This is closer.

This is the dress I want to find for the rehearsal.
Cute, huh?

Ok, that's it.  


Thursday, August 23, 2012

My fam


I'm a rebel.
And I've got spirit.
I love my job.

My blessings.
More words?  Get out the dictionary!
(Homework yesterday:  y=2x+chicken butt)

My better half.
Grill Master Extraordinaire!
Mr. Wonderful!

Suzy Q, the super dog!
Our guardian.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Insanity in 2 parts

Part 1 - Annie was invited to a slumber birthday party Friday night for her dear friend, Maggie.  "Can I go?"  Me: "Do you want to?"  Annie:  "YES!"  followed by a lengthy debate recapping the events of the last sleepover and sad/grumpy Annie.  And her need for more sleep than most.  And Annie admitting that she should never say "never again" because things change.  We finished with Me: "Are you sure?"  Annie: "YES!  Please?"  Me:  "Ok, you'll have two days to recover from an all nighter."  Oh Lord, please don't let me regret this.  I don't know how much was Annie's true desire to go or Annie not wanting to feel left out.  Peer pressure?  Ugh!

Part 2 - tonight was Back to School Night at BVW.  I arrived early.  Stood in a crazy long line of people buying spirit wear and gear.  I luckily snagged the last stadium chair.  I tucked it safely in my trunk and walked aimlessly to the first classroom on Jake's list; Advisory/JAG (study hall).  He alternates these two classes on Tuesday and Thursday blocked schedule.  Advisory is lead by upper classmen/mentors and discuss everything under the sun getting Freshman up to speed on the ins and outs of high school. Kind of a cool thing.  I continued through Jake's schedule going to each class for 8 minutes and getting 7 minutes between each to find the next one.  I took a water bottle... but I should have packed a snack.  Whew!  Not easy!  It's a BIG building!  I still don't understand why Jake can't find time to make it to his locker a couple times a day, but until then he will be traveling with it on his back... in his backpack.  AND working on some killer biceps!

What did I take away from my high school adventure?  Wow, what a difference than when I was in high school!  Scary but good.  A HUGE change from middle school.  I truly believe that each and every teacher want Jake to success.  PE focus is on healthy living, which I like.  And his favorite teacher / class is Biology and I can understand why.  The teacher reminds me (and Jake) of my nephew, Patrick.  He is very passionate about the subject and his enthusiasm is contagious.  

Sleep tight!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Settling in?

Today started more normal... maybe we are starting to settling into a routine, naaa, it's too soon for that and both kids were still sleeping when I woke them up at 6:20.  It was the third time Jack's alarm had gone off but the first I heard.  I only woke up a couple times in the night and luckily went right back to sleep (a small blessing).  Thankfully it was a bus morning for Jake, so he didn't have to be out the door until a few minutes after 7:00.  Annie got picked up at 7:15.  We had gotten flowers for the librarian and she forgot them, so I made a quick stop at the middle school on my way to school.  

Our young class is fun but... young.  Usually peer models are there to model appropriate behavior but with young peers that isn't the case.  Ours have never been in the school setting before now.  It will take a little more work to get into a routine but we are all up for the challenge.  Potty training seems to be our first big task.  We played a game today, each student took a turn rolling the dice then picked a card matching the color.  It was all good until someone picked the card that read something about bellybutton.  I sat with my eyes covered.  I have no idea why I have this phobia, but the thought of someone sticking their finger in their navel makes me gag.  I took one quick peek and saw several kids looking at their bellies with pointer fingers knuckle deep.  BLAH!  I practiced deep breathing and vaguely remember Katie laughing at me.  8-p

Annie was back to her chipper self and Jake was so happy to announce he had NO HOMEWORK!  There was a pep assembly at school today and the band played.  He said it was pretty fun.

Jake had band practice again tonight from 5-8.  Jack and I arrived early enough to listen for few minutes.  They had memory tests tonight but Jake didn't mention how that went.  He did comment that he ran out of water so it's time to look for a bigger jug.  It was neat to hear him chat with band mates as they walked by the truck while we waited for Ryan (carpool).  One of the other tubas walked by and told Jake "great job today!"  Jake beamed.  :-)  They play at a football game a week from Thursday.  I'm so excited.  And I've decided I might need to wear sunglasses because I just might cry.  :-)  

My favorite saying of the day was "WHEN PEOPLE SUCK THE LIFE OUT OF YOU, WOULDN'T IT BE NICE IF THEY TOOK SOME FAT TOO?"  Thank you George Takei.  Haha!

Sleep tight!


Monday, August 20, 2012

And so it begins

The first Monday of the school year.  Blah!  It seemed as though there was a cloud over our house this morning.  No happy voices, only grumbles.  We slept with the windows open last night and I think we all woke up with a bit of allergies.  The kids were just a bit off.  :-(

I must admit that I enjoyed going to sleep with the window open.  Not long after I had laid down I heard a noise that sounded exactly like a boat on the water.  I told Jack, "it's a nice night for a boat ride."  We listened to it for a good 10 minutes until it finally wandered out of ear shot.  I wondered what it could have been?  It was calming. It made me go to sleep with a smile on my face.

Jack wondered why his favorite blanket has been smelling a bit like Suzy.
She looks cozy!

I walked into school and said hello, only to hear the woman in front of me announce that I was WAY TOO CHEERFUL.  We were down one person today but it wasn't a problem.  There are 7 kids in our class and all but one are 3 years old.  Quite a young class compared to last year.  They were a joy!  It's going to be a fun year, even as more students are added.

This afternoon I ran some errands, grabbed some groceries and had a nice chat with a friend.  Annie has decided to be on the crew for the Fall play.  There was a meeting after school.  I threw her for a bit of a curve because we won't be in town for the second night of performances, so she is limited to art and construction crew.  I arrived early to pick her up and sat at the front of the car line until this...  
Seriously, where did she learn to drive?
She was on the sidewalk!

And after school, the homework began.  Wow, the teachers didn't waste any time this year.  Both kids had more than a little.  I gave the kids a 15 minute break even though they wanted longer.  I will admit it was nice to have it mostly completed before dinner.  
Hard at work!

Biology is still Jake's favorite class.  Annie doesn't have a favorite or a least favorite yet.   I think we're all off to a good start!


Sunday, August 19, 2012

On the Road Again - bound for a bridal shower.

Annie and I were on the road early.  We arrived in Topeka early enough for me to have time to dye some fabric Marlene had given me.  I'd never dyed anything before, so I was a little anxious but up to the task.  Round 1 came out purple, not navy.  After a quick trip to get more dye... round 2 came out the exact same, purple.  Well, I tried.  

Annie and her Grandpa played a quick game of Kings in the Corner.  Annie was much more lenient with her Grandpa than I would have been.  More than once I heard her say, "now Grandpa, you're not done yet." Honestly, I would have just gone for the win.  (tee hee!)  I think he forgot what game they were playing but Annie didn't seem to mind a bit.

Mom made a delicious lunch with leftovers Marlene had sent home yesterday.  I washed the dishes and then we were off to Junction.  It was a beautiful day for a drive.  Mom and I had a nice visit while Annie listened to music, read a new book and slept. 

Jack called to check in.  He and Jake went to Grand Avenue Temple UMC this morning with the youth group.  The church's mission statement is 'Where Everybody is Somebody Special Reaching out to United all in God's Love. The church not only feeds the soul but feeds souls.   Lunch is offered after the service.  Jack said they served 140 people and he guessed 100 of them were homeless.  He didn't know for sure, but it doesn't matter, does it?  (Of course not!) Jake said, he "liked it because it was all about worship!"  Jack said, "my favorite part during the offering when people can give whatever they have - whether it's a song or poetry or playing a recorder.  My favorite was this soulful woman's bluesy rendition of Everlasting Love.  She was so good!  She sang for us as we were cleaning up after serving lunch.  And she sings big and bold. WOW!"   I am so thankful they got the opportunity to go.

We arrived at Grandma Corinne's in time to help Marlene take the tables out of the back of her truck.  Walking into the house always gives me the feeling of walking back in time.  I have so many wonderful memories of times spent there.  And today we made more!  Today was Melissa's Bridal Shower!  Melissa and DJ will be getting married in a month.  I hope she felt spoiled, I'm pretty sure she did.  

Yummy treats and beautiful cheesecake cake pops! 
(Marlene decorated the pops with tweezers... obsess much?  ha!)

Oh, and Annie got more birthday presents.  A caboodle set from Grammy and a nice assortment of goodies, including Happy Booster-Natural blush, from Leenie.  "Awesome!"

"How'd she know I wanted this?"
She was so excited!
After we were fed and while Marlene had a captive audience she used and abused us as free labor.  ;-)  We were each asked to decorate two love birds.  She had mentioned something to me about this ahead of time but I left my creativity at home and had a total mental block.  I finally got started at 4:00... when I had told Annie we would be on our way home so she could make it back for youth group.   I finished and we were back on the road by 4:30, but I didn't have time to take pictures.  Maybe... hopefully, my birds will make the cut and I will be able to take a picture of them at the wedding.  

Annie made it back in time to enjoy 15 minutes of youth group.  Annie said, "it's better than none!"

Sleepy.  G'night!


Friday, August 17, 2012


Happy Birthday, Annie!  
She started the day with birthday presents and bacon.  

I felt terrible that I couldn't take her to school today, but I had a "breakfast meeting" at my school.  (ha ha!)  I left at 7:00, picked up two of her friends and got to her school at 7:15.  Jack and Annie picked up Maggie "who needed a ride today" and arrived about 7:20.  Jack snuck up to the library while Maggie and Annie were in the bathroom checking Maggie's contacts.  (tee hee!)  The librarian was giving us the play by play from the library window overlooking the entryway.  Here's what happened next...
What a great way to start the day!

I had a productive morning.  Lunch with a friend.  And busy afternoon, although I was lonely for my birthday girl.
Jake came home tired.  7:00 a.m. band practice makes for a long day.  But he was happy.  He commented again how much he likes high school.  I am so glad!

Oh, and Annie had one surprise left, when Jack got home from work...
A laptop computer!
Facebook and Pinterest, here she comes!

We aren't sure what the evening will hold.  Annie hasn't chosen a restaurant yet.  I'm posting now instead of later due to the late night and early morning combo.  


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ring a ling a ling

I was up before the alarm.  And surprised that Jake wasn't up.  I'm pretty sure it was the first time I've had to wake him up on a school day in many, many years.  He's always been a morning person.  Annie was up early.  We had tried a method of curling your hair without a curling iron.  She slept with it wrapped around a headband and it looked like the picture when she went to bed.  She said it looked like the picture when she woke up, but when she took it out her hair was B-I-G.  She worked at brushing it out for at least 15 minutes before coming to me.  She was anxious.  There was only one solution and Annie didn't like it.  Wash it.  "I don't have time!"  I promised to help her dry her hair because she was almost in tears.  It all turned out fine and she was ready early.

Annie was psyched.  Jake... not so much about another photo op. 

Annie's first last day of middle school and last day as a tween.

I had a great morning.  Instead of jumping right in, we had a meet and greet.  Mary had a little meeting with the parents, while Katie, a specialist and I had fun with the kids.  What a great group!  I'm even more excited now that I've met our class!  

It was a busy afternoon.  I'm trying to tackle several projects.  I told Annie I would not be first in the car line after school so she should just hang out with her friends while she waited.  I left home 5 minutes after school was out - thinking I would avoid some traffic.  Wrong!  My thought was 'ok people, they're middle schoolers not kindergarteners.  This shouldn't be so hard.

It's hard to see but there is a street to the right, in the middle of the picture.  When I got to that point there were at least 10 cars behind me.  Most people hadn't been leaving space for drivers to turn right but I did.  A lady drove past me with her right turn signal on, I waved her by and would you believe she cut in line in front of me!?  I was livid!  Screaming loud enough that I'm certain she heard every word.  (DEEEP Breaths) 

Annie met me at the corner.  She had a great day.  She has friends in all of her classes but one.  BUT she got the teacher she wanted for that particular class.  She was happy once I gave her a bit of perspective.

Jake had another good day.  He said with a table full of band mates at lunch.  He didn't need as many supplies as I thought - but it's a good thing he likes the color green.  It was the only color of 3-ring binders left at Target.  I take that back, I got the last white one.  No worries, he was happy.

Jack is the best Dad ever!  This is how he spent his evening...

And here's how I decorated the kitchen table...
We're ready to celebrate Annie's 13th Birthday!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Jake and more

Jake had a great morning!  He loves ALL his teachers, especially his German and Biology teachers.  "Oh, and my Math teacher is really nice, too!  I like it.  I am just looking forward to being able to being independent and take on more responsibility.  That's incredibly important."  WOW, who is this kid?  But I like what I'm hearing!  Jake has all male teachers except one, German.  He was very excited that ALL his teachers pronounced his name correctly.  "There are a TON of Jacob's and Jake's.  SO many!"  I think he's getting use to people calling him Diemer.

So, guess what happened to me when it was time to leave school???  Give up?  My car wouldn't start... AGAIN!  I called Jack frantic.  Jack said, "don't worry, we'll just take it in and exchange it."  I thought what? and finally!  Then Jack said he'd take it in and exchange the battery. I was deflated.  I gave it one more try and guess what... the stupid thing started.  ?  It's possessed!  No, not really just another bad battery.

Both kids had an orthodontist appointment this afternoon.  We walked outside, got in the car and DEAD AGAIN!  StUpId!  I tried out my handy dandy charger that Jack bought me.  Nothing.  Our neighbor Cody was outside so I asked for a jump.  We tried.  Nothing.  ?  I had called Jack in the midst of this stupidity and he was already on his way home.  I called the orthodontist and they were  very understanding and accommodating.  Jack got home, hooked up the charger that I had tried and  it started right up.  (Seriously?)  I've since decided it was my own user error.  We took the truck and arrived 15 minutes late.  Meanwhile, Jack took the car in and got a new battery.  (Deep sigh!)

Annie was in for an evaluation.  She only has one more baby tooth to lose.  And then, we started making appointments.  Annie will start the process on Monday, January 7th.  She's much more nervous than Jake was.  Jake joined us and did not ease her nerves at all.  (Ok, he's back!  lol!)  Jake goes back in a month for rubber bands.  "Oh great.  Wonderful.  Amazing." was Jake's response.

Jake spent the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening at a friends house swimming and hanging out.  He didn't take his phone and I finally broke down and called.  "When should I pick you up?"  Jake: "I dunno."  Me:  "Ok then, I'll see you in 15 minutes.  Is that ok?"  Jake:  "Sure."  Again I thought, who is this kid?  So agreeable, I like it!

Annie finally got her turn at new shoe shopping.  She had her sneakers picked out in about 5 minutes.  She doesn't mess around!  It was Mom that forced her to look at the clearance rack... "this is torture!  I love shoes!"  Unfortunately, we didn't find anything else to take home.  Even though she test walked a cute hot pink pair with adorable bows on the toes for a while but they were a half size too big.  Maybe I can find them on-line.  :-)

 Here are a couple Annie pics from today...

Annie got a chocolate toothbrush
from the orthodontist!  
(An early Birthday surprise!)

< Annie's new sneakers.
> The shoes Annie fell in love but couldn't find her size.


Is it really the first day of high school when you only go for orientation?  I say YES!  If it were a job, you're officially hired and getting paid.  (Topic of discussion of the morning) 

< 1st day of High School (reluctant photo op)
> 1st day of Kindergarten

My heart is full.

*In case you're wondering the jacket this morning was for warmth, not fashion.  It's 54 degrees.  

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

T - 1, 2, 3 Days

1.  Jake starts high school tomorrow! (Orientation)
2.  Annie starts school on Thursday!
3.  Annie's birthday is FRIDAY!

There is lots to be excited about.

The kids were both gone, so Jack and I had dinner alone.  We ran some errands and took Suzy with us.  He bought another grill.  (eye-roll)  Jake got home from band practice hungry and tired.  Annie got home wide awake.

Here's a few pictures from my day...
Pure joy!

I did a little crafting.  I'm not sure what to call it 
but it will make more sense in a couple days.  :-D


NOTE:  Yes, I changed my font again.  I wasn't sure if I liked it or not and Kristi found it hard to read.  Kristi, it's time to make an eye appointment... too bad we can't go together because I'm right there with ya.  Well, except for the fact that I could read the font and you can't.   ;-)  I aim to please.  

Monday, August 13, 2012

Celebrations and laughter

This morning was the All-Staff Celebration / Convocation for 2012-2013.  It's an opportunity for the Board of Education and Superintendent to get everyone excited about the new school year.  It's something I always look forward to.  I had it on my calendar for tomorrow, so it was a surprise to realize when I walked into school that I was 15 minutes late, instead of 5 minutes early and in the wrong building.  The parking lot at COR was pack but I made myself a parking place and walked in in front of more than a few people.  

At the end, we were treated to a video and live vocal performance by Gracie Schram.  Gracie is the same age as Jake.  I remember her well from our COR days.  She's an amazing girl.  Gracie was recognized last May as being one of the top 10 youth volunteers in the country.  She was a singer, song writer and philanthropist, all before she turned 11!  She says, "my worth comes from God, not the world."  Please check out her website:  and be sure to listen to her song titled, With You.  WoW!  I can't say it enough, amazing!   Amazing!  I was able to hold back the tears, but it was tough.  It was oh, so good!

The rest of the morning was spent in the classroom.  It felt good.  I have missed Mary and Katie.

Jake had band practice early, then went over to a friends house this afternoon.  I was surprised to get a text from him asking me to call him and say I had to pick him up early.  I did and asked if he was ok.  "yep, just tired."  I'm thankful that both kids can call or text me when they need a break.  It's a tough thing to learn that it's ok to leave early... I'm so glad they both have.

Annie had her yearly physical today.  Whoa, was she in rare form!  It was very apparent she had been alone most of the day.  Chatty doesn't begin to describe her.  We waited longer than usual before her name was called.  She's 4'11" and weighs 97 pounds.  She's grown half an inch and gained 10 pounds since PE testing in early May.  She's 10% on height and 40% on weight.  When the nurse told her the percentages Annie asked, "What does that mean?"  The nurse replied, "it means you're smaller than most of your friends."  Annie responded, "oh, that's so true!"  We waited over half an hour before the doctor came in.  I've never waited that long.  It would have been a sight if there had been a hidden camera in that room.  Annie spent a good deal of time talking, looking at herself in the mirror--located right over my head, and laughing.  Did I mention it was almost non-stop?  Just before the doctor came in Annie was looking at herself in the mirror and made a funny face and asked, "when did they turn on the music?"  I assured her it had been on the whole time.  "Really?  Is this a Christian doctor's office?"  Me: "why yes, they are"  Annie: "they're playing Christian music."  I found it calming.  ;)  No shots for Annie.  Thank you God for my healthy girl!  And I am thankful for her chatter - even if I am currently sitting in the quiet and I still have a humming in my head.  Oh, how I love her!
Doctor's exam room giggles.

Tonight we went to the band picnic and preview.  The turn out was fantastic!  Jake was extra excited because we invited Barb and Susan, friends from church, to join us.  The laughter started even before we left the house.  I think Jack was caught watching Honey Boo Boo, when I was taking Jake out to shine his instrument.  Jack was in rare form.  Annie was in rare form, too.  As we were waiting in line I shared that I thought had there been a hidden camera in the exam room the doctor would have come in with her prescription pad in hand.  (lol!)  Annie was not amused.  We ate, then Jack was finally able to go out a door at the high school he's been wanting to use since the first time we were there... it was kind of a silly little thing, but Jack was happy.  We got our chairs and waited for the band to make their entrance.  Jack and Annie decided to sit on the back of the truck.  When the band entered and lined up I was full of emotion.  We had the perfect spot to see Jake.  They showed us how they warm up - stretching, their marching exercises, then they went through the first two parts of the show, twice.  Jake wore his blue shoes so it was easy to see where he was.  It was a bit hard to visualize the show on a flat surface but their marching was impressive!  Then they played the final parts of the song with music on stands.  Don't let it fool you though, they may have been looking at the music but their feet were still in motion in place.  I promise to share video from a couple of the games!  And they ended with their chant, which I love.  On the way home Jake confessed that he doesn't know the words so he just makes noise.  We all found that very funny. 


We are so excited about marching band!!!  

Note to self:  keep the flags away from Jack.  Unless, of course, we're at church using toothpick flags. Definitely nothing bigger than a 6" flag.  BUT only if we have enough to share with Susan AND Barb is playing bells.  :)  