Monday, December 3, 2012


Shame on me... I have no excuse for not posting.  I was thinking about what's been going on in our lives since the last time I wrote and nothing particular stands out.  I guess it just goes to show when I write I find something of interest, good or bad, something memorable.  Here I sit thinking... so I will just write about what's been on my mind.

In Sunday School we are reading A Different Kind of Christmas - Devotions for the Season.  Last week we focused on 'Expect a Miracle.'  I read a lot about Mary.  I don't know if it's the fact that Annie is 13 - and so was Mary, but this year for some reason it's different.  I almost cried when reading about Mary's encounter with Elisabeth and "... the baby leaped in my womb for joy! Blessed is she who believed..." (read Luke 1:39-45 for the whole passage).  Wow!  Blessed is she who believed.  Powerful words.  Scary, powerful!  I frequently say 'God bless you!" or "bless you" and end many emails with "Blessings" but as Mary showed us, her blessing was amid fear and uncertainty, and not without expectations and responsibility.  I say it with goodness and grace, but I think I'll think twice before I send blessings next time.  I don't want to wish fear and uncertainty onto my friends and loved ones.        

Last Thursday was probably the worst day I have ever had as a para.  It was a full moon - our class was completely out of control - and we were one person down.  At one point I was close to sitting down on the sidewalk and crying during recess.  Seriously.  I've never even thought about doing THAT before, but thankfully I didn't and we survived.   Today, was much better!  Ebbs and flows - that's life, right? 

Jake went on a field trip today with German club.  They went to lunch at Grunauer, an Austrian restaurant in downtown KC.  He said it was delicious and would love to go back again. He ate pasta with ham and had a cucumber and potato salad.  ?  It sounds interesting and I think it might want to try sometime.

It's already time to start thinking about the Spring musical and Annie has decided she's going to try out for a part.  They are doing High School Musical.  Yes, it's kind of funny since they are still in Middle School but it should be fun.  Rehearsals started today for the students that want to try out.  They will meet this week to learn the music, have try outs next week and post the cast list the week after.  Rehearsals will start as soon as they return after the Christmas Break.  (Yes, I'm calling it what it is, to me.)

Today, while I was looking for cookie cutters - we are doing a project at school tomorrow - I came across a Hostess HoHo package.  The kids were excited.  Jake ripped it open and he and Annie happily began eating.  It didn't take long and he commented they were stale, but tasted great.  Lol.  I hadn't looked at the date... I won't say what it was.  But they ate all three.  
I know there's a company in Mexico that is already making more
but, in my opinion, they won't be exactly the same
and that's ok.

Did you see the picture going around last week of the police officer in NYC putting boots on a homeless man?  It was powerful.  It was a cold night and the office had walked past the man and asked if he needed anything.  The man replied, "no, but God bless you."  The officer walked into a shoe store, returned to ask the man his shoe size and purchased him several pairs of socks and a pair of water-proof boots.  Not only did he buy him boots but he knelt down and put them on his cold, blistered feet.   Here's the full story...
A random act of kindness.
Grace in action.
It warms my heart.

This week our devotions focus on 'Giving up on Perfect.'  Today, I read about the importance of  presence, not presents.  Which brings me back to blogging every day or two.  When I blog I am present.  I am focusing on the now not trying to remember what stands out.  Sometimes the most incredible things don't stand out or make the highlight reel.  

It's Christmas time.  Let grace be your theme.  And be present.


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