Wednesday, December 19, 2012

this and that

I am exhausted, so if this makes no sense you know why.  :-)  I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and could not get back to sleep.  I got up around 4:15.  How dumb!  Annie got up at 5:15!?  We enjoyed the quiet together.  :-)

Jake got up at 6:15.  Each kid enjoyed a bowl of cereal.  Jake sat eating at the table and smiled at his snowman.  He made no attempt to take a nibble.  ?  I'm not sure what that's about but he didn't forget to take the bag of jelly beans I left out for him for a mid-morning sugar jolt.  :-)

The morning was great at school.  The kids had a blast at their party.  Wild child was... WILD!  After we sang the goodbye song Mary said "hug your friends, you won't get to see them for many days" and what do you think happened next.  Wild child came over and leaned in for a hug and gave me the biggest smile.  Ah, I almost cried.  Truly a beautiful, adorable little person!  There were hugs all around.  Big squeezes for tiny people.  I'm gonna say it again, I love my job!

I read an article a yesterday about one of the ladies that died on Friday in Connecticut.  I can't find it now, I would love to use her name... she was an aide.  She was found cradling her special little guy and his family found it comforting to know he wasn't alone.  He adored her.  Her picture hangs on their refrigerator and he would lovingly look at it everyday.  I'm not sure if this story is true or not.  There are lots of stories going around that have been fabricated and many events sensationalized.  I pray that this is true.  It really pulled at my heart strings as a para and teacher's aide.  I have been a favorite.  I am still in contact with his family.  When his mom says my name he still says, "you mean, my para?"  She says I will forever be HIS para.  I can't wait to see what his future holds.  :-)

Update 12/22 - her name was Anne Marie Murphy and the little boy Dylan Hockley.  Here's the article.  
God rest their souls and bless their families.  

Jake survived his finals today and will be sleeping with his pajamas wrong side out, with a spoon under his pillow and probably do a snow day dance before he goes to bed.  He is ready for the break!  Needless to say it's been even harder to focus and study for the last two tests tomorrow, German and Biology.  (Personally, I want to get it over with!  I don't want to try and take holiday time away to study for these two tests.)  Do you do any special hoping for a snow day?  

Less than a week until Christmas.  Are you ready?  I'm getting closer to being ready.  Today should have been a great prep day but I was too tired and lazy.  Tomorrow I will go into full swing prep mode.

We were just asked to light the Advent Candles at church.  The youth/children's pastor is preaching at 5:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve and we had already decided we wanted to support her and attend with our church family.  Jack is also doing the Call to Worship.  The kids said they would like to light the candles but not speak.  I found that hilarious.  Seen but not heard?  My kids?  LOL!  

I was feeling very unsettled as Christmas approached with the uncertainty of where we'd be worshiping.  My heart is calm and at peace.  

I only have one pic...
Hmm, I guess Jake needed
a little study snack!
I'm surprised his snowman isn't frowning.

Time to figure out what we're having for dinner and wait for the snow!


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