Monday, December 10, 2012


The definition of gracious is courteous, kind and pleasant.  Synonyms: kind, merciful, kindly, benignant.  I would use all those words and many more to describe my girl today.  The cast list was posted and her name wasn't on it.  BUT she was so honestly happy for her friends that were on it there is no room for disappointment.  She's excited to be in the chorus.  Her friend Kate, who plays guitar in a band, writes and performs her own music got the part that Annie wanted.  Five other friends who were all in her audition group got parts, big or small.  She keeps company with some very talented kids.  She is a talented performer - she knows that - but it's ok.  :-)  Do I wish she would have gotten something?  Of course, but I think it's so much more important to be a gracious friend.

Jake is out teaching a neighbor boy how to skateboard.  He is a patient teacher.   I should have taken a picture but when I went outside they disappeared.  

Tonight, I had a UMW Christmas meeting.  I haven't been able to go to as many meetings as I'd like because it's the exact same day and time as Band Boosters meetings.  It was wonderful to see everyone and fellowship.   We had an ornament exchange.  Here's what I received.  
A beautifully handmade angel.

I wanted to make a yummy dessert... I ended up with brownies with chocolate chunks and pecans.  They were messy.   Don't get me wrong, they were delicious.  I didn't think it would be enough so I made peppermint bark, too.  I made the plate look a little happier.  

I got my hair cut... what do you think?

And Jack deserves a little screen time.  He was being very funny tonight.  He deleted the awful picture I took, which is too bad because it was hilarious.  I couldn't catch him again, so you get a cute picture instead.  

I'm too tired to write any more.  


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