Thursday, December 13, 2012

Music is life...

You can't be two places at once, but tonight I tried.  Both kids had music concerts at 7:00 p.m.  As soon as I learned of this conflict I emailed both directors.  I wanted to know the schedule of the evening.  I learned that Jake's band would perform first.  And Annie's choir would perform second.  I thought I had it figured out.  Thought!  
Concert ready!

In an effort to make it as easy as possible, I dropped Annie (and Jack) at the middle school at 6:05.  Annie was supposed to be there at 6:10 for pictures.  Jack took a seat right in the front row.  I had accidentally taken his book with me, and he had no data service in the Commons area, he had a lot of time on his hands (85 minutes from the time he sat down until Annie took the stage).

I took Jake out to the high school and found a seat myself.  The jazz band started playing at 6:45... and continued until 7:15!  It's not that it wasn't beautiful music, it was.  It was just that I was watching the clock.  I had to leave at 7:20.  Although the transition between bands seemed to move at a snails pace,  I did get hear a bit of the band.  Just a bit.  As I was watching the seconds count down to my departure, Jack sent me a text saying the 6th graders were leaving the stage.  I said a quick goodbye to friends and I was off.  A friend from church that just finished finals today at KU and joined me, and brought her Mom.  It might sound twisted, but I felt better leaving, knowing that they were in the audience watching him.

I rushed but was very aware of the speed limit.  I didn't push it.  There are 5 stop lights between the schools.  I got stopped by 5 stop lights.  And the final one was the worst because I was behind another car and couldn't turn right.  I parked and ran in.  There were many people leaving and my anxiety level sky rocketed.  The halls were crowded with students and parents.  I continued down the hall, the commons door was still open and the room was dark.  I entered the room and Annie walked past me.   :-( Oh No!  I gave Annie a frown and asked if I'd missed it.  "Nope, only the girls songs.  You still get to hear the guys and all of us together."  
Annie front and center
singing Santa Baby.

I found Jack and took my seat.  The boys were nervous and quiet.  When the girls returned there was one minor problem, the director and her stand were between me and Annie.  After seat hopping a bit the solution was Jack taking pictures.  The only problem with that?  At Jack's first attempt at picture taking... he pushed the wrong button and turned off the camera.  HA!   

I didn't get to take any pictures at the band concert.  A friend is supposed to email me a couple soon.  I'll add them them I get them.  

I hope I never have this conflict again.  I so enjoy listening to my kids make music.  


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