Tuesday, December 25, 2012



The service last night was amazing.  There is nothing like standing in a candle lit room and singing Silent Night.  It always makes me emotional.  The sermon compared extra ordinary and extraordinary... extra ordinary people CAN do extraordinary things!  Amazing, awesome, awe inspiring!  Followed by fellowship, hot chocolate and many hugs.  Perfect!  My heart is full!

During the offertory we watched this...

For those of you that don't have Facebook, this is what many conversations look like.  (Hey Dad, there's no audio so you won't miss anything - just double click the link above.)

Jake went with me last night to take Elizabeth to the train station.  As it turned out she needed someone to take care of her gecko, Dora, and Jake was more than willing.  He got to watch her feed her snake before we left, too.  (No, I didn't even go look at it.)  There were a few other cars dropping off Christmas eve travelers, I gave her a bottle of water, a hug and blessing for safe travel.  As we drove home Jake reminded me we needed to go right to bed... so Santa could come visit!  :-)

We all slept in a bit this morning.  The kids didn't get up until after 8:00 a.m.  And even then I had to ask if anyone wanted to open presents.  (Can you believe that?)  The kids thought they knew everything they'd gotten since they got mostly clothes and they picked them out.  Luck for me, they had forgotten some and I was able to surprise each of them with a pair of Vans or Converse tennis shoes.  Annie had just worn a hole in her favorites - and Jake had outgrown his.

The kids both escaped to the basement soon after the wrapping paper hit the floor to test their hand at a new game.  We enjoyed the sounds of laughter and an occasional frightful scream.  My heart is full.

Now, I'm taking time to sit and reflect.  Life can get hectic, especially this time of year but my life is overflowing with blessings.  The most important are my amazing family and friends.  As Tiny Tim would say, 'God bless us everyone!'


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