Thursday, December 27, 2012

Acts of Kindness

After the Sandy Hook shooting, Ann Curry of NBC News was inspired to start a '26 Acts of Kindness' campaign in memory of those that lost their lives.  While I love random acts of kindness and try to do something every single day, I have had a very hard time getting on this bandwagon.  I have seen post after post on Facebook of people sharing what they've done.  Each time I think, 'good for you!' or 'that's great, keep it up!'  But personally, I think sharing your acts takes a bit of the fun out of it.  When I do something, I expect nothing in return.  If I get a thank you or a smile in return, that's great, but I don't do for the glory.  Maybe it's just me, but I love doing things that no one else needs to know about.  It makes my heart smile.  I would LOVE for all of us to make it a habit, not for a campaign or a challenge but only the greater good.  I don't want a cashier to look at me funny and ask "are you sure?" when I offer to pay for someones coffee.  Why is it that our society has such a need for flaunting their good deeds?   (Ok, enough chatter from my soapbox.)

Jake is pet sitting an albino gecko named Dora.  He is totally in love with her.  Our friend Elizabeth went out of town and realized just before leaving she had forgotten to get crickets, so Dora needed someone to take care of her and Jake was MORE than willing to help.  Jake was excited to go get the crickets, but Jack was out running errands and there was a pet store in the parking lot, so he offered to get them.  He was totally creeped out!  "The lady opened the aquarium, flipped over an egg carton and they were everywhere!  Hundreds of crickets!  She took a scoop and put a dozen in a bag.  Oh my gosh!  It was disgusting!  They asked if I had a critter keeper, because you're not supposed to put them all in at once or the gecko will eat itself to death."  He checked out and had them put the crickets in another bag, so he didn't have to look at them.  (ha ha!)  I double checked with Elizabeth to make sure we weren't going to kill Dora by overfeeding her, and was assured she only eats when she needs to.  Jake poured the bags contents into the aquarium.  I knew it had been a few days since she'd eaten but she didn't go right after any.  At first Jake was too chicken to feed her like Elizabeth suggested.  But eventually he caught one and held it in front of Dora... she gave Jake's finger a little peck.  Of course, he screamed.  (ha ha!)  I was texting Elizabeth and she said that doesn't usually happen.  We both giggled.  Jake mustered up some courage and tried again.  Success!  He has played with Dora everyday.  Jack has made it very clear - we will NOT be getting a gecko when Dora goes home on Sunday.  
Dora the albino gecko.
Yes, I agree she's a little creepy.

Jake feeding Dora.

I took the kids to the mall today.  The crowds weren't as bad as I expected.  We actually ran into some friends.  Jake had a great time at the Microsoft store.  I'm certain he could have spent most of the afternoon there, but we had things to do.  

When we got home he cracked open his books and studied for this finals.  Kind of a bummer, but I was glad he was reviewing.  Then he went downstairs to practice his tuba.  He had some issues with one of the valves and we will hopefully get it fixed tomorrow.  

Jake is spending the night at a friends house.  Annie has a friend staying here.  Oh, to be young again.  I hope they get a little sleep.  ;-)  I hope I can get some sleep, too!


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