Monday, December 17, 2012

Cookies Tests and Phones

I finally used my mixer!  I made refrigerator cookie dough.  Tomorrow I will roll it out and cut cookies or roll the log in sprinkles or nuts or something then slice and bake.  I was amazed how quickly the dough came together.  Seriously, the machine was on no more than a minute and ~~voila~~ cookie dough!  Jack taste tested it.  "YUM!"  Jake wanted to know if it was chocolate chip cookie dough without the chocolate chips.  He tasted it, too. "Mmm!"  

I'm still fighting a cold and had a rough night.  I felt a bit uneasy driving to school.  We had a few parents show up in tears this morning.  We were extra huggy.  We have a door directly outside and had someone knock after the normal drop off time.  We all looked at each other, silently asking 'what should we do?'  I asked "who is it?" and heard a mother say her child's name.  They were having a rough morning and running late.  I noticed a police car drove by more than a few times.  Maybe that's normal but I had never noticed it before.  

Our class got to played, watched Frosty the Snowman and have snack with their 5th grade library buddies.  Our wild child is a tiny little person and metabolizes sugar lightning fast.  This student was bouncing off the walls after snack.  Today, we didn't fight it and just watched to make sure they didn't hurt themself or anyone else.  I wished they'd had a thought bubble over their head so we knew what they were thinking and saying.  (That was tricky, I didn't want to specify gender.  Forgive me if it reads like I'm writing to cryptic.  I can't be too careful.)    

Jake starts finals tomorrow.  He only has two classes and will get home before 11:00, giving him much needed time to cram for his three finals on Wednesday and last two on Thursday.  I think I'm more nervous than he is.  He's a smart kid, I know he is, I just hope he takes his time and double checks his work.  Any prayers would be appreciated.
Jake is taking a study break.
He's watching a funny video.
Laughter is a great way to de-stress.

I didn't realize until today that it's a big deal to get your student a finals "treat bag".  One of the clubs puts them together and they're delivered to students the morning finals begin.  I asked Jake if there was a special treat he'd like for me to get him to eat between classes.  "Nope."  Ok, then.  I hope cookies hot out of the oven will taste even better after a morning of tests tomorrow.  

Annie had three tests today.  Well, actually an essay and two tests.  She was nervous this morning, definitely more anxious than I'd see her before.  I got a text saying she'd bombed her Algebra test.  :-(  BUT she rallied, picked herself up and did well on the others.    
Annie spent time taking selfies tonight.
(Selfies are pictures you take of yourself.)

Jack has to go in tomorrow for one last meeting, then he's off until next year!  Lucky duck.  He packed up his office today.  He had a total of 10 boxes.  (I wonder how much could be purged?  Why is it so hard for us to let things go?)  His new office will look a bit like "the office" with everyone having lower walls to encourage collaboration.  ?  I'm not sure who/what Jack needs to collaborate with since he's the one man voice mail guru.  If all else fails he'll get to start working from home, if he wants.  Actually, he said he was going to collect everyone's boxes and make himself walls... I think that would be pretty darn funny.  We shall see.
Here's a box of Jack's test phones.

And here's where he keeps the good stuff!

Hmm, now why do you think Jack would bring home a box full of phones?  Maybe someone will be getting a new phone for Christmas!?  ;-)  Shhh!

The contenders.
And Jack doing a little research, 
trying to find the best one of the bunch.

Ok, enough rambling for one night.  Time for bed.


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