Wednesday, December 5, 2012

more presents

As I reread the last little bit of last nights post, I didn't mean to pass over the importance of presence vs. presents.  I talked about my need to be present with my blog.  This time of year it's easy to give a gift, but giving your time is priceless.  Moments in time that you share with others... it creates memories.  

We live somewhere in the middle class.  We try to be smart with our money but somewhere along the way our community got a chip of wealth and affluence on their shoulder.  We live in a culture of the haves.  Jack and I are trying with all our might to raise our kids to realize that it's not all about what we have or don't have.  We say "stuff doesn't define you."  We don't keep up with the Jones or go overboard with lavish gift giving at Christmas.  The kids chat with friends who get so much stuff they can't list it all.  Does that mean they don't ask for more than they need?  I wish, but no.  I have written about asking them to really think about what they're asking for and defining their needs vs. wants.  Well, those were great words but didn't stick.  I had a similar conversation with one child - who I won't identify - just yesterday.  :-(  Yes, I was disappointed.  And I tried with all my might to make it a learning moment and not a 'oh great, Mom's on a tangent moment.'  It wasn't a rant, it was a firm chat.

Deep sigh.

Have you ever heard anyone say raising kids is easy?  Me neither.  If I did I'm not sure if I was call them out on their lie or ask how much time they spend with their child.  More ebbs and flows.  I recently heard someone say the toughest part was between ages 18-22 years old.  Years - not months.  (;-)  His exact words were "I'd never prayed so much in all my life."  I found those words very unsettling.  I see many more gray hairs joining the ranks on my head... oh who am I kidding?  I might already be a total gray headed beauty but I cover them on a semi regular basis.  ;-)

Our class gets to go see Flat Stanley in a show at the Kauffman Center in January.  I didn't even know he had a show but he's starting to make the rounds - he went home with Mary and on a trip to Austin, TX with Katie last weekend.  Today we made cookies in class and here he is enjoying snack time.  He might get to come home with me tomorrow!

Please don't read too much into this post.  Ok, it sounds like I had a bad day, but really I didn't.  I have had a pretty good day, but it had a few tough parent moments.   

I started this yesterday but was too tired to finish.  Today is a new day!  Get out, do something to make a difference, be present and make someone smile!

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