Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Today, we had fun at school.  We made a gingerbread cookie and he hopped out of the oven and ran away while we were at recess, so we had to go hunt all around the school before we found him.  The kids loved it.  We are definitely making the most of the few days we have before the holiday break.  Yes, you heard me correctly, we had recess outside enjoying the last bit of sunshine before the snow hopefully comes to visit us tomorrow.  

It was a stressful day for Jake.  Lots of studying.  I'm not sure if his mind is already on break or what but he's really struggling to focus.  I don't want him to think he's not smart, because he is so smart, he's just got teenage boy lazy syndrome.  Please keep him in your prayers.  

Annie went on a field trip to the World War I museum.  It's very interactive and she had high hopes.  Unfortunately, with a large group it was difficult to enjoy.  And she said their tour guide did not make it fun.  From what she told me, I don't think he likes his job.  Bummer.  :-(

Tomorrow is our last day with kids, since Thursday is a half day we don't have school.  I had seen several cute projects and decided to tackle one for our class...

When I started they looked a bit scary.

I was having a few technical difficulties, so I got to make royal icing to ensure all pieces would stay put...
The recipe said it would take 10 minutes
 for the eggs to take shape.
Nope, not anymore!

1st royal icing.
Perfect, if I do say so myself!

A project in progress...

I got them all wrapped and packed up...
then realized I'd forgotten something important - a smile.
Oh well.

So, I made two more for Jake and Annie to taste test for breakfast.
I tried to make them smile... 
easier said then done.
It's the thought that counts, right?
(You can't see their pretzel arms.)

Ok, my bed is calling me.  Hugs to all, sleep tight!


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