Sunday, December 30, 2012

Post Christmas miracles

Four trees all fit back into the boxes they came in...
that has never happened before!

The trees are all packed up and most of the decorations are put away, but I still have work to do.  It will feel good to get it done.  Next, I will bring out the snowmen.  I have many.  Many, many snowmen.  They are all smiling and happy and will stay up until the Spring break - or until the snow is gone and I grow tired of looking at their cold little faces.  I keep some of the white and silver trees on the mantle, too.  :-)   And the electric candles on timers make it look so cozy.  I love it!

We went to Sunday School this morning and are going to worship tonight with friends.  I still haven't gotten use to this schedule.  And I'm still a little conflicted but I my spirit was fed and I got to share a hug or two with friends at each place.

As I told you, Annie is grounded.  Today, she must have been really bored because she dug out her old Nintendo DS and played a game.  Tonight, Jack surprised me by telling her if she got her tooth by 9pm he would give her her phone back.  (Annie has a tooth that the dentist told her needed to come out 6 months ago.  Now it MUST come out before her braces go on a week from tomorrow.)  Jack promptly left to take Jake over to a friends house.  She fiddled with it a little.  She walked around the house.  She looked at it in the bathroom mirror.  She told me she was not having any success.  She informed me she needed "more than just her phone," to which I replied, "well, that's not gonna happen."  She gave me a sad look and said, "darn."  I asked if she wanted my help (then repeated "please say no, please say no, please say no" over and over in my head).  She said yes.  I asked if she wanted something to numb it.  "Yes!"  I called Jack and he picked some up on the way home.  She put the gel on as soon as he got home.  I tried to wiggle it, but Annie said I was only shaking her head.  I suggested floss.  She tried, but "it's not working.  The floss keeps breaking!"  I asked about making a loop with the floss... like a lasso.  She was ready to enlist her Dad's help.  He had it on there for a bit... Annie was tugging at it.  ("NO PICTURES, MOM!  Darn, I tried.)  Then the floss slipped off.  Bummer! Next, Jack put on more Anbesol.  Then, with Annie's ok, he tried with pliers.  (8-|  He'd been threatening this method for several days which always sent Annie running and freaked out... but today she really wanted her phone!  It didn't take much effort at all and it was out!

Just a little tug!

Jack's tools.

Annie was surprised it didn't even hurt.  And she's delighted to have her phone back.  Jack said, "I'm glad you're so bribeable!"  And Annie replied, "yeah, me too!"

I hope your day was full of surprises!  


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