Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tis better to give than receive

Have you been to JCPenney's get to buttons?  They're free.  They're cute.  The kids and I got up early on Black Friday not to buy anything but collect buttons.  You go on-line ( and enter the code on the back of the button (you can enter two different codes per email per day).  Then you wait for the reply email to see "You've won!" or "Sorry".  One thing is for sure - these silly little buttons are addictive!  I've been having so much fun, I decided I HAD to share with my co-workers.  I took a bag to work and Mary and Katie split them up.  Mary was SO excited.  Katie didn't act too impressed.  To date, Mary has won over $100!  Katie has won $5 and is 1 for 20.  She gave two to her Mom,  both of which were winners.  The rules state the odds are 1-4 are winners. (I have to mention we are ALL laughing about it.)  This morning I took a few more in to the ladies and they shared with Marena, our Speech Therapist.  Marena was over the top excited!  She entered two codes before the students arrived and won $20!  How did she celebrate?  We started circle time with a dance party, that's how!   The kids LOVED it!  It was the perfect start to the day.  Even with Katie's bad button karma she is addicted.  It's fun to win, but it's even more fun to watch the pure excitement!  
Annie is the button queen.
She asks every associate at JCP 
and they are more than happy to oblige.

These are Jake's favorites.
An elf, a turkey leg and Santa.

I've enjoyed my buttons so much I decorated our little tree in the family room!  

Jack is trying to convince me to put buttons all over a vest and wear it.  I'm tempted.  

Today, Mary told me she can totally understand how people become addicted to extreme couponing, "I would imagine you'd get quite a rush!"  When I got home I read a story about a local woman that was asked to appear the TV show Extreme Couponing, but turned it down.  She decided there was no reason to have a stock pile of items this time of year, because "I'm not a hoarder."  So, she loaded up every single item and took it down to a food bank.  She said the feelings she got from giving it all away far exceeded the thrill she got from shopping.  On average she saves over 90% on her grocery bill.  WOW!  I love this lady!     

I sometimes brag on the kids but rarely do I brag on Jack, so here goes... for someone that doesn't like scavenger hunts, Jack is crazy into researching almost every significant purchase we've ever made.  He is the deal finder.  And I love it!  We recently purchased a Kitchenaid food processor on Craigslist.  And now we are looking into getting a Kitchenaid mixer. Yes, my little hand mixer will soon be retiring and we're getting an adult sized mixer.  He found one on Craigslist that had a "wobble" - he researched the issue and found an easy fix, however he wasn't the first one to call and we missed it.  No worries.  We decided we were going to try and save our JCPenney dollars and get one with our winnings - even though there's no way we will win that much.  BUT in his ever searching quest he found a website that helps find the best deal.  (Here we go again - the internet amazes me.)  He found a posting where someone had called Kohls and asked them to match Target's advertised price (which they did) plus they got a rebate, 20% off the new price and $10 Kohls cash for every $50 spent.  Jack didn't stop there, oh no.  He made a spreadsheet comparing prices, discounts, shipping costs, etc.  I didn't want the big, fancy mixer but it was on the spreadsheet.  And guess what?  As I sit here and type, he just purchased the Kitchenaid Pro 600 mixer for one heck of a great deal!  I'm so excited!  What should I make first???  Any suggestions?  

It's 10:25 p.m. and Jake just finished working homework - and he's not done yet.  He'll be up early.  He had been at it since 3:45 - except for breaking for dinner.  I'm proud of his perseverance!  He has a full week of classes next week, then finals week.  He's a smart kid.  I know he can do it!

Time for me to call it a night.  


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