Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's was a busy Sunday!

I slept without interruption.  Awww, how I love it when that happens.  

Jack had left a Butter Braid out overnight to rise.  I put it in the oven and when it was finished I walked to the bottom of the stairs and proceeded to make the most annoying sounds I could, to simulate an alarm clock and wake the family.  Every few seconds I would pause... then continue with a louder, even more annoying sound.  I didn't think I'd have to do it more than couple.  Suffice it to say Annie was thoroughly annoyed when I finally quieted down.  All I was waiting for was some type of confirmation that someone was up, but I had gotten nothing.  I admit it now, the forth time was a bit much.  Oh well.  Thankfully, Annie's mood was short lived.

We arrived at church a bit early.   Jack and I went to Sunday School and discussed 'Giving Up On Perfect' in a bit more depth.  The author spoke our need for perfection and it reality it's sometimes closer to the movie Christmas Vacation, a comedy of errors.  It was funny to me because I was just thinking yesterday that the kids have never seen that movie and I set the DVR to record it soon.  We went on to discuss the fact that Mary and Joseph weren't really in a cute little stable like most nativity scenes show but actually in a cave.  Can you imagine the smell?  I always think of it smelling like hay, but in reality it probably smelled more like my cousins dairy barn in Minnesota.  That thought made me chuckle and look at Jack.  About 10 years ago we got to take a tour of his operation.  Jack didn't make it half way through the barn before the smell was too much and sent him running for fresh air.  It was a really big barn with at least 500 head of cattle in there.  When I asked Jack just now he said, "there must have been 45,000 cows in there!"  Ha ha ha!  I don't think either one of us will ever think of the Christmas story without the memory of that scent.  Reality is rarely perfect.  The author tells us "Life is messy.  Use your mess... to bless!"  :-)

We walked into the sanctuary and the kids were all smiles.  They were ready.  It was time for the big event, the children's Christmas Pageant.  It was called Imagine Christmas somewhere between your memory and your imagination.  I think it just might have been the cutest one I've ever seen.  Totally adorable!  I took my new camera.  I had my monopod.  I was going to video the whole performance.  The only problem?  My battery died right before shepherds 1 and 3 (Jake and Annie) took the stage.  (:-/ Bummer!  Here are a few pictures...
Harold and Alina, Snow Stompers 1st Class
(Mark and Regina)
They were hilarious!!!

The shepherds and drummer boys
(Aaron, Annie, Conner, Luke and Jake)

Snow Stompers (angels) watching over Mary and baby Jesus.
(Regina, Mark, and Lilly)

Everyone did a fantastic job.  

(I will add some pictures from my camera later.)

After church we all had leftovers at home.  I had told a friend I would swing by her sample sale.  I called another friend to see if she'd want to come along.  It worked out perfectly and Holly joined me.  (Holly and I use to job share, now she's a para at one of the high schools.  It's kind of funny that she moved to the older kids and I went younger.)   In any case, I miss her.  I had been admiring a necklace for a while and couldn't resist.
Token of love
Cross inside a heart

I came home and started getting dinner ready for Youth Group.  Potato soup, with topping choices, celery with peanut butter, apple slices and cinnamon rolls.   It was a good combination and Jake said it was something different.  We got a to church to the kids went straight to the join the group and do a lesson and devotion while I got things set up.  
Yes, one cinnamon roll is missing...
if I hadn't taken one for Jack,
he would have been shut out.

It was a good group a kids.  They ate well.  :-)  Then they played the candle game.  I got to be in charge of the lights.  If you haven't heard of this game it's like red light/green light meets wrestling.  The object of the game is your team is trying to get over to the other teams candle and blow it out and you can only move when the light is off.  The kids love it.  I was thankful I didn't have to play.  ;-)
Jack asked if I'm feeling a little vain
taking a selfie.
I'm going to color my hair,
then getting it cut tomorrow.
This is the before picture.


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