Monday, December 31, 2012


It's going to be a big day.  The snow just started to fall.  It's peaceful outside (with exception of the garbage truck. 

I hope you find a bit of peace today.  Reflect on the past year.  Think about your hopes and dreams for 2013.  

Here's a little help from Vince Gill.

It made me smile... and I hope it made you smile, too!

I can't sum up 2012 in just a few words.  It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride.  Our family is so blessed with health and happiness that the occasional bumps help us all we to keep our priorities in check.  We are open with I love you's and I'm sorry's.  We all make mistakes but hopefully grow from them and move on.  Our faith has been tested, but we're working through it, together as a family.  No one is on this journey alone and I still try to hug my kids and Jack at least once a day.  I want us to stay connected.  I haven't thought much about my hopes and dreams for 2013... I want to appreciate each day and live with a peaceful heart.  Is that too much to ask?

We enjoyed a quiet evening with friends.  And rang in the New Year with the East coast.  It was perfect.  I'm hoping to be in bed before midnight, which means I better cut this short.

Here is a picture I just took off the deck.  Just a couple inches of snow.

Happy New Year!


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