Monday, December 31, 2012


It's going to be a big day.  The snow just started to fall.  It's peaceful outside (with exception of the garbage truck. 

I hope you find a bit of peace today.  Reflect on the past year.  Think about your hopes and dreams for 2013.  

Here's a little help from Vince Gill.

It made me smile... and I hope it made you smile, too!

I can't sum up 2012 in just a few words.  It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride.  Our family is so blessed with health and happiness that the occasional bumps help us all we to keep our priorities in check.  We are open with I love you's and I'm sorry's.  We all make mistakes but hopefully grow from them and move on.  Our faith has been tested, but we're working through it, together as a family.  No one is on this journey alone and I still try to hug my kids and Jack at least once a day.  I want us to stay connected.  I haven't thought much about my hopes and dreams for 2013... I want to appreciate each day and live with a peaceful heart.  Is that too much to ask?

We enjoyed a quiet evening with friends.  And rang in the New Year with the East coast.  It was perfect.  I'm hoping to be in bed before midnight, which means I better cut this short.

Here is a picture I just took off the deck.  Just a couple inches of snow.

Happy New Year!


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Post Christmas miracles

Four trees all fit back into the boxes they came in...
that has never happened before!

The trees are all packed up and most of the decorations are put away, but I still have work to do.  It will feel good to get it done.  Next, I will bring out the snowmen.  I have many.  Many, many snowmen.  They are all smiling and happy and will stay up until the Spring break - or until the snow is gone and I grow tired of looking at their cold little faces.  I keep some of the white and silver trees on the mantle, too.  :-)   And the electric candles on timers make it look so cozy.  I love it!

We went to Sunday School this morning and are going to worship tonight with friends.  I still haven't gotten use to this schedule.  And I'm still a little conflicted but I my spirit was fed and I got to share a hug or two with friends at each place.

As I told you, Annie is grounded.  Today, she must have been really bored because she dug out her old Nintendo DS and played a game.  Tonight, Jack surprised me by telling her if she got her tooth by 9pm he would give her her phone back.  (Annie has a tooth that the dentist told her needed to come out 6 months ago.  Now it MUST come out before her braces go on a week from tomorrow.)  Jack promptly left to take Jake over to a friends house.  She fiddled with it a little.  She walked around the house.  She looked at it in the bathroom mirror.  She told me she was not having any success.  She informed me she needed "more than just her phone," to which I replied, "well, that's not gonna happen."  She gave me a sad look and said, "darn."  I asked if she wanted my help (then repeated "please say no, please say no, please say no" over and over in my head).  She said yes.  I asked if she wanted something to numb it.  "Yes!"  I called Jack and he picked some up on the way home.  She put the gel on as soon as he got home.  I tried to wiggle it, but Annie said I was only shaking her head.  I suggested floss.  She tried, but "it's not working.  The floss keeps breaking!"  I asked about making a loop with the floss... like a lasso.  She was ready to enlist her Dad's help.  He had it on there for a bit... Annie was tugging at it.  ("NO PICTURES, MOM!  Darn, I tried.)  Then the floss slipped off.  Bummer! Next, Jack put on more Anbesol.  Then, with Annie's ok, he tried with pliers.  (8-|  He'd been threatening this method for several days which always sent Annie running and freaked out... but today she really wanted her phone!  It didn't take much effort at all and it was out!

Just a little tug!

Jack's tools.

Annie was surprised it didn't even hurt.  And she's delighted to have her phone back.  Jack said, "I'm glad you're so bribeable!"  And Annie replied, "yeah, me too!"

I hope your day was full of surprises!  


Friday, December 28, 2012

The Noble Duke of York

Do you remember that song?  

The chorus goes something like; 
When you're up, you're up, 
and when you're down, you're down, 
and when you're only half way up, you're neither up nor down.

Today has been an up and up and a down and down kind of day.  Not much half way.  I made a cake, fixed baked beans, wrapped the rest of the Christmas presents, made homemade whipped cream, took the decorations off the Christmas tree and a few other odds and ends.  :-)

Tonight we drove down to Jack's relatives in Harrisonville for dinner and celebration.  We always have a nice visit.  We also exchanged gifts, played Left, Right, Center and planned a bit of Lauren's 21st birthday party.  It's crazy to think she's going to be 21.  (It's crazier the think Jack and I helped Sarah celebrate a few years ago or was it a dozen years ago?  Ha!  It doesn't matter.)  
Annie, Lauren and Sue.

Bill taking a picture of Sue.

Playing Left, Right, Center.
Nate, Annie, and Lauren

Jake lost all his chips.  Bummer!

Mother/daughter - Sue and Lauren.
Beautiful ladies!

The kids argued and Lauren said, "get use to a lot of that for the next four years!"  I guess she and Nate did a lot of that.  (:-/  I know it's all a part of growing up, but it stinks.  I want them to have a close relationship and hormones are gonna mess that all up.  It makes me sad.

They bickered on the way home.  Jack threatened.  I threatened.  (Blah!)

When we got home I dropped Jack at the mailbox and asked if someone could carry in a box.  Before I got out of the car the kids were arguing again, the trunk was open but neither was holding a thing.  Annie leaned down to pick up her shoes.  ?  "Annie, did you just hit Jake with your shoes?"  "yea."  "SERIOUSLY? WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING?"  I sent Jake into the house and I exploded.  She tried to blame Jake.  I didn't care what he had said, there was no reason for her to hit him with her shoes or anything else!  I instructed her to beg for his forgiveness.  I told her that she's grounded until school starts - no phone, computer or iPod.  AND she will do whatever he asked without complaint.  

Now I sit here trying to remember the good parts of my day.

What was the rest of the song?  

The noble duke of york, he had ten thousand men,
he marched them up to the top of the hill
and he marched them down again.  

For whatever reason I find this little song comforting.  Sometimes doing the same thing over and over again gets a different result.  It's not insanity, it's life.  Well, as long as you don't let your expectations get in the way.  :-) 

I found this comforting, too.
And sometimes I'm happy with one!


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Acts of Kindness

After the Sandy Hook shooting, Ann Curry of NBC News was inspired to start a '26 Acts of Kindness' campaign in memory of those that lost their lives.  While I love random acts of kindness and try to do something every single day, I have had a very hard time getting on this bandwagon.  I have seen post after post on Facebook of people sharing what they've done.  Each time I think, 'good for you!' or 'that's great, keep it up!'  But personally, I think sharing your acts takes a bit of the fun out of it.  When I do something, I expect nothing in return.  If I get a thank you or a smile in return, that's great, but I don't do for the glory.  Maybe it's just me, but I love doing things that no one else needs to know about.  It makes my heart smile.  I would LOVE for all of us to make it a habit, not for a campaign or a challenge but only the greater good.  I don't want a cashier to look at me funny and ask "are you sure?" when I offer to pay for someones coffee.  Why is it that our society has such a need for flaunting their good deeds?   (Ok, enough chatter from my soapbox.)

Jake is pet sitting an albino gecko named Dora.  He is totally in love with her.  Our friend Elizabeth went out of town and realized just before leaving she had forgotten to get crickets, so Dora needed someone to take care of her and Jake was MORE than willing to help.  Jake was excited to go get the crickets, but Jack was out running errands and there was a pet store in the parking lot, so he offered to get them.  He was totally creeped out!  "The lady opened the aquarium, flipped over an egg carton and they were everywhere!  Hundreds of crickets!  She took a scoop and put a dozen in a bag.  Oh my gosh!  It was disgusting!  They asked if I had a critter keeper, because you're not supposed to put them all in at once or the gecko will eat itself to death."  He checked out and had them put the crickets in another bag, so he didn't have to look at them.  (ha ha!)  I double checked with Elizabeth to make sure we weren't going to kill Dora by overfeeding her, and was assured she only eats when she needs to.  Jake poured the bags contents into the aquarium.  I knew it had been a few days since she'd eaten but she didn't go right after any.  At first Jake was too chicken to feed her like Elizabeth suggested.  But eventually he caught one and held it in front of Dora... she gave Jake's finger a little peck.  Of course, he screamed.  (ha ha!)  I was texting Elizabeth and she said that doesn't usually happen.  We both giggled.  Jake mustered up some courage and tried again.  Success!  He has played with Dora everyday.  Jack has made it very clear - we will NOT be getting a gecko when Dora goes home on Sunday.  
Dora the albino gecko.
Yes, I agree she's a little creepy.

Jake feeding Dora.

I took the kids to the mall today.  The crowds weren't as bad as I expected.  We actually ran into some friends.  Jake had a great time at the Microsoft store.  I'm certain he could have spent most of the afternoon there, but we had things to do.  

When we got home he cracked open his books and studied for this finals.  Kind of a bummer, but I was glad he was reviewing.  Then he went downstairs to practice his tuba.  He had some issues with one of the valves and we will hopefully get it fixed tomorrow.  

Jake is spending the night at a friends house.  Annie has a friend staying here.  Oh, to be young again.  I hope they get a little sleep.  ;-)  I hope I can get some sleep, too!


Tuesday, December 25, 2012



The service last night was amazing.  There is nothing like standing in a candle lit room and singing Silent Night.  It always makes me emotional.  The sermon compared extra ordinary and extraordinary... extra ordinary people CAN do extraordinary things!  Amazing, awesome, awe inspiring!  Followed by fellowship, hot chocolate and many hugs.  Perfect!  My heart is full!

During the offertory we watched this...
For those of you that don't have Facebook, this is what many conversations look like.  (Hey Dad, there's no audio so you won't miss anything - just double click the link above.)

Jake went with me last night to take Elizabeth to the train station.  As it turned out she needed someone to take care of her gecko, Dora, and Jake was more than willing.  He got to watch her feed her snake before we left, too.  (No, I didn't even go look at it.)  There were a few other cars dropping off Christmas eve travelers, I gave her a bottle of water, a hug and blessing for safe travel.  As we drove home Jake reminded me we needed to go right to bed... so Santa could come visit!  :-)

We all slept in a bit this morning.  The kids didn't get up until after 8:00 a.m.  And even then I had to ask if anyone wanted to open presents.  (Can you believe that?)  The kids thought they knew everything they'd gotten since they got mostly clothes and they picked them out.  Luck for me, they had forgotten some and I was able to surprise each of them with a pair of Vans or Converse tennis shoes.  Annie had just worn a hole in her favorites - and Jake had outgrown his.

The kids both escaped to the basement soon after the wrapping paper hit the floor to test their hand at a new game.  We enjoyed the sounds of laughter and an occasional frightful scream.  My heart is full.

Now, I'm taking time to sit and reflect.  Life can get hectic, especially this time of year but my life is overflowing with blessings.  The most important are my amazing family and friends.  As Tiny Tim would say, 'God bless us everyone!'


Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

I'm taking the advice of the article I had shared from DJ.  I am going to start each day with a plan.  It doesn't have to be much, but I need to get up knowing there's something I will accomplish.  

I was up fairly early and had batter going and the oven preheating well before 8:00 a.m.  I had all the baking completed by mid morning.  Jack found a recipe for butter cream frosting on-line and we were in business!  Jake and Annie joined me to frost and decorate the cookies.  We had Christmas music playing and all thoroughly enjoyed it.  And best of all we have decided it will be a new Christmas Eve tradition.  We ran out of frosting so I whipped up some icing for the last few.  Then, I made peppermint bark to complete the plate and then we started assembling plates.  :-)  We made enjoy for our neighbors on the street, a friend of Jake's and several friends of Annie's.
the beginning...

in the middle of baking...

what started out in nice tidy rows - ended up in a heap...

great teamwork!
one frosted
one decorated

a table full of sweets!

and peppermind bark, too!

Jake got all dressed up to deliver
the plates of treats.

The kids were getting a little stir crazy so I gave them a gift I hadn't yet wrapped.  It called Ellen's Hole-Y Cow!  A percentage of each sold goes to Toys for Tots.  They are having great fun with them.

A girl and her cow...
and I got shot a second later.

Jake had fun playing catch.

I think I need a nap.  The youth/children's pastor is going to Colorado on the train tonight and I had offered to take her, although it was declined initially.  I just got a text asking if the offer was still available.  Of course I said, sure.  And asked for the details.  The train leaves at 10:30 p.m.  ?  Uh oh!  What have I gotten myself into?  I asked if the family wanted to go along, so we could look at Christmas lights and Jake said, "NOPE!  I have to go to sleep so Santa can come!"  :-)  

Merry Christmas!


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas spirit!

Wow, today was productive!  

I went to the grocery store and planned meals for the next week.  I wrapped a few presents.  I only have to buy a few more presents but they're for extended family and we aren't getting together until New Year's Day.  I am not fighting any more crowds.  Yeah!

We didn't go to church this morning because they have already started their Christmas Eve services.  We thought about going last night but didn't.  I saw a few pictures and the crowds were crazy.  We are going tomorrow night, which will be perfect.

What else did I do today?  I reorganized the pantry.  It was a big job but it always makes me feel good.    

Sarah sent me a text asking for suggestions of a quick and easy appetizer.  All I could think of was cheese and crackers... she laughed because that's all she could think of, too.  My next thought was cream cheese with a raspberry jalapeno sauce drizzled on top with wheat thins.  Mmm, I haven't had it in a long time and I love it.  I think I need to make it soon!  

Jack put a brisket on the smoker last night and we invited friends over for dinner this evening.  I fixed corn bread casserole, baked beans, and disaster jello.  (It started out lime jello with marshmallows on top.  I planned on letting it set and adding cherry jello on top but unfortunately I didn't let it set long enough and it turned into brown jello.  Someone said it looked like root beer.  ?  Luckily, the boys loved it.)  Everything was delicious!  We even had some burnt ends left over.  Surprise, surprise.  It will be interesting to see if someone decides they are a breakfast food.    

Crazy, busy, productive.  Ahh, finally, I am in the Christmas spirit!  :-)

I need to clean the kitchen, again.  I think if I reload the dishwasher it will be the third load today. We're keeping it busy.  It might have to wait until tomorrow... 

I'm ready for bed but it's too early.  

One of my favorite ornaments.
It's one Mom gave me years ago.
Its lost a few beads around the edges.
Silent Night.

Update:  I made it until 10:00, so I've decided to make another sweet.  Crushed Oreo cookies and covered in almond bark.  
Jack asked if I'm trying to fatten him up... I reminded him I'm making treats to share with the neighbors.  Tomorrow's project is sugar cookies - since the peppermint ones gotten eaten.  I hope I can get the kids to help me frost and decorate!  ?  We shall see!  

Sweet dreams!


Saturday, December 22, 2012


Yes, two in one day!  The window shattering was actually this morning.  We are going to get it fixed next week, since the inside pane is still in tact.  And, in case you're wondering, no,  we never figured out how it happened.   It's so weird!

Here are some random things that crossed my path.

The funniest thing I heard today... "I was kind of counting on that end of the world thing... guess I have to do my Christmas shopping now." John Hammer Hines (a friend of ours)

This made me smile...

This kept me busy...
Peanut butter kisses and molasses cookies
and puppy chow!

This kept Jack busy...
Brisket and burnt ends for lunch tomorrow!

Food for thought...
Oh how I love Winnie the Pooh!

This pulled at my heartstrings...
Police and fire fighters in full dress uniform
protect the Sandy Hook families during funerals this week
from hate protesters.

DJ posted this on Facebook, but I have to share...  9 Daily Habits that Will Make You Happier.  Good stuff!

One of my all-time favorite songs!


Snow Day

I woke up a little after 5:00 a.m. on Thursday and turned on the tv.  There were many schools closing... but we weren't among them.  We didn't wait too long before it was announced - SNOW DAY!  Jake got his wish.  It appeared we were in the midst of a blizzard with snow coming down, cold temperatures and strong winds.  It was supposed to pass by mid morning but they didn't want high school students driving and younger ones waiting at the bus stop.  We only got a few inches but there was a layer of ice underneath.  

Here are a few pictures...
during the storm...

after the storm

Jake shoveled
(yes, it's a job I love but I gave him the shovel today)

Yes, he's wearing shorts.
"hey, does your Mom know?"  "yep"
No other word but stupid!

Annie and her friends went sledding.
It was so cold and windy they made a fort.
I don't think they lasted too long outside.

Our house.
After the storm, blue skies and sunshine.

Our protector
found a warm spot,
good dog.

I made cookies.
They looked kind of pitiful before baking.
Crushed peppermint sugar cookies.

Outer glass of double pane shattered
but the storm window is untouched.
Very weird!

Our temporary solution.
(Yes, I had pink duct tape!)

Well, now you're up to speed.  We are on break until January 2nd for Jack and I and 3rd for the kids.  Jake will have two finals that day.  :-(

Now to start the made dash of cleaning and cooking before Christmas day!

Stay warm!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

this and that

I am exhausted, so if this makes no sense you know why.  :-)  I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and could not get back to sleep.  I got up around 4:15.  How dumb!  Annie got up at 5:15!?  We enjoyed the quiet together.  :-)

Jake got up at 6:15.  Each kid enjoyed a bowl of cereal.  Jake sat eating at the table and smiled at his snowman.  He made no attempt to take a nibble.  ?  I'm not sure what that's about but he didn't forget to take the bag of jelly beans I left out for him for a mid-morning sugar jolt.  :-)

The morning was great at school.  The kids had a blast at their party.  Wild child was... WILD!  After we sang the goodbye song Mary said "hug your friends, you won't get to see them for many days" and what do you think happened next.  Wild child came over and leaned in for a hug and gave me the biggest smile.  Ah, I almost cried.  Truly a beautiful, adorable little person!  There were hugs all around.  Big squeezes for tiny people.  I'm gonna say it again, I love my job!

I read an article a yesterday about one of the ladies that died on Friday in Connecticut.  I can't find it now, I would love to use her name... she was an aide.  She was found cradling her special little guy and his family found it comforting to know he wasn't alone.  He adored her.  Her picture hangs on their refrigerator and he would lovingly look at it everyday.  I'm not sure if this story is true or not.  There are lots of stories going around that have been fabricated and many events sensationalized.  I pray that this is true.  It really pulled at my heart strings as a para and teacher's aide.  I have been a favorite.  I am still in contact with his family.  When his mom says my name he still says, "you mean, my para?"  She says I will forever be HIS para.  I can't wait to see what his future holds.  :-)

Update 12/22 - her name was Anne Marie Murphy and the little boy Dylan Hockley.  Here's the article.  
God rest their souls and bless their families.  

Jake survived his finals today and will be sleeping with his pajamas wrong side out, with a spoon under his pillow and probably do a snow day dance before he goes to bed.  He is ready for the break!  Needless to say it's been even harder to focus and study for the last two tests tomorrow, German and Biology.  (Personally, I want to get it over with!  I don't want to try and take holiday time away to study for these two tests.)  Do you do any special hoping for a snow day?  

Less than a week until Christmas.  Are you ready?  I'm getting closer to being ready.  Today should have been a great prep day but I was too tired and lazy.  Tomorrow I will go into full swing prep mode.

We were just asked to light the Advent Candles at church.  The youth/children's pastor is preaching at 5:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve and we had already decided we wanted to support her and attend with our church family.  Jack is also doing the Call to Worship.  The kids said they would like to light the candles but not speak.  I found that hilarious.  Seen but not heard?  My kids?  LOL!  

I was feeling very unsettled as Christmas approached with the uncertainty of where we'd be worshiping.  My heart is calm and at peace.  

I only have one pic...
Hmm, I guess Jake needed
a little study snack!
I'm surprised his snowman isn't frowning.

Time to figure out what we're having for dinner and wait for the snow!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Today, we had fun at school.  We made a gingerbread cookie and he hopped out of the oven and ran away while we were at recess, so we had to go hunt all around the school before we found him.  The kids loved it.  We are definitely making the most of the few days we have before the holiday break.  Yes, you heard me correctly, we had recess outside enjoying the last bit of sunshine before the snow hopefully comes to visit us tomorrow.  

It was a stressful day for Jake.  Lots of studying.  I'm not sure if his mind is already on break or what but he's really struggling to focus.  I don't want him to think he's not smart, because he is so smart, he's just got teenage boy lazy syndrome.  Please keep him in your prayers.  

Annie went on a field trip to the World War I museum.  It's very interactive and she had high hopes.  Unfortunately, with a large group it was difficult to enjoy.  And she said their tour guide did not make it fun.  From what she told me, I don't think he likes his job.  Bummer.  :-(

Tomorrow is our last day with kids, since Thursday is a half day we don't have school.  I had seen several cute projects and decided to tackle one for our class...

When I started they looked a bit scary.

I was having a few technical difficulties, so I got to make royal icing to ensure all pieces would stay put...
The recipe said it would take 10 minutes
 for the eggs to take shape.
Nope, not anymore!

1st royal icing.
Perfect, if I do say so myself!

A project in progress...

I got them all wrapped and packed up...
then realized I'd forgotten something important - a smile.
Oh well.

So, I made two more for Jake and Annie to taste test for breakfast.
I tried to make them smile... 
easier said then done.
It's the thought that counts, right?
(You can't see their pretzel arms.)

Ok, my bed is calling me.  Hugs to all, sleep tight!
