Friday, September 28, 2012

The BIG day!

First - there was BIG news yesterday after I left...  Mom got her pink shoe!

Pink shoe = independence!
No more gait belt!  No more nurse shadow!
Woo Hoo!!

Annie had a half day of school today.  IF she would go... school gets out at 10:50am.  !?  What was I to do?  (whispered cheer - skip day, skip day, skip day!)  BUT skip day didn't equal sleep-in day.  No PJ day for Miss Anne.  We took Jake and his baggage to school at 6:30am.  On the way I asked if he was excited and he gave me a HUGE grinning "YES!"  We carried in some of his bags, it was a bit much to carry by himself.  Once inside I got a little dizzy.  (8-0)  It was like being on the inside of an ant farm!  Kids running here and there and Mr. Kirk barking orders - not really, he was giving directions.  Jake disappeared - then was back in a flash.  I was still holding one bag.  He frantically pointed and said, "right there!" came over, gave me a quick hug, flung open a tuba case and was out the door ahead of us.  I left with elevated blood pressure but a smile on my face.  I had forgotten my phone at home or I would have gotten a bunch of pictures.  Big Trip - Big Day!

It was nice having Annie's company this morning.  Our drive was foggy...
But not as foggy was Marlene's trip home!  

We arrived to find Dad sipping coffee and Mom in the middle of PT.  She did great!  She had a little trouble getting started but ALWAYS she finished strong!  The therapist, Katie, was quite impressed.  Before Katie left, Mom asked if she would get to walk out or have to ride in a wheelchair.  Katie quickly replied that she would gladly carry Mom's walker and she (MOM) would have to take the stairs.  LOL!  Mom told me later that she had gotten Katie's goat yesterday in therapy class, so Katie thought it would be funny to get even.  I asked Mom what she had said to Katie and Mom replied, "I have no idea?!"  :-)   

Working hard takes lots of concentration.

Marlene had left early - before 5:30am.  Dad got up even earlier and surprised them before Marlene left!  Crazy!  By mid-morning Dad was pooped and went home to take a nap.  

Mom got up and took a final victory lap around the floor.  When she got back I got her settled into her chair with her feet up and ice bags on her knee.  Therapy had been tougher than she thought and she asked for pain meds.  She hadn't taken anything since 11pm last night.  I hope she takes our chat with one of the nurses to heart and takes her pain meds before and after her outpatient PT.  She needs to stay ahead of the pain!

Resting comfortably.

The room got very quiet in no time.  Mom's breathing was slow and steady - Annie was reading - and I found a comfy spot and snuck in a little nap.  

Annie and I joined Mom in the dining room for lunch.  

Dad stopped back by on his way to his 1:00pm doctors appointment.  

Annie spent most of the day reading.

Dad was ready to get Mom home!

And Mom was ready to go!

Before we left Annie had a little fun.
"Going up!"

Dad left for his appointment (where he got a clean bill of health).  Scott came and picked up Mom.  She tried to convince the nurses he would be driving a hearse.  Ha ha!  He didn't, he was in Dad's truck.  

BUT finally...
She was home!

Take a deep breathe,
and release.

It was a BIG day!

(I just realized I can take panoramic photos with my phone!)

We just got a call from Jake.  All is well.  He's slept most of the trip.  They are about an hour and a half away from their destination.  The forecast calls for rain in Denton, Texas tomorrow. The band will perform - even in the rain - unless there's lightning.  If I get any pictures I will share tomorrow.  Prayers for travel mercies for the band and all families traveling would be appreciated.



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