Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Scattered and Heavy

I dropped off Jake for band this morning, with his uniform, hat box, a water bottle, backpack and... hmm, there was one other thing but I can't remember what it was.  Anyway, he was loaded down and I dropped him off at 6:45.  Tomorrow right after school is picture day for the band.  He didn't want to risk forgetting anything.  Ryan, the drummer we carpool with had only his backpack.  He's going to take everything tomorrow morning on the bus.  ?  Ok, then.  After the picture the band has a rehearsal followed by the performing arts department "Picnic in the Park."  It's going to be a crazy evening!  

T-minus 2 days until the big smoke.  And 3 days until the wedding.  :-)  

My mind has been all over the place today.  I have a lot on my mind.  I have so many things to do.  I have been leaving myself reminders on my phone every time I think of one.  I set all the reminders for 2:00pm.  I did not expect to be on the phone at 2:00pm - but I was with a very understand friend - who got to listen to all 15 notifications about 10 seconds apart.      

I misplaced my shopping list for Saturday's lunch.  I sent Sarah a message.  She had misplaced her's too.  We came up with a new list.  I hope we didn't forget anything.  Oh well, no one will ever know either way.  :-)

I ran errands this afternoon and picked up a few things...
Annie's new desk.
She's still got some work to do but this is a good start.

Aunt Sue's picture.
It's 3 dimensional, it's so cool.
The picture doesn't do it justice.

I only have two things left on my to do list for today.  :-) Yeah!  

I noticed something when I got in the truck to go get Annie...
I chipped my big toe nail.
Now I remember why I always try to bring my own polish.
I can't do a quick fix.
It's ok, I am not wearing open toe shoes.  
But still a bummer.

My Facebook status this afternoon read "how many times can I expect a different result if I'm not willing to make a change??? It really is insanity! :-("  How many times have I justified staying for the good of my church family?  How many times have I said I'm not going to be pushed out of my church?  But am I putting others before my own children?  I won't go into details, but I have a terrible feeling that our church is imploding.  I don't want to be a part of the problem.  I want to be part of the solution.  I do.  But at what cost?  I am not willing to sacrifice my children's best interest for the anyone.  I have lots of questions and no answers.  I am thankful that Jack isn't staying quiet about this.  Emails have been sent and received.  Friends continue to leave.  If we stay does that mean we agree with what is being said?  Preached?  I hope not because I don't!  Have I become complacent?  As you can imagine this has been weighing heavily on my heart and mind.  Please pray for our church.  Please pray for my family.  


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