Thursday, September 27, 2012


I dropped Annie and Shelby off at school and was on the road by 7:15am.  I continued to be thankful that I don't have to make this trek on a daily basis.  This morning the traffic was light but it felt more like the a speedway.  I played eye spy - but never found what I was looking for: 

German autobahn sign 

You might think I'm kidding but I was passed more than a dozen times and left in the dust.  I found it interesting that on the 3-lane sections most people drive in the center lane.  Only woman pass on the right, even if the left lane is open.  And men frequently spent more than just passing time in the left lane.  And the only police I saw - 3, yes three, police cars all together pulled over watching a man change his tire.  !?  It looked ridiculous from where I was sitting. I'm not criticizing, merely sharing my morning observations.

It was a little foggy but beautiful!

I was delighted to see Mom looking bright eyed and fresh as a daisy.  They got a very restful nights sleep and were up before 5am and got Mom into the shower.  She was a champion today!  Both OT and PT sessions were filled with compliments.  She was able to bend her knee to 90 degrees!  I huge feat!  She has a weak tolerance for pain medication and has only taken Tylenol.  The nurses didn't want her to overdue so gave her something stronger.  It works a little differently and would hopefully be easier on her stomach.  I wish I could remember what it was called because she didn't have any trouble (or at least she didn't appear to have any problems.)

No pictures today, thank you!
Don't her feet look great?

4 Pillows?  
I laughed because Mom doesn't use pillows.

She was waiting for her afternoon PT session and got to watch a little bit of Let's Make a Deal.  It's a show that she has really enjoyed lately.  I think her early morning caught up with her because as much as she wanted to watch it her eyes had another idea and soon she was resting peacefully.  It was hard to disturb her slumber when it was time for me to go, but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye.    

My drive home was straight out of the movie Convoy.  If only I'd had a CB radio... it would have been so COOL!  I loved that movie.  Other than semi's traffic was light.  And the time seemed to fly since I was traveling a bit faster than the trucks.  I'm sure that Marlene would be able to tell you exactly how many trucks she passed - she enjoys counting things.  I tried but am too easily distracted.  I must have started 5 times before I gave up.  Haha!  We each have our gifts, don't we.  :-)  I still can't get that tune out of my head.  

"Cause we got a great big convoy, 
rockin through the night,
Yeah, we've got a great big convoy,
ain't she a beautiful sight?"

Everybody sing - 

And you're welcome.  ;-) 
Jake had another late night.  He had much MUCH more homework than he lead me to believe earlier and he has a quiz and a test to study for.  :-(  

I did get him ready for his big band adventure tomorrow.  I'm excited for him!  And hoping he can catch up on his sleep on the bus ride.  

Annie is good.  Tired but good.  She's going with me to stay with Mom tomorrow.  For some reason unbeknownst to be elementary and middle schools only have a half day.  (Yes, I'm letter her skip.)  But no sleeping in for either of us.  We are taking the boys and all their stuff to school tomorrow and hitting the road at 6:30!

Sleep well!


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