Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ain't gonna paint no more...

Monday - Tuesday... what is it?  The kids had a hard time getting up this morning.  They were both convinced they're still on Mountain time.  Jack said he felt like he was on the East coast!?  He was tired early.  I don't know what's going on, I never adjusted.

This morning was great!  We split the class into three small groups and rotate them around to different stations during the week.  I'm with the art group this week and I couldn't be happier!  When the kids arrived we traced each body on a large piece of paper and set them aside for later.  We are reading the book "I Ain't Gonna Paint No More" by Karen Beaumont.  We used dry paint brushes to "paint" our heads, arms, hands, legs, feet, ears and so on.  Then during small group I took my group outside where I had taped their body to the side of the building, gave them paints and brushes and we talked about the different body parts.  IT WAS FUN... and a little messy!
I felt a bit of shame when she said, 
"my Mom NEVER lets me paint at home!"  
I didn't rush her and she painted for over 20 minutes!

And to think I get to do it again the next two morning makes me almost giddy!  :-)

When I picked Annie up from school we chatted about her day.  I apologized for not letting her paint more often when she was little.  She graciously said, "that's ok, but it's on my list of things I'm going to let my kids do."  8-|  Oh great, she's already started a list...  

I spent much of my day in prayer.  There are many family members traveling here and there.  I prayed for travel mercies.  I prayed for guidance and protection.  I prayed for a strength and a peaceful heart.  It helped.

Jake had band tonight so I am finally getting in the habit of making his dinner before he leaves.  It's hard for me to have it ready at 4:10... that's just so early.  But I did and he had a happy belly and full water jug when we walked out the door the second time.  The first time I forgot my keys and he forgot his water.  It was a good rehearsal.  He came home and Jack gave him a haircut.  Wow, he's so handsome!

Annie practiced the song for DJ and Melissa's wedding tonight.  She sang it several times.  She really does sound beautiful and the video proved it.  A bit more practice and she'll sound better than the original!
   I could sit and listen to her all day!


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