Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I'm back!

I've been absent a few days... Sunday afternoon Annie and I took another trip to Good JuJu.  Jack's Aunt Sue joined us this time.  We took our time.  We got lots of ideas.  We found a desk for Annie.  Unfortunately, it didn't fit in my car, but I'm excited to get it tomorrow.  We're gonna tweak it a bit but it's gonna be great!   Sue found a picture she really like but didn't get it. I am going to see if there is a way for me to get it tomorrow.  

Sunday night I went to bed at 11PM and slept great until 2AM, when I woke up WIDE AWAKE!  I laid in bed for two hours before I got up.  I did laundry.  I watched a movie.  I folded laundry.  At 6:00AM I woke the kids up and went to bed.  And slept hard until 7:30.  It was a rough Monday.  I had a terrible case of the Mondays.  

The highlight of my day was talking to my sister.  It was her 60th birthday!  I sang to her.  I soaked her in through the phone line.  She lifted my tired soul.  Sarah and the boys had put together a box of memories for her birthday.  It all started with a letter that Sarah emailed to friends and family asking for everyone to write down their favorite memory or memories to share with Marlene.  The email was forwarded on to other people from Marlene's past.  So many letter of love and  memories were received.  It was awesome.  It was overwhelming.  My Mom, always the overachiever, didn't write just one memory but thought of one for every letter of the alphabet.  What a lovely birthday gift indeed!    

The kids came home for a quick snack and got homework started.  A friend of Jack's is having a garage sale and asked if the kids could come over and move a bunch of stuff from the basement to the garage.  I had an errand to run and she thought it would take a while, so I left.  Jake called me within 25 minutes.  They were done.  They stayed and chatted until I could come back.  Bridget's Facebook status was "what would have taken us hours took the kids 22 minutes.  Best idea I've had in years!"  I picked up two super happy kids with arms full.  Annie's parting gifts included a brand new hot pink suede satchel, a cake pop kit and cash.  Jake came away with a projection clock, a money clip and cash.  WOW!  All for 22 minutes of work.  I haven't heard but there is a chance they might be going back tomorrow night to help her sister, Peg.  I think I should set some ground rules this time.  

Today, was an Early Release day - again.  There weren't enough minutes this morning to accomplish all of our to-do's.  I am so thankful we didn't have this class last year when we had a brand new classroom, trying to stay a step ahead of our class of mixed 3 & 4 year olds was a challenge.  We had our struggles last year but this years class is young.  All but one started the year as 3 year olds.  Please don't think I'm complaining, I'm not.  We just have a lot of work to do to get these little ones into a routine.  I'm sure it's funny to see us walk down the hall because I think it looks like we are herding cats.  We always have one thinking they have a better idea.  They are all adorable.  All love to be at school and several are sad when our day ends, particularly on our silly short days.  

Jake and I talked a lot about 9/11/2001.  They talked about it at school, too.  His teachers were surprised he remembered watching Blues Clues that morning and being mad that I turned it to the news.  I remember watching in horror.  I remember picking up a neighbors son to take him to gymnastics... having to tell them to turn on the tv... they were getting ready to go to the hospital to welcome their son into the world... and her husband was an Army reservist.  I remember seeing circles in the sky as we walking into the gym and the kids thought it was so cool.  I was in disbelief.  I remember a country in shock and sadness.  I won't forget.  God bless our country and the world.

This afternoon I took Annie to get a mani/pedi.  We don't get them often but with the wedding this weekend I thought it would be nice.  Annie choose a dark blue nail polish.  It's gorgeous.  I chose an orange-coral.  I think it'll look nice with my purple dress.  Although, I was told "we can't promise your nails will still look nice on Saturday" (hmm, I've never been told that before... I'm glad we have a coupon.)  I'm hoping for the best.  Annie was a bit ahead of me, she got up to wash her hands and my nail technician asked, "is she your Granddaughter?"  (blank stare - blink, blink), I said, "umm, no, she's my daughter."  And her reply?  "REALLY???"  It was loud, not a quiet kind of really that could have accidentally slipped out.  LOUD!  Jack made me laugh when I told him later... "NO TIP FOR YOU!"  What did I say?  Nothing.  I just felt old and tired.  I'm wondering if it was my "WELCOME TO MIDDLE AGE" moment.  I hope not.  I will keep you posted on how long it takes before we see the first chip in the nail polish.

It's a new season of Parenthood.  I've missed these people.  We just watched Adam and Kristina say goodbye to Hattie as she left for college.  (Have I ever mentioned how much I hate goodbyes?)  Well, this silly TV show made me misty.  I tried to hold it together but the thought of saying goodbye to my own kids was too much to handle tonight.  Even with Jake staring and Jack laughing, I let the tears roll.  The saying 'don't be sad it's over, smile because it happened' just doesn't fit when it comes to sending your kids off to college.    (deep sigh)

I look at my life and am thankful.  We all have our struggles, but I can't sweat the small stuff.  I am so blessed!


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