Sunday, September 2, 2012


What a beautiful day in Castle Rock!  This is how I found Jake this morning. 
Jake n Winnie getting a little snuggle time.

Addy saying 'bubye" to Papa n Mama!

Sarah took Matt to the airport in Colorado Springs this morning.  He is flying to Michigan to pack up his Mom and move her to Colorado.  She will be living here for a while.  After the adjustment I am confident this will be a blessing for all.  What a gift!

Addy called me Auntie Mimi today.  My heart melted, she is such a doll!

While Sarah was gone we stayed here with Addy.  We played and played.  We read books.  We played outside.  We played inside.  It was lots of fun!  
< Addy n Annie enjoying "the box".
> We drew with chalk and we played silly games.

After Addy's nap all of us (except Jack) went to the outlet mall.  My heart rate increased when I saw the parking lot.  I said something to Sarah about it and she laughed because she's the same way and hadn't realized we shared those feelings.  (Hello?!  As if neither one of us thought it would be busy on Labor Day weekend!  What were we thinking?!)  It wasn't that bad.  The kids found a couple things.  Sarah and Addy went ahead to the food court in search of ice cream... but bailed on it due to the long line.  The kids and I had found the candy shoppe - where they had Dippin Dots - so Jake was already digging in.  When Sarah found us Jake offered to share with Addy.  It was a new and particularly cold introduction but she loved them!   
< Jake sharing...
> then Addy taking over.  
Jake graciously said they were too cold for him.
(how sweet is that?)

I don't know what they were looking at...
but I love it!

This is what we came home to... Winnie got lovin' from both my boys today.

I was honored to introduced paint to Addy.  She may have painted at school, but this was a first at home.  It made Sarah anxious (ok, I admit it, when my two were little it made me a little anxious too, but now that I work with preschoolers - it's no big deal).  Addy painted with a brush.  She painted with her fingers.  She painted on her belly.  She absolutely loved it!  I recently heard someone say that a child with paint or marker on their hands shows they're being creative.  I wish I would have embraced that way of thinking when mine were little. 
Addy thought it was awesome!
(Photo credit go to Sarah - thanks!)

We enjoyed time outside again today.

Jake and Jack (the dog) have a love hate relationship.
< Jack was chasing Jake.
> Then they made up.  
Too funny!

Funny story... last night before bed Matt was trying to get Jack (the dog) to go outside.  Matt snapped his fingers and said, "Jack get over here!"  Jack (the man) hopped up, turned around and gave Matt a funny look.  Sarah and I busted out laughing.  Sadly, it wasn't the only time this weekend that there was confusion.    

We didn't get to hike to the top of Castle Rock this evening due to rain. :-(  BUT we're so glad that we can put it on our list of things to do next time!

We are leaving it the morning.  Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!  I'm very thankful it will be a "see ya soon" goodbye! 


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