Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Prayers for Mom

My Mom had knee replacement surgery yesterday.  She had her other knee done in 2007... and she was in no hurry to go through that mess again.  It was miserable last time.  Marlene is spending the nights with her - God Bless Her!  I am so thankful that Mom isn't going it alone.  I would gladly take a shift, but not being as medically savvy I'm not sure how much good I'd do.  Again, I'm so thankful for my sis!

This morning I drove over, bright and early.  It was raining.  I had forgotten how much I dislike rush hour traffic.  People are crazy; I saw the spectrum from overly aggressive to completely oblivious.  I saw people dressing, shaving and applying make up.  I am thankful I don't have to commute everyday.

< I could see signs of Fall.
> Traffic.  Blah! 

I spent my time in pray and song.  I had a wonderful co-pilot in spirit (Sarah) and we sang loud and long and enough that my throat hurt when I arrived at my destination.

< The state capital surrounded by scaffolding.

I arrived to find out that Mom and Marlene had had a very restless night.  :-(  I am certain that sleep deprivation was playing dirty little tricks.  The nurse came in and got Mom up and around resulting in her becoming extremely dizzy and nauseous.  :-(   It was a roller coaster of a day.  She had her ups and downs.  She's probably going to be mad that I'm posting so many pictures, but I hope she can look back and see all she accomplished.


I sent this picture to assure Sarah that her Gram had smiling moments!

< Mom walked back from afternoon therapy.
> AND walked down to dinner in the dining room!

Please pray that Mom has a restful night, strength and perseverance.  


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