Sunday, September 16, 2012

DJ & Melissa's wedding!

We arrived in Smith Center, Kansas on Friday night around 5:00PM looking a bit like the Beverly Hillbillies.  We were loaded down with three smokers, a huge cooler filled with 70+ pounds of trimmed meat, as well as other food items, luggage, backpacks, Suzy's portable kennel and effects.  We dropped Suzy off at her home away from home before unpacking the truck at the B&B.  Wasting no time, we were off again.  Annie practiced with Patrick and Dan several times - then again during the wedding rehearsal.  
< The flower girls (and Annie) got a pep talk from the groom.
> Marlene's lap was full of love (grandkids).

I love this picture Sarah took of Jake.

< Waiting and visiting and photo bombed by Isaac.
> The rehearsal...

The rehearsal dinner followed.  Marlene did a great job with the decorations and food.  I wish I had taken pictures of more than just a few of the decorations.  It was lovely!
< The blessing tree.
> The thumbprint tree.

The love birds Annie made at the bridal shower...
hers made table decorations.

Dessert included entertainment - a photo slide show created by Patrick.  Many (including me) shed a tear or two or three.

Friday night... 
We made time to play cards.

And a pajama porch chat.  
No pic of Jake or I.

The Ingleboro Mansion B&B had many treasures from the past.
This old wheelchair was a little creepy in a dark sitting room,
but not as creepy as the doll (that was taller than Addy).
I can't believe I never took a picture of her 
- especially when she showed up in our bathroom!

Jack got up at 2AM Saturday morning to light the smokers.  The meat was on at 3:15AM and he watched it until 4:30AM, when he went back to bed.  (Sorry, no pictures.)

Saturday morning I tagged along with Marlene and the grandparents to tackle Marlene's to do list.  Unfortunately, the list slipped under the freezer never to be seen again.  8-|  Marlene quickly started a new list but several things were forgotten.  We did our best.  We accomplished so much!  I was thankful to be able to help when and where I could.  

Sarah, Jake and Annie took the little kids to the park.  I drove by it at some point, it looked like lots of fun! 
Annie and Addy at the park.
It had a huge Dutch windmill.
(Thanks for the picture, Sarah!)

Addy called Jack, Uncle Bubby.  You might remember there was confusion when we were in Colorado with Jack, the man and Jack, the dog.  Jack, the dog's name is actually Bubby Jack.  I laughed so hard and encouraged her more than I should.  It was too cute.  I guess now we are Uncle Bubby and Aunt Mimi!  :-)  I LOVE IT!

It was fun to watch Addy get ready.
ready... set... so pretty!

Then it was time for the pictures with the bride.
< What a beautiful group!
> Marlene and her soon-to-be daughter-in-law.

and a quick shot of the bride on her way to the church.

Time slipped away all too quickly and it was time to get to the church.  I waited with Jack while he finished cutting up the burnt ends.  While he got ready I went ahead, took the kids and came back for him.  
Before the wedding, Addy warmed up the piano for Dan,
while Jake was her protective body guard.
(Another photo from Sarah, thank you!)

I think Jack and I were the last to arrive, the Grandmother's had already been seated.
Annie was a little nervous
but her voice was warmed up 
and she was ready.

The ring bearers and flower girls did a great job.
< The ring bearers got a high five from the groom.
> The flower girls looked adorable!

The music was beautiful!  
Annie, Patrick & Dan
did a great job!

I laughed, I cried.  I shared the box of Kleenex.

It was a beautiful service!
Mr. and Mrs. DJ O'Neal
(courtesy of Julie Kuhlmann Photography)

As soon as the service was over Jack went back to get the meat ready.  The wedding party took pictures around town, so there was plenty of time to get everything in place.  I had put potatoes in the oven and when we arrived at the reception hall we were greeted by a room full of smoke.  Thankfully, Matt jumped into action and got it under control.  Jake flew out the door to warn his Aunt.  Bless her heart, Marlene burst into a fit of laughter.  It was under control in no time.  And I suppose a little smoke never hurts when you're eating delicious BBQ!  

Here are a few of my favorite guys at the wedding / reception...
< Jake looking handsome.
> Jack not looking at all sleep deprived.

< Isaac enjoying cake.
> Sam enjoying punch.

The reception was fun.  Jack did an outstanding job on the brisket and burnt ends.  There were only 12 small pieces of burnt ends left in the pan at the end of the night.  He received many raving reviews.  :-)  

Jake had fun with the sand and mirrors on the table.

We stayed at the Ingleboro Mansion Bed and Breakfast.  It was a first for Jack, the kids and I.  We thought it was lovely and would do it again.  
We gave it 4 thumbs up!

Smith Center is a cute little town.  We joked that everything you were looking for was within three blocks.  That wasn't really the case, but it was fun to say.  Suzy enjoyed her visit to Smith Center, too.  She spent her time at a kennel... but really was just a guest dog in a very nice family's home.  :-)

We did a little sight seeing on our way home.  
< Statue of Liberty replica - Gaylord, KS
> Worlds Largest Ball of Twine - Cawker City, KS
As we were looking at the twine I got a mysterious text saying "step away from the giant ball of twine... :-)"  I have to tell you, it was creepy.  But it didn't take long to realize that DJ's best friend, Hal, had driven past.  And we all got a good laugh out of it. 

< Beautiful field of sunflowers
> Rest Area art.

Chilly and partly cloudy all day.

Note:  Smith Center is only 15 minutes from the geographical center of the 48 states.  Had we known we would have made time for that stop, too!

What a wonderful weekend!  


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