Thursday, September 20, 2012

A big day for Jake

This morning Jack and Jake got up very early for a trip to the DMV.  We didn't have a booklet for Jake to study from, so they decided to study a bit and if Jake felt like giving the test a try, he had nothing to lose.  Jack said he could miss 5 questions.  Jake took the test on a computer against the wall, while Jack and the DMV Administrator watched the results live on another monitor.  Jake missed 4 of the first 13.  When it was over he missed 5 and passed!  Jake said there were some tricky questions but he did it!  

Jack had taken Jake's passport to prove his identity.  And was asked for his own Driver's License to prove relationship.  The man looked at Jack's DL, then looked at Jack and said, "did you realize your Driver's License expired on your birthday?"  8-|  With a blank stare, Jack replied, "I had no idea."  Jack hadn't taken a shower or shaved before they left.  He did little more than get dressed and brush his teeth.  Jack got it taken care of but as he told me on the phone, "I look like a homeless person."  I shouldn't have laughed, but I did.

They called me on their way home.  Jake was so funny.  I had no idea what to expect, so I didn't come right out and ask.  He didn't give me any hints.  I can't remember if he finally told me or Jack, but Jake was excited.  Jack was... a little nervous, I think.
He's so proud!

I had to pick Jake up a little early from school.  He had an orthodontist appointment today.  He now has rubber bands.  And a chocolate toothbrush for his birthday.  I asked if he needs to wear them 24/7.  He said, no but as much as possible.  As it turns out one of his brackets came lose after band tonight, so he's not wearing them at all until we can get it fixed.  :-(

After the orthodontist I drove over to a large, empty parking lot at Church of the Resurrection.  We spent the next 30 minutes driving around.  He did pretty well.  We did venture out of the parking lot several times.  He practiced parking.  He tried to back into a spot.  He would often get out and check his work - sometimes laugh, sometimes nod and smile.  A couple times he rolled through a stop sign.  I would point and we passed the sign and ask "what was that?"  I got brave and asked him to go over to the north side of the building.  It's a commercial area, we encountered a few other vehicles.  He did great the first time, so we went around again.  Jake was approaching a stop sign, then needed to turn right onto a one-way street.  He was driving fairly slow... I could see two cars were on the one-way street.  The stop sign was getting closer - and closer - and he wasn't slowing.  I said, "slow down... slow down"  and almost put a hole in the floor board as I screamed "STOP!"  We were fine.  He did, in fact, stop in time but waited until the last possible moment.  It was the ONLY time I got nervous.   
He's a serious driver!

At some point during our adventure Jake decided he needed some background music.  We were stopped at the time, so I didn't object.  What do you think he chose?  Wrong.  He pulled out a cassette tape from the car door - Psalty's Funtastic Praise Party!  We listened to This Little Light of Mine, Into My Heart and several others.  It was so weird.  I had received that tape as a gift for helping with the children at COR when Jake was 4 or 5 years old.  He still loves that tape and so do I!  It made my heart smile. 

Jake asked if I was emotional about him driving.  I said, "no, just excited."  I didn't really think too much about the music until after he was gone to band practice.  Wow, how time flies!  Ok, now I am a little emotional.  :-)  But my heart is full and I'm smiling.  These are happy tears.

I got a letter in the mail from my Dad today.  Its been a while since he's written to the family (all four kids/spouses).  He reflected on turning 85.  He noted they are NOT ready to sell their house and move - anywhere!  And he said, "God has been unusually kind to us." and ended with "Count your many blessings, name them one by one AND it will surprise you what the Lord has done!"  What a wonderful reminder, that I will pass along to you!  


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