Sunday, September 30, 2012


Yesterday was a day of 2's.

I got up early 2 meet my friend, Sherri, for breakfast.  The 2 of us could have chatted for hours.  I love her!

I was hoping 2 get 2 Topeka by 2:00... we were just a bit behind schedule.

Jack and Dad worked for 2 hours (or more) in the basement, looking for a short in the wiring.  They were unsuccessful.  :-(

We drove 2 Manhattan for DJ and Melissa's reception 2.0.  We were there just over 2 hours.  Here are a few pictures:
A beautiful table 2 welcome you 2 the reception!

Cake #2 - just as pretty as #1.

DJ and his 2 nephews.
I love this picture!
(photo by Julie Kuhlmann)

2 girls trying to decide what to eat first.
Annie and her friend, Grace.

First dance by the happy 2!
(photo by Julie Kuhlmann)

They had a photo booth.  You got 2 strips of pictures and glued one in the book with a message to the couple.  It was fun!  Annie and her friend Grace did it 2 times.

2 funny...

Annie and Grace.  (and Jerrod's photo bomb)

We got a call from Jake - finally after not hearing from him for over 24 hours - the band got 2nd Place in Class AA at the Bands of America Regional Championship in Denton, Texas.  He was cold and wet, but happy.  The finals were cancelled due 2 excessive rain and flooding.  

Check back... I will add photos when I get some.

We drove home, stopping 2 deliver Dad at home, picked up Mom's friend Beth and dropped her off at her house on our way out of town.  Beth had come over 2 keep Mom company while we were gone. 

We were all snug in our beds by 11:42 pm.  

----- TODAY -----

The new Youth/Children's Director, Elizabeth, started at church.  Annie really likes her!

Jack and I met with a couple members of the Staff Parish Committee at church.  Jack doesn't think anyone had been so open and honest.  We shared what's in our hearts.  We will still be attending Sunday School and the kids will go to Youth Group, but we have decided to worship elsewhere.  It was a hard conversation.  I cried, more than once.  It's been a tough decision for us but one we are confident is the best thing for our family at this time.           

Jack got the NFL Red Zone package.  He thoroughly enjoyed watching 2, 3, or 4 football games at once.  "It's WAY better than the NFL Sunday ticket for only $5.99 a month!" 

Jake got home much earlier than expected!

Here comes the buses!
Yeah!  They're home!!!

Look close - Jake is waving,
and giving me a thumbs up!

That's a lot of uniforms,  I sure hope they're dry.
> On the racks and away they go!

One last birthday present, from Leenie,
Bread and Butter Pickles!

 I am thankful to have my 2 kids home - safe and sound.  It was a busy weekend.  

I think it's time 2 go 2 bed.


Friday, September 28, 2012

The BIG day!

First - there was BIG news yesterday after I left...  Mom got her pink shoe!

Pink shoe = independence!
No more gait belt!  No more nurse shadow!
Woo Hoo!!

Annie had a half day of school today.  IF she would go... school gets out at 10:50am.  !?  What was I to do?  (whispered cheer - skip day, skip day, skip day!)  BUT skip day didn't equal sleep-in day.  No PJ day for Miss Anne.  We took Jake and his baggage to school at 6:30am.  On the way I asked if he was excited and he gave me a HUGE grinning "YES!"  We carried in some of his bags, it was a bit much to carry by himself.  Once inside I got a little dizzy.  (8-0)  It was like being on the inside of an ant farm!  Kids running here and there and Mr. Kirk barking orders - not really, he was giving directions.  Jake disappeared - then was back in a flash.  I was still holding one bag.  He frantically pointed and said, "right there!" came over, gave me a quick hug, flung open a tuba case and was out the door ahead of us.  I left with elevated blood pressure but a smile on my face.  I had forgotten my phone at home or I would have gotten a bunch of pictures.  Big Trip - Big Day!

It was nice having Annie's company this morning.  Our drive was foggy...
But not as foggy was Marlene's trip home!  

We arrived to find Dad sipping coffee and Mom in the middle of PT.  She did great!  She had a little trouble getting started but ALWAYS she finished strong!  The therapist, Katie, was quite impressed.  Before Katie left, Mom asked if she would get to walk out or have to ride in a wheelchair.  Katie quickly replied that she would gladly carry Mom's walker and she (MOM) would have to take the stairs.  LOL!  Mom told me later that she had gotten Katie's goat yesterday in therapy class, so Katie thought it would be funny to get even.  I asked Mom what she had said to Katie and Mom replied, "I have no idea?!"  :-)   

Working hard takes lots of concentration.

Marlene had left early - before 5:30am.  Dad got up even earlier and surprised them before Marlene left!  Crazy!  By mid-morning Dad was pooped and went home to take a nap.  

Mom got up and took a final victory lap around the floor.  When she got back I got her settled into her chair with her feet up and ice bags on her knee.  Therapy had been tougher than she thought and she asked for pain meds.  She hadn't taken anything since 11pm last night.  I hope she takes our chat with one of the nurses to heart and takes her pain meds before and after her outpatient PT.  She needs to stay ahead of the pain!

Resting comfortably.

The room got very quiet in no time.  Mom's breathing was slow and steady - Annie was reading - and I found a comfy spot and snuck in a little nap.  

Annie and I joined Mom in the dining room for lunch.  

Dad stopped back by on his way to his 1:00pm doctors appointment.  

Annie spent most of the day reading.

Dad was ready to get Mom home!

And Mom was ready to go!

Before we left Annie had a little fun.
"Going up!"

Dad left for his appointment (where he got a clean bill of health).  Scott came and picked up Mom.  She tried to convince the nurses he would be driving a hearse.  Ha ha!  He didn't, he was in Dad's truck.  

BUT finally...
She was home!

Take a deep breathe,
and release.

It was a BIG day!

(I just realized I can take panoramic photos with my phone!)

We just got a call from Jake.  All is well.  He's slept most of the trip.  They are about an hour and a half away from their destination.  The forecast calls for rain in Denton, Texas tomorrow. The band will perform - even in the rain - unless there's lightning.  If I get any pictures I will share tomorrow.  Prayers for travel mercies for the band and all families traveling would be appreciated.



Thursday, September 27, 2012


I dropped Annie and Shelby off at school and was on the road by 7:15am.  I continued to be thankful that I don't have to make this trek on a daily basis.  This morning the traffic was light but it felt more like the a speedway.  I played eye spy - but never found what I was looking for: 

German autobahn sign 

You might think I'm kidding but I was passed more than a dozen times and left in the dust.  I found it interesting that on the 3-lane sections most people drive in the center lane.  Only woman pass on the right, even if the left lane is open.  And men frequently spent more than just passing time in the left lane.  And the only police I saw - 3, yes three, police cars all together pulled over watching a man change his tire.  !?  It looked ridiculous from where I was sitting. I'm not criticizing, merely sharing my morning observations.

It was a little foggy but beautiful!

I was delighted to see Mom looking bright eyed and fresh as a daisy.  They got a very restful nights sleep and were up before 5am and got Mom into the shower.  She was a champion today!  Both OT and PT sessions were filled with compliments.  She was able to bend her knee to 90 degrees!  I huge feat!  She has a weak tolerance for pain medication and has only taken Tylenol.  The nurses didn't want her to overdue so gave her something stronger.  It works a little differently and would hopefully be easier on her stomach.  I wish I could remember what it was called because she didn't have any trouble (or at least she didn't appear to have any problems.)

No pictures today, thank you!
Don't her feet look great?

4 Pillows?  
I laughed because Mom doesn't use pillows.

She was waiting for her afternoon PT session and got to watch a little bit of Let's Make a Deal.  It's a show that she has really enjoyed lately.  I think her early morning caught up with her because as much as she wanted to watch it her eyes had another idea and soon she was resting peacefully.  It was hard to disturb her slumber when it was time for me to go, but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye.    

My drive home was straight out of the movie Convoy.  If only I'd had a CB radio... it would have been so COOL!  I loved that movie.  Other than semi's traffic was light.  And the time seemed to fly since I was traveling a bit faster than the trucks.  I'm sure that Marlene would be able to tell you exactly how many trucks she passed - she enjoys counting things.  I tried but am too easily distracted.  I must have started 5 times before I gave up.  Haha!  We each have our gifts, don't we.  :-)  I still can't get that tune out of my head.  

"Cause we got a great big convoy, 
rockin through the night,
Yeah, we've got a great big convoy,
ain't she a beautiful sight?"

Everybody sing - 

And you're welcome.  ;-) 
Jake had another late night.  He had much MUCH more homework than he lead me to believe earlier and he has a quiz and a test to study for.  :-(  

I did get him ready for his big band adventure tomorrow.  I'm excited for him!  And hoping he can catch up on his sleep on the bus ride.  

Annie is good.  Tired but good.  She's going with me to stay with Mom tomorrow.  For some reason unbeknownst to be elementary and middle schools only have a half day.  (Yes, I'm letter her skip.)  But no sleeping in for either of us.  We are taking the boys and all their stuff to school tomorrow and hitting the road at 6:30!

Sleep well!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Prayers for Mom

My Mom had knee replacement surgery yesterday.  She had her other knee done in 2007... and she was in no hurry to go through that mess again.  It was miserable last time.  Marlene is spending the nights with her - God Bless Her!  I am so thankful that Mom isn't going it alone.  I would gladly take a shift, but not being as medically savvy I'm not sure how much good I'd do.  Again, I'm so thankful for my sis!

This morning I drove over, bright and early.  It was raining.  I had forgotten how much I dislike rush hour traffic.  People are crazy; I saw the spectrum from overly aggressive to completely oblivious.  I saw people dressing, shaving and applying make up.  I am thankful I don't have to commute everyday.

< I could see signs of Fall.
> Traffic.  Blah! 

I spent my time in pray and song.  I had a wonderful co-pilot in spirit (Sarah) and we sang loud and long and enough that my throat hurt when I arrived at my destination.

< The state capital surrounded by scaffolding.

I arrived to find out that Mom and Marlene had had a very restless night.  :-(  I am certain that sleep deprivation was playing dirty little tricks.  The nurse came in and got Mom up and around resulting in her becoming extremely dizzy and nauseous.  :-(   It was a roller coaster of a day.  She had her ups and downs.  She's probably going to be mad that I'm posting so many pictures, but I hope she can look back and see all she accomplished.


I sent this picture to assure Sarah that her Gram had smiling moments!

< Mom walked back from afternoon therapy.
> AND walked down to dinner in the dining room!

Please pray that Mom has a restful night, strength and perseverance.  


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Where's the birthday boy?

Jake got up early... we had saved his cards to open today.  
and one last present.

I didn't get a single picture of him with his eyes open.

He it was barely light out when he walked to the bus stop.  I took him lunch.  One of the teachers said "NO outside food!  Only special occasions!"  Jake said he it made him really nervous and mumbled, "but it's my birthday."   The teacher quickly smiled and said "oh, ok then!"  

Jake joined German Club and had a meeting after school.  He didn't have any idea how long it would last.  I called him at a bit before 4pm.  After only one ring he whisper whined "MOM, I'm still in the meeting!"  Then he hung up.  It made me giggle.  I sent him a message suggesting I bring him food since it didn't make sense for him to come home for a few minutes and leave again.  He said, "that meeting was SO LONG!"  I frowned and asked, "did you like it?"  He said, "Oh YEAH, we have meetings once a month!  And an Octoberfest event coming up!"  ?  All righty then!  :-)  We sat in the car for a little bit longer.  He had a good day.  I hope I get to see him before 8:45pm... he's got homework!

So, here we sit with lemon bars and ice cream log and no birthday boy.  I know he's going to be hungry when he gets home.  But I'm not sure I can wait until then to cut into either one!

Annie has been having allergies.  She's hooked on a computer game called Mindcraft.  I think mostly boys play it, but she loves it.  

Jack got to see a flash mob today during a United Way event at work over lunch.  He said it was pretty cool.  He was really really excited when I told him there was ice cream cake in the freezer.  Uh oh, that was a mistake!  Now it's going to be a challenge keeping him out of it before Jake gets home.   ;-)

My Mom had knee replacement surgery today.  All went well, but please pray for a strength and a quick recovery.  

I FOUND HIM!  He got home at 8:15pm.

< One more for the record books!
> And a final wish.

We ate cake!  He did homework.  We watched Parenthood together - he wasn't ready for his birthday to be over.  And he was curious to see if I was going to cry.  :-)

Blessings to all!


Jake's celebration continues

Yesterday was another early morning... 
if I had taken it from the other direction it would have looked much darker.

Happy Monday!  I took Jake out for driving lesson #2.
We ventured out of the parking lot and into a nearby neighborhood.  He did great.  I didn't raise my voice at all.

I know it's a day early, but we celebrated Jake's birthday tonight.  (He had band practice tomorrow night from 5-8pm.)  I offered to make him anything he wanted and guess what he chose... Dominos Pizza.  !?  Well, ok then.  

And what's a celebration without presents?
some fun from Annie.

A new longboard (skateboard)
with upgraded wheels and trucks.

And new shoes!

Sweet ride!
(I sound like dork when I say it, but oh well.)

Jake finished the evening requesting a haircut from his Dad.

I started this last night - then got distracted and went to bed.   Suzy decided she needed to go out - in the rain - so I'm multitasking. 

I haven't blogged much about Annie lately -
she's doing good.  School is work this year but that's ok.
I found an awful picture of her tonight, sorry I can't share it.
She wanted me to delete it but I couldn't because it made us ALL laugh too hard.

I am so thankful for my family...
and the sound of our laughter!

Today, I shall make cake!
