Sunday, April 7, 2013

sunshine and rain

A few days ago I left the front door open 
and Suzy snoozed in the sunshine all afternoon.

We made our first trip of the season to the dog park yesterday.  We were expecting to see lots of mud - but saw none.  It's so hard to believe just a two weeks ago it was buried under 8 inches of snow.  Suzy loved it but after just one lap she was ready to go.  I love the walk but admit she makes me a bit apprehensive when her old sassy girl comes out and gets snippy with other dogs.  She stops and the hair on her back stands up on her back and she bolts to oncoming K9.  She is so protective.

Suzy waiting patiently for us to catch up..

We went to Grand Avenue Temple this morning.  

After worship we served lunch at Lazarus Table.  It's always a humbling experience.    

The kids were talking to Elizabeth (the youth pastor) about a movie that is coming out soon.  I can't remember the name of it but the premise is one day a year crime is legal.  Annie... she'd eat brownies.  You know, the funny kind.  !?  NOT AT ALL what we expected her to say.   Jake would rob a bank, then change his mind and said he'd burn something down.  He's such a pyromaniac.  He added he thought it meant you had to break a commandment.  We all laughed when Jack said he'd turn right on red at 87th and 69 Highway (where he'd gotten a ticket a few weeks ago.)  I don't know what I'd do, probably just stay home and stay safe!

We returned home and Annie went to a friend's house.  Jack went to the driving range.  I did laundry.  Jake watched tv - then we both took naps.  

We had our first spring thunderstorm this evening.  It started to rain as Jack was taking dinner off the grill.  It was complete with lightning and thunder.  Ahh!  I loved it!  
A picture of severe thunderstorm moving through downtown.
Crazy purple sky.

And finally, a cute picture. 
(I hope it makes you smile!)

Annie has been camera shy.  I'm hoping to get a picture of her soon.  ;-)


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