Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Back in the swing...

Spring Break is over.  We are all back into our routines - with the exception of the kids now need to be awakened in the morning.  ?  Not long ago they would get themselves up and around.  NOW, Jack or I have to lug ourselves out of bed (several times) in an effort to get them moving.  I don't like it!  It doesn't help that Jake has late arrival on Thursdays and usually goes out to breakfast with Jack.  Wednesday night ends with "don't forget - I don't want you to wake me up until after 7!"  (eye roll)  I can't tell you how many times I've asked them to set their alarms.  Ugh!  We've fallen into some bad habits!  I am open to any suggestions, if anyone has some advice they want to share!

Jack played his first round of golf of the season.  Unfortunately, it didn't pan out like he'd hoped.  He had some great drives but had a tough time with his short game.  :-(  Bummer.  I'm certain it will come around.  It just takes time.

I got an email from the band director about a band leadership meeting.  They are asking everyone to attend, then anyone interested writes an essay and try outs will be a few days later.  I was surprised and excited to hear that Jake wants to try out.  Leadership is made up of one person from each section to act as team leader during marching band.  Jake has said he wanted to be on the leadership team but I didn't expect him to want to do it until his Junior year.  No matter what, I think it will be a great learning experience.

Annie is participating in a program called Girls on Track.  It's a school sponsored group that talks about health and wellness and they run for fun.  They meet twice a week.  Today, Annie ran a mile.  She and her friend, Arden, are the only 8th grade girls.  They joined at the request of the librarian, who one of the coaches and they both love dearly.  At the end of their session they will run a 5k.  I hope I can keep up with her at the Color Run in June.  :-)

In full disclosure - I am on the verge of an anxiety attack.  I am hosting Bunko tomorrow night.  And instead of cleaning or tidying or cooking, I am procrastinating by reading blogs and writing this...

Deep sigh!

Ok, enough said.  Sleep tight!


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