Saturday, April 13, 2013

It's not running - just super speedy walking

Jake and I started our day with a long walk.
Jake ran most of the 5k - I walked most of it.

Jake and Mrs. Bormann, his 4th grade teacher. 
Muscles for Myotonic was created in memory her daughter, Anna.

If they would have called it a "fun run" it would have cost an additional $3k.
So the "runners" were classified as Super Speedy Walkers.
Jake conveniently stepped back behind the sign just as I snapped this.

Heritage Park
It started off sunny but got windy and chilly before the walk started.

Muscles for Myotonic was created to raise awareness and raise funds for myotonic dystrophy research programs.  It's a congenital disorder that took the life of Mrs. Bormann's six week old Anna - when Jake was in her class. 

So, what do you do on a Saturday after a brisk morning walk?  Take a nap, of course.

Jack and I had plans to meet some old coworkers from Sprint North Supply.  I don't know why I agree to go to these things.  I'm comfortable in small groups but a large group of strangers... ugh, makes me anxious.  I knew 3 people out of 30.  THANKFULLY, we couldn't stay long - Jake had another event.  

Solo / Ensemble Festival
at Olathe South High School 
This was the warm up area - SO LOUD!

Mr. Banks helped Jake get tuned and ready.
Mr. Banks is Jake's instructor for private lessons.

We had some time to kill so Jake asked Jack some music questions.
It wasn't fair because Jack has no clue about music.
The laughter was good medicine - 
no one was particularly nervous but it still helped pass the time.

Mr. Banks and Mr. Longabaugh (Asst. Director @ BVW) met us a few minutes before Jake's assigned time.  His name was called but... his accompanist wasn't there yet.  As it turned out she was playing for 19 other students and spent most of her day running from one to the next.  We waited long enough that even Jack was getting nervous.  Jake said he was calm and cool but I could tell he the longer we waited... finally she showed up and they walked in immediately.  Jack and I could have gone in but I didn't want to add to Jake's nerves.  We stood right outside the door.  The judge didn't give Jake time for the introduction and did it himself, which threw Jake off a bit.  And then they were off.  Jake did a great job.  There were a couple times when I looked at Jack but we stood quietly.  Jake came out looking nervous, his entourage in toe all smiling.  We waited for the score to be posted.  We ran into some friends from other schools and had some good visits.  We saw an additional sheet posted and the last score was the group before Jake.  Ugh!  More waiting.  We listened to several choirs.  We waited some more.  Finally, we saw the director and he said we were brave to wait.  Jake really wanted to be the first one to see his rating.  The director was standing near us and asked the assistant if he'd seen Jake's score.  He had... he got a 1!  There were several cheers for Jake - but Jake was in the gym chatting with friends.  Mr. Longabaugh went to tell Jake and I tried to hide my excitement.  I couldn't do it.  Jake walked out with mixed emotions - excited and disappointed, knowing we had already heard.  It couldn't dampen our excitement and pride.  Now, he will perform again in two weeks at the State Competition in Emporia.  Woo Hoo!  Yeah Jake!!  Unfortunately, that means he won't get to go on his Science Camp-out.  :-(  BUT I'm sure there will be other opportunities to go catch snakes.  !?    

I had asked you to keep Matt and Annie (friends of Matt and Sarah's) in your prayers.  Matt was arrested in Denver on Thursday.  Matt is currently in a mental health ward - heavily sedated.  It is a very sad situation.  Please continue to pray for him and his family.  I would also ask that you pray for Sarah and Matt.  They are having a very hard time coming to the terms with the whole situation.  


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