Wednesday, April 17, 2013

rain, rain, go away

I took both kids to school in the fog and dankness.  It was supposed to warm up but it never did and the although the fog lifted the day never lost its... blah.  

Our little preschoolers are in desperate need of sunshine and outside recess.  We went to the gym today but with risers and stage set up for a choir concert were too tempting for some.  Ugh.  They really do need time to run and scream and it pains me to squash that fun.  But I did.  We finger painted with "pudding" - well, it was supposed to be pudding but we didn't have any, so we mixed cocoa and water.  We only had one student try to eat it.  He was VERY disappointed and would have detached his tongue and rinse it off rather than get a drink of water.  I hope we haven't ruined chocolate for him.  

Jake and the concert band went to large group competition today.  He thinks it went well, but has no idea how they scored.  I can't remember if I told you or not but he had a Geometry test last week he got 100% and now has a B in the class.  Woohoo!  If you recall he started off the semester tanking a test.  It's been an uphill battle but he's worked hard and its paid off.  :-)  Great job, Jake!!  Less than 5 weeks of school left, keep up the great work buddy!  I can hear Honor Roll calling your name.  ;-)

Annie said her tests went well today.  Her running club got cancelled today due to the rain.  They have started running outside and she's enjoyed it.  Would she enroll in it again?  Probably not, but she's making the most of it.

Jack didn't have golf tonight.  Bummer.  He also found out today that he did not get the job he had interviewed for.  He's disappointed, of course, mostly because he had gotten his hopes up.  He was certain he'd gotten it.  When he heard the news I'm pretty sure all the color left his face.  And I'm pretty sure the guy that told him will never turn someone down in person, opting instead to send an email.  I hope it will be a funny story someday.  I am confident that there will be another opportunity soon.  

I haven't heard from Renee, but she's been on my mind all day.  Our dads are close in age and their birthdays are only a day apart.  I can't imagine.  My mind has been as foggy as the day.  I continue to keep them close in prayer.  And the tune running on auto play in my head has been one of my favorite hymns, When We All Get to Heaven.  While I truly believe the words I know there will be many tears shed between now and then...


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