Monday, April 1, 2013

Not a typical Monday

My family LOVES chocolate covered strawberries!  
While doing a bit of shopping at Sam's Club on Saturday I saw them unloading a pallet of fresh strawberries and decided I must get some.  Not far down the aisle I found a sample station with strawberries and this product.     
Ok, I'm sold.  I'll try it.  

We made some yesterday.  And again tonight.  YUM!  Jack's comment was "BEST we've ever had!"  Seriously!  Super easy to make and SO good!

We all had a MUCH better Monday.  My class had a near perfect morning.  (Thank you, God!)  Jack had a good Monday, not great but good.  Jake had a test in Geometry and said it went really well and some the questions were the same as on the practice test.  Annie had a good day at school.  If you aren't aware, Annie hates April Fool's Day... hates it with a burning passion.  One of her friends pranked some boys with toothpaste filled oreos.  (They didn't even know and said they tasted like regular Oreos.)  She did get pranked after school by Jake - with my help.  He had put a rubber band around the kitchen sink sprayer and I asked her to get me a cup of water so I could take something for a headache.  She got soaked and was fuming mad.  FUMING!    

Jake wasn't done with his pranks.  He put tape across a couple doorways.   I told Annie if he got me on something I was going to scream in terror to try to scare him.  We left the sprayer set up - in an attempt to get Jack.  Unfortunately, the only person that got wet was me, TWICE!  Lol!  And yes, I screamed both times because I had forgotten.  Ugh!  (Annie told me I was not allowed to complain.)

My friend, Katie, loves April Fool's day!  She got pranked last year by a girl that set her up to receive fun facts for cat loves via text messages.  She decided to get her back this year and put up Free puppy signs with this girls telephone number.  I told her I'd make a call for her, so we did it as soon as the students left this morning.  I called the number and proceeded to talk as fast as I could about how I really needed a puppy as soon as possible, I would drive to where ever she was and rambled on and on with rapid fire questions - what color is it?  Black, white, brown?  Oh, I hope it's black, but it doesn't really matter, I just really need a puppy and I need to pick it up before my kids get home from school... it was hilarious!  I am a great accomplice. 

I don't usually get into the festivities of April Fool's.  Usually I'm the fool, not the prankster but I did get into it this year.  I sent this picture to Jack... 
My text said; 'UGH!  Not again!'

I don't want to jinx myself, but several months ago I had two lights lit on the dash.  I told Jack, if three warning lights are on I want a new car.  After I sent the text/picture I didn't hear from Jack for 40 minutes, so I sent another text - 'You didn't call, so we're walking home.'  He called 10 minutes later.  I was at Wal-Mart checking out so I had to call him back.  (Which threw a wrench in my plan.)  When I called him back he was mad and confused and full of questions.  I did my best to cover but when I heard the distress in his voice I couldn't continue the joke.  It was too close to reality.  And my laughter got the best of me.

I'm a little nervous about going upstairs to bed.  I won't be surprised if Jake set up another booby trap. I guess I'll just scream and wake everyone up if he did.  Ha.  On second thought, that would put Annie in a foul mood and Jake would probably sleep through it.  

I hope your Monday gave you at least on giggle.


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