Thursday, April 11, 2013


Jake had to be at school at 6:00 a.m.  Concert Band had a festival at another area high school and since it's late arrival day they started early so that all involved could be back to their home schools before their second class.  He said it went well but came home exhausted.  He had homework but I told him to take a 45 minute nap and a quick shower before he got started.  He complained that it wasn't enough time but I didn't want him to sleep the day away and be up all night.  He had a meeting tonight from 6:30-8:30 about a science camp-out at the end of the month.  I think he said there are 75 students (for all 5 BV high schools) signed up to go to Southeast Kansas.  Tonight, they learned how to identify poisonous snakes and plants.  He is so excited!

Annie had an ortho appointment in the middle of the day.  She grabbed some lunch and then wanted to go home and brush her teeth.  Did you know fries, chicken and watermelon toothpaste taste weird together?  Ha ha!  Good to know.  She got a new wire and light blue bands.  I asked her to take a picture of herself but she didn't feel like it.  Then she proceeded to look at herself in the mirror until I pulled up in front of her school.  (I held in my giggles.)  Tonight, she went with her group to a play at the high school.  It was called The Dining Room and they all got to sit on the stage - in the round.  She said it was AWESOME and kinda sad!   

Jack's finger is doing much better.  I am thankful that he was able to get up and take Jake to school so early and also drive Annie's carpool.  He doesn't usually do early morning stuff - but I truly appreciated that he did today!  I couldn't have done it.  

I started feeling better this afternoon.  I had a long list of to-do's for youth group.  Meal planning.  Organizing a fundraiser.  I sent out close to 40 emails.  I still need to find youth volunteers for the Legacy BBQ but I didn't want it to get overlooked so I will send it in a few days.  It's written and draft saved, so it will be quick.  

A friend of Sarah and Matt's is in trouble.  I would ask that you keep Matt (and his wife, Annie) in your prayers.  I don't know exactly what's going on but hope and pray it's a something that can be worked out.  


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