Friday, April 5, 2013

Big Band Benefit

Tonight Jack, Jake and I went to the BVWest Jazz Big Band Benefit.  It's a special event that showcases the Jazz Bands from the two feeder middle schools, as well as the two high school jazz bands.  It's a big fundraiser for the entire band and helps off set costs of marching band.  There was also a silent auction.  And feature performance by Monique Danielle, a local jazz performer.  She was amazing!  Her pitch was perfect!  It was a bit sad that most in attendance didn't stick around to listen to her.  Jake isn't in jazz band but he really enjoyed the event and made time to talk to Monique Danielle at the end.  A great time was had by all of us.

Annie stayed home and had a friend over.  Jack sent her a text at one point, just to check in.  No response.  I said, don't send her a text message to the home phone, it really freaks her out.  And what do you think he did?  (Ugh!)  Yes, he sent her a text to land line message... it rings the home phone and then a recording speaks the message.  His message?  I'm watching you.  (exactly what I asked him NOT to say).  (eye roll!)  His mission was accomplished and Annie called in no time.  The only saving grace was that I'm watching you - spoken by a machine just doesn't translate well.  Jack talked to Annie and was laughing saying "we" this and "we" that.  I took the phone and put all the blame where it belonged - on HIM!  When we got home and I told her that I had asked him not to, her response was "MOM, you never tell him not to do something!  He has the maturity level of a 5 year old!"  Ha! Ha!

Who's ready for the weekend?



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