Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Annie and...

I haven't talked much about Annie lately.  She's doing great - she is studying hard and is back to straight A's.  She has two tests tomorrow, so I had to promise to make my picture taking quick.  
Annie in her favorite spot.

Yesterday Annie was watching her crime shows - she loves CSI and Criminal Minds.  I asked if she ever thought about going into criminal investigation in college.   She said, "no, I just like the shows."  I shared that I could totally see her as the quirky, super smart girl behind the computer.  She could work for the FBI.  I said, " but not if you ever eat funny brownies."  (You know what I'm talking about if you'd read my April 7th blog entry.)  I winked.  She was appalled.  tee hee!

Here's Jake filling out his first job application.   

I sat with Jake while he filled out the application.  Unfortunately, I hadn't even thought about preparing him with references, so he made a few telephone calls.  When he was finished, I excused myself and he survived his  first interview.  And... he got his first summer job!  Yeah!  He will be working at Parkwood Day School.  He will work 20 hours a week - do dishes, clean up, whatever they ask.  He's super excited.  He's gonna be one busy guy.  :-)

In other Jake news - he was the only BVW freshman that received a 1 rating on Saturday.   Woo hoo!  Yes, I am one proud mama.  ;-)

No news on Jack's job front.  Hopefully tomorrow.  (I remember hearing once it's not good to pray for patience - because that is when your patience is tested.)

Prayers - I have a few requests.  In addition to our nation, please continue to pray for Matt, Annie and their boys (Sarah's friends) and my friend Renee's father, Bob, is in failing health and Hospice has been called (Renee is my old roommate).  Thank you!


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