Monday, April 15, 2013


I had a wonderful visit with my sister last night.  I had left her a voicemail message with all my news so I just listened and enjoyed hers.  She always has the best stories... she definitely has the knack that I was not given.  I can write stories.  She remembers the details like they were yesterday and can make it seem like you were there - no matter the story.  Sometimes, well most of the time, I wish I had her gift.  I am so thankful for her!  Not sometimes, ALWAYS!

The kids didn't have school today - Professional Development Day for staff.  So, I had to go to training this morning. (Yesterday, I had done some laundry and asked the kids to take their folded pile upstairs when they went to bed.)  This morning I came down and found their piles - right where I had placed them.  :-(  What's a Mom to do?  Wake up her sleeping teenagers, of course.  I told them they could go back to bed.  After they went down and took care of their clothes.  When I got home from my training the piles had been relocated, to their rooms. I asked if the piles could be put away.  Deep sigh.  Sometimes... 

Sometimes I get into conversations with the kids and topics come up out of no where.  Well, today we had one such conversation.  Jake made a comment about a catheter.  There had been a commercial on tv that brought up the subject.  Without being too graphic he thought is was something that "slips on"... like a condom.  I could not hold in my laughter.  I set him straight saying the tube goes in - not on.  Jake's eyes about popped out of his head and he somehow mustered "OH!  Um, gross!"  Annie and I got a good laugh out of it.  

Sometimes things happen that just can't be explained, like the explosions in Boston today.  I have no words.  All I can do is pray.  I can't imagine.  It's always nice to hear about awesome people when things like this happen... "reports of marathon runners that crossed finish line and continued to run to Mass General Hospital to give blood to victims."  Lord, hear our prayers.  My heart goes out to everyone in Boston.

We are starting a new book in Sunday School.  It's called Too Busy NOT to Pray by Bill Hybels.  There is a passage in the first chapter that says "when we work, we work.  But when we pray, God works."  May God work through our prayers and may our ears be open to hear his message.  


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