Sunday, April 28, 2013

Quite a day! (a day later)

Yesterday was quite a day... it was exciting and exhausting and by 9:00 p.m. it was down right brutal.  Here's a little recap:

Friday night we planned on all going to bed early.  I went to sleep without any trouble around 10:30 p.m., the kids were already fast asleep.  In true form... I woke up just after midnight.  WIDE awake.  I tried to go back to sleep without any luck.  I was awake til 2 something.  Annie has set her alarm and got up at 3:00 a.m.  I got up sometime after that and sat with her until she was picked up at 3:35 a.m.  They had strict instructions to be at school at 3:45 to depart for Branson, for a music festival.  (Why so early you ask?  They were slotted to sing at 8:30 a.m. and 9:40 a.m.  More about Annie later.)   I laid back down but I don't think I went back to sleep.  I got Jake up at a little after 5:00 a.m., I got up and around, too.  Jake had to be at school at 5:45 a.m., his bus left at 6:00 for Emporia.  
Early morning in the rain...
it was kind of a spooky ghost town drive.

I came home and fell fast asleep - hard sleep.  I woke up at 7:48!  Eek!  We were supposed to leave at 8:00!  I showered and got ready in record time.  

First stop!  Bud Brown Volkswagon in Olathe.  I have been itching for a new (to me) car.  My car has been doing great lately but... anyway, Jack had found a car he wanted to look at on-line.  We knew we wouldn't have time to test drive it, we just wanted a peak.  We sat in a 2013 VW Passat.  We had spent Friday evening in Independence looking at Ford's, test drove a Taurus, which was not what we had originally been looking at either.  I had thought I wanted a new Ford Fusion.  We even sat down with the sales guy and filled out all the paper work but they weren't willing to work with us on a trade and we ended up walking out.  No worries, it just wasn't right.  I was just excited that we had the ball rolling and I knew I wanted to test drive more cars.
Emporia bound...

Second stop!  Emporia State University.  Blue Valley West had 14 students participating in the State Solo/Ensemble Festival.  We found Jake and his full entourage turned out to support him.  Our group included Jack and I, my folks, Marlene and Dave and my nephew, Christopher who is attending ESU.  Jake did a great job, despite us all being in the room with him - along with one of his teachers and two friends, or the fact that his accompanist playing a broken piano, he had to make a last minute dash down stairs to get his extra copy of music for the judge and watching the girl before him come out in tears.  When Jake finished we all clapped and even the judge said, "good job!"  As we walked out Jake had sweat coming down his face and said it wasn't his best.  His teacher, Mr. Kirk thought he might have had some air restricted because he'd buttoned the top button of his shirt.  We all gathered in the hall except for Dave.  He had stayed back to visit with the judge.  I joked that he was schmoozing him up.  I didn't take any pictures - shame on me!
Great job, Jake!

And a close up...

We enjoyed out time together and had several moments of "oh how I wish I would have had a camera ready to capture that."  Dave said that the first time when she and Dave got out the their car and I asked "where's Mom and Dad?"  I had misunderstood that they were riding together, even though that made no sense because it was out of the way.  It's funny to think back now about directing my folks to our location and after a few scenic route turns they made it.  At one point I was standing on a street corner waving my hands, while on the phone with them saying "don't turn until you see me" and they still turned a block too early.  At lunch Jack and Dave gave poor Chris a hard time about this and that and girls and dating.  Jack being a true trouble maker leaned over and whispered something to Christopher about not taking dating advise from Dave.  Then Christopher said, "you dated Shelia?" (my brother's wife).  Another "oh how I wish I would have had a camara ready" moment for sure.  I think Chris was in shock and said "my mind is blown!"  He had never heard that before.  I don't know who's face was funnier - Dave's or Chris'.  Another photo opportunity missed and I didn't take any pictures of us all together.  :-(  Nevertheless, it was so fun to be there and celebrate Jake.  After lunch we all went our separate ways and Chris headed back to campus with us.  Jake was anxious to see how he did.  His score wasn't posted yet so he went off to find friends and we took Christopher home.  We came back to pick up Jake and he called to tell me he'd gotten a "1"!  He was so excited!  
One exhausted guy!

Stop three!  (quick stop) Back home.  Jake planned on joining the youth for the 30 hour famine but they were at a move, so he took a nap and enjoyed some peace and quiet.

Stop four!  Car wash for a final clean up, just in case.
And she looked great!

Stop five!  Back to the VW dealer.  We asked them to look at my car while we took a test drive.  We tested - of all things - the cup holders by stopping at McDonald's and getting a drink.  Jack didn't drive it.  Back to the dealership we went.  I was excited but trying to hold it in.  I knew if it didn't work out I would in time.  There was no hassling on the price - it was a great deal and Jack knew it.  There was some negotiating on the trade.  And I was prepared to walk, if necessary.  We could sell it ourselves and I didn't want to get the new one before the old one was gone.  We did a LOT of waiting.  Thankfully, they gave us a number that was acceptable - not great, but acceptable.  More waiting.  They were cleaning up my car and the finance guy was busy.  When it was time and we signed our names at least as many times as we did when we bought the house.  Each and every page had to be explained.  I was getting tired and hungry.  Finally, we were done!  Finally!  And they couldn't find the car keys.  It was comical.  Poor Brian, our sales guy couldn't catch a break.  I got the giggles.  They were able to find one.  Brian said, one of you get in the front and one in the back and I will go over all the knobs and buttons and features... so Jack got in the front passenger seat.  Lol!  (We were all tired.)  Jack apologized and hopped in back.  Wow, it was a lot to take in!  I asked about the owners manual... "hmm, it must be inside with the other key."  Poor guy.  He offered to bring them to me on Monday, but I said I could come back and get both.  As it turns out I still have a valet key.
Past and future...

Stop six! (quick stop) Home to get Jake.

Stop seven!  Church.  Dropped Jake off for the 30 Hour Famine.  He hadn't eaten since lunch, so he was participating even though he wasn't with them.

Stop eight!  A quiet dinner.  Both of us were too tired to talk.  I had hit a wall.

Stop nine!  HOME!  I was fast asleep by 9 p.m.

Jack stayed awake - bless his heart.  

Stop ten!  Jack picked up Annie and our neighbor boy at 11:50 p.m.  

I woke up in a panic just after midnight asking if Annie was home.  He said, "she's probably already asleep."  And I went right back to sleep as well... 

Annie had a great day.  They students were on three different buses.  The director was on Annie's bus and made it very clear, if the sun isn't shining the bus will be quiet.  :-)  They watched a movie on the way down - yes, in the middle of the night!  After they sang at College of the Ozarks they went to Silver Dollar City and except for getting her thumb smooshed when a bar dropped on it when her friend hopped up to put a water bottle away before going on a ride - she had fun.  One of her friends, Maggie, had never been on a roller coaster before so that was exciting.  It started raining really hard on one ride and they got soaked but that didn't dampen their spirits or fun.  They attended an awards ceremony at 5:00.  Her combined choir got a "1" rating and came in 2nd.  Her ladies choir also got a "1" rating and came in 2nd.  She noted that the group that came in first in combined only had two points taken off.  They left soon after that and stopped in Springfield to eat dinner.  She slept a little bit on the way back but "not much."  And she's done talking about her day and has requested, "no more questions, ok!?"  Ok, then!  

Wow, what a day.  I'm tired again just from writing about it.  ;-)


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Peacefully into the night

Renee sent me a message late last night, her Dad passed away peacefully.  His suffering is finally over.

Please continue to keep Renee and her family in your prayers.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Looking for good news

My friend, Katie, has been talked several times about a place she likes to look at for good news.  Good News is a section of the Huffington Post, found under Healthy Living.

This video brought a smile to my face and I love the music...

That it for now.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Dress shopping

Lauren, Jack's cousin, is getting married in October.  Annie is a junior bridesmaid.  Today, we went shopping for the bridesmaid dresses.  As we drove over I reminded Annie that part of being a bridesmaid is not having an option of what she's asked to try on or wear, "just smile and do it."  They started out looking for purple dresses.  There was one sparkly dress that Annie turned her nose up at saying, "I'll do anything but sequins."  :-)  Annie looked adorable in everything she tried on.  At one point Lauren asked the girls to come out in their favorite dress.  

This was Annie's favorite purple dress.

Then they looked at gray dresses.

This is Annie's favorite, it's pewter.
It has pockets.

and with shoe...
they only had one.  

It's purple.
Super cute!

And the final line up...
Brittany - Maid of Honor - in Canary
Shelby - in pewter - her dress matches Annie's
Kayla - in mercury
and Annie

They'll carry purple flowers.

And they'll all have their hair up for the wedding.

Lauren's colors are purple, yellow and gray.

One big check mark off the bride-to-be's to-do list.  


Saturday, April 20, 2013

It's a start

Today was the day.  The day to get my hands dirty and start...   

Jake helped by clearing some of the rocks and bulbs out of the flower bed. 

I trimmed the bushes and magnolia tree.  

Jack helped, too.

I did quite a number on the red barberry bush next to the big rock. 
Every few years I trim it back to almost nothing.
And it always comes back strong and beautiful.

I still have a lot of work to do.  I want to tear out all the plants.  The grape hyacinth has gotten out of control.  I'm saving all the bulbs - wowza, does anyone want/need any?  I have plenty to share.  I don't see much of the clematis coming back, yet.  Maybe it's too early and cold still.  I will wait a little longer.  It's one of my favorites and I would love to save it.  I am really excited to get this project started.  I'm not exactly sure what I want to put in... there are so many choices.  

We had a great visit with our neighbors to the east, Cody and Sam.  They had some dirt and LOTs of plants and trees dropped off today.  Jake get a shovel and helped out.  They are wanting the back yard to look like Colorado. I can't wait to see it when it's finished.  They are also thinking of putting in a fire pit, which we will all be excited to see.

Jack grilled flank steak for dinner.  It was delicious!

This week at school our theme is Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, so I brought home a little homework.
It's my favorite!!
I'm serious.


Friday, April 19, 2013


I follow a couple blogs...

This one was just too good not to share.

Meg is awesome.  She loves God.  She has FIVE kids.  Five!  Yikes.  She lives on a farm near Newton, Kansas.  I can't even remember how I found her, but she is so real and full of wisdom.  I find so many similarities, specifically sleeplessness.  But mines not from worry, right now.  I don't know how I can be so tired and still unable to stay asleep?  

(deep sign)

God and I love my kids.  (And you and your kids.)  And he's not done with any of us yet.  We are all works in progress.  I'm certain there are days when God looks at me and asks 'WHY ARE YOU MAKING THIS SO HARD?'  I've said it a time or two myself lately - about parenthood.  But all too soon my teenagers will be gone and I will be sad and miss them terribly.  So, I will find a way to appreciate where I'm at... hug them tight, kiss them goodnight and good morning.  Love them through it all.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

a little pew

Yesterday, I was looking for a kitchen table on Craigslist.  I don't need a new kitchen table.  I don't, but I was thinking I might want a round one.  I typed kitchen table in the search box and the first thing that popped up was a church pew.  !  ?  It made me laugh.  I've always wanted a pew.  SO, of course, I HAD to look at it.  It was small and cute and I could picture it in my entry way.  But, I didn't call on it.  And if your wondering, I didn't look at any kitchen tables.

Today, Sarah and I were chatting.  She was looking through a catalog and trying to find something for their entryway.  She sent me this picture and said, "cute right?"  
Super cute.

And the bench looks a little familiar, doesn't it!?  I started thinking about that little pew again.  I told Sarah about it and told her where I wanted to put it.  She asked what I was going to do with my white bench... ???  :-)  I'm taking it to her when the kids and I go out in June.  Perfect for everyone.

Jack and I drove down to Hillsdale and picked it up tonight.  And the little pew has a new home.  
I love it!

I read something recently that said, when you buy pieces for your home make sure it makes a statement and says something about who you are or where you come from.  I think this little pew says a lot.  And I'm so thankful it found it's way to me.

Please continue to pray... for West, Texas and Boston... for Renee, her Dad and her family... Matt, Annie and their boys... and for our world.  


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

rain, rain, go away

I took both kids to school in the fog and dankness.  It was supposed to warm up but it never did and the although the fog lifted the day never lost its... blah.  

Our little preschoolers are in desperate need of sunshine and outside recess.  We went to the gym today but with risers and stage set up for a choir concert were too tempting for some.  Ugh.  They really do need time to run and scream and it pains me to squash that fun.  But I did.  We finger painted with "pudding" - well, it was supposed to be pudding but we didn't have any, so we mixed cocoa and water.  We only had one student try to eat it.  He was VERY disappointed and would have detached his tongue and rinse it off rather than get a drink of water.  I hope we haven't ruined chocolate for him.  

Jake and the concert band went to large group competition today.  He thinks it went well, but has no idea how they scored.  I can't remember if I told you or not but he had a Geometry test last week he got 100% and now has a B in the class.  Woohoo!  If you recall he started off the semester tanking a test.  It's been an uphill battle but he's worked hard and its paid off.  :-)  Great job, Jake!!  Less than 5 weeks of school left, keep up the great work buddy!  I can hear Honor Roll calling your name.  ;-)

Annie said her tests went well today.  Her running club got cancelled today due to the rain.  They have started running outside and she's enjoyed it.  Would she enroll in it again?  Probably not, but she's making the most of it.

Jack didn't have golf tonight.  Bummer.  He also found out today that he did not get the job he had interviewed for.  He's disappointed, of course, mostly because he had gotten his hopes up.  He was certain he'd gotten it.  When he heard the news I'm pretty sure all the color left his face.  And I'm pretty sure the guy that told him will never turn someone down in person, opting instead to send an email.  I hope it will be a funny story someday.  I am confident that there will be another opportunity soon.  

I haven't heard from Renee, but she's been on my mind all day.  Our dads are close in age and their birthdays are only a day apart.  I can't imagine.  My mind has been as foggy as the day.  I continue to keep them close in prayer.  And the tune running on auto play in my head has been one of my favorite hymns, When We All Get to Heaven.  While I truly believe the words I know there will be many tears shed between now and then...


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Annie and...

I haven't talked much about Annie lately.  She's doing great - she is studying hard and is back to straight A's.  She has two tests tomorrow, so I had to promise to make my picture taking quick.  
Annie in her favorite spot.

Yesterday Annie was watching her crime shows - she loves CSI and Criminal Minds.  I asked if she ever thought about going into criminal investigation in college.   She said, "no, I just like the shows."  I shared that I could totally see her as the quirky, super smart girl behind the computer.  She could work for the FBI.  I said, " but not if you ever eat funny brownies."  (You know what I'm talking about if you'd read my April 7th blog entry.)  I winked.  She was appalled.  tee hee!

Here's Jake filling out his first job application.   

I sat with Jake while he filled out the application.  Unfortunately, I hadn't even thought about preparing him with references, so he made a few telephone calls.  When he was finished, I excused myself and he survived his  first interview.  And... he got his first summer job!  Yeah!  He will be working at Parkwood Day School.  He will work 20 hours a week - do dishes, clean up, whatever they ask.  He's super excited.  He's gonna be one busy guy.  :-)

In other Jake news - he was the only BVW freshman that received a 1 rating on Saturday.   Woo hoo!  Yes, I am one proud mama.  ;-)

No news on Jack's job front.  Hopefully tomorrow.  (I remember hearing once it's not good to pray for patience - because that is when your patience is tested.)

Prayers - I have a few requests.  In addition to our nation, please continue to pray for Matt, Annie and their boys (Sarah's friends) and my friend Renee's father, Bob, is in failing health and Hospice has been called (Renee is my old roommate).  Thank you!


Monday, April 15, 2013


I had a wonderful visit with my sister last night.  I had left her a voicemail message with all my news so I just listened and enjoyed hers.  She always has the best stories... she definitely has the knack that I was not given.  I can write stories.  She remembers the details like they were yesterday and can make it seem like you were there - no matter the story.  Sometimes, well most of the time, I wish I had her gift.  I am so thankful for her!  Not sometimes, ALWAYS!

The kids didn't have school today - Professional Development Day for staff.  So, I had to go to training this morning. (Yesterday, I had done some laundry and asked the kids to take their folded pile upstairs when they went to bed.)  This morning I came down and found their piles - right where I had placed them.  :-(  What's a Mom to do?  Wake up her sleeping teenagers, of course.  I told them they could go back to bed.  After they went down and took care of their clothes.  When I got home from my training the piles had been relocated, to their rooms. I asked if the piles could be put away.  Deep sigh.  Sometimes... 

Sometimes I get into conversations with the kids and topics come up out of no where.  Well, today we had one such conversation.  Jake made a comment about a catheter.  There had been a commercial on tv that brought up the subject.  Without being too graphic he thought is was something that "slips on"... like a condom.  I could not hold in my laughter.  I set him straight saying the tube goes in - not on.  Jake's eyes about popped out of his head and he somehow mustered "OH!  Um, gross!"  Annie and I got a good laugh out of it.  

Sometimes things happen that just can't be explained, like the explosions in Boston today.  I have no words.  All I can do is pray.  I can't imagine.  It's always nice to hear about awesome people when things like this happen... "reports of marathon runners that crossed finish line and continued to run to Mass General Hospital to give blood to victims."  Lord, hear our prayers.  My heart goes out to everyone in Boston.

We are starting a new book in Sunday School.  It's called Too Busy NOT to Pray by Bill Hybels.  There is a passage in the first chapter that says "when we work, we work.  But when we pray, God works."  May God work through our prayers and may our ears be open to hear his message.  


Saturday, April 13, 2013

It's not running - just super speedy walking

Jake and I started our day with a long walk.
Jake ran most of the 5k - I walked most of it.

Jake and Mrs. Bormann, his 4th grade teacher. 
Muscles for Myotonic was created in memory her daughter, Anna.

If they would have called it a "fun run" it would have cost an additional $3k.
So the "runners" were classified as Super Speedy Walkers.
Jake conveniently stepped back behind the sign just as I snapped this.

Heritage Park
It started off sunny but got windy and chilly before the walk started.

Muscles for Myotonic was created to raise awareness and raise funds for myotonic dystrophy research programs.  It's a congenital disorder that took the life of Mrs. Bormann's six week old Anna - when Jake was in her class. 

So, what do you do on a Saturday after a brisk morning walk?  Take a nap, of course.

Jack and I had plans to meet some old coworkers from Sprint North Supply.  I don't know why I agree to go to these things.  I'm comfortable in small groups but a large group of strangers... ugh, makes me anxious.  I knew 3 people out of 30.  THANKFULLY, we couldn't stay long - Jake had another event.  

Solo / Ensemble Festival
at Olathe South High School 
This was the warm up area - SO LOUD!

Mr. Banks helped Jake get tuned and ready.
Mr. Banks is Jake's instructor for private lessons.

We had some time to kill so Jake asked Jack some music questions.
It wasn't fair because Jack has no clue about music.
The laughter was good medicine - 
no one was particularly nervous but it still helped pass the time.

Mr. Banks and Mr. Longabaugh (Asst. Director @ BVW) met us a few minutes before Jake's assigned time.  His name was called but... his accompanist wasn't there yet.  As it turned out she was playing for 19 other students and spent most of her day running from one to the next.  We waited long enough that even Jack was getting nervous.  Jake said he was calm and cool but I could tell he the longer we waited... finally she showed up and they walked in immediately.  Jack and I could have gone in but I didn't want to add to Jake's nerves.  We stood right outside the door.  The judge didn't give Jake time for the introduction and did it himself, which threw Jake off a bit.  And then they were off.  Jake did a great job.  There were a couple times when I looked at Jack but we stood quietly.  Jake came out looking nervous, his entourage in toe all smiling.  We waited for the score to be posted.  We ran into some friends from other schools and had some good visits.  We saw an additional sheet posted and the last score was the group before Jake.  Ugh!  More waiting.  We listened to several choirs.  We waited some more.  Finally, we saw the director and he said we were brave to wait.  Jake really wanted to be the first one to see his rating.  The director was standing near us and asked the assistant if he'd seen Jake's score.  He had... he got a 1!  There were several cheers for Jake - but Jake was in the gym chatting with friends.  Mr. Longabaugh went to tell Jake and I tried to hide my excitement.  I couldn't do it.  Jake walked out with mixed emotions - excited and disappointed, knowing we had already heard.  It couldn't dampen our excitement and pride.  Now, he will perform again in two weeks at the State Competition in Emporia.  Woo Hoo!  Yeah Jake!!  Unfortunately, that means he won't get to go on his Science Camp-out.  :-(  BUT I'm sure there will be other opportunities to go catch snakes.  !?    

I had asked you to keep Matt and Annie (friends of Matt and Sarah's) in your prayers.  Matt was arrested in Denver on Thursday.  Matt is currently in a mental health ward - heavily sedated.  It is a very sad situation.  Please continue to pray for him and his family.  I would also ask that you pray for Sarah and Matt.  They are having a very hard time coming to the terms with the whole situation.  


Thursday, April 11, 2013


Jake had to be at school at 6:00 a.m.  Concert Band had a festival at another area high school and since it's late arrival day they started early so that all involved could be back to their home schools before their second class.  He said it went well but came home exhausted.  He had homework but I told him to take a 45 minute nap and a quick shower before he got started.  He complained that it wasn't enough time but I didn't want him to sleep the day away and be up all night.  He had a meeting tonight from 6:30-8:30 about a science camp-out at the end of the month.  I think he said there are 75 students (for all 5 BV high schools) signed up to go to Southeast Kansas.  Tonight, they learned how to identify poisonous snakes and plants.  He is so excited!

Annie had an ortho appointment in the middle of the day.  She grabbed some lunch and then wanted to go home and brush her teeth.  Did you know fries, chicken and watermelon toothpaste taste weird together?  Ha ha!  Good to know.  She got a new wire and light blue bands.  I asked her to take a picture of herself but she didn't feel like it.  Then she proceeded to look at herself in the mirror until I pulled up in front of her school.  (I held in my giggles.)  Tonight, she went with her group to a play at the high school.  It was called The Dining Room and they all got to sit on the stage - in the round.  She said it was AWESOME and kinda sad!   

Jack's finger is doing much better.  I am thankful that he was able to get up and take Jake to school so early and also drive Annie's carpool.  He doesn't usually do early morning stuff - but I truly appreciated that he did today!  I couldn't have done it.  

I started feeling better this afternoon.  I had a long list of to-do's for youth group.  Meal planning.  Organizing a fundraiser.  I sent out close to 40 emails.  I still need to find youth volunteers for the Legacy BBQ but I didn't want it to get overlooked so I will send it in a few days.  It's written and draft saved, so it will be quick.  

A friend of Sarah and Matt's is in trouble.  I would ask that you keep Matt (and his wife, Annie) in your prayers.  I don't know exactly what's going on but hope and pray it's a something that can be worked out.  


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The allergies/sickness turned out to be sickness.  My throat pain woke me up in the night and it felt like it was on fire.  I woke up this morning with my voice a few octaves lower, a bad cough and my throat still on fire.  I drank some cold water, took some pain reliever and hoped for the best.  I got ready and went to school.  I was there exactly 15 minutes.  Ugh!  I slept most of the day away.

Jack has been fighting a painful finger.  He had a hang nail and I was convinced there was still a bit of nail in there.  Today he went to the health center on campus. After a couple shots of novocaine and 10 minutes it wasn't numb enough so they had to give one more right next to the spot.  YOWCH!  It was quite infected.  They cleaned it out and wrapped it up.  Jack was late to a meeting so took a shortcut through the rain, down a little hill.  Unfortunately momentum wasn't on his side and his pretty white bandages were covered in mud - as was his backside.  (I laughed as he told me of his adventure.)  He was late to his meeting because he went back to get his finger re-wrapped. 
He's now taking horse pill sized antibiotics for the next 10 days.

Tomorrow is a new day.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I scream... You scream

We all scream for ice cream!
at Ben and Jerry's!

Jake and I stopped by after an appointment.

Jake had a great ortho appointment.  No more rubber bands!  Yeah!  

Jack's 2nd interview went really well.  I waited an hour and 15 minutes before sending a text to see how it went. Jack was still talking to the group and everyone got to hear the BOING sound of the text notification.  Hmm.  He's got to start turning off his phone when he's in the middle of a meeting.  Tee hee!  It was a group interview by his peers and they called him this afternoon with more questions.  They didn't say when the decision would be made but Jack is guessing he'll hear by Friday.  

It was an Early Release day for Annie and she went with the Community Service Club to Wayside Waifs Animal Shelter.  They got a tour of the new facility, learned about the organization, service dogs.  She saw the most beautiful cat she'd ever seen.  Ever!  It was gray and white and gorgeous. 

We went out to dinner with friends.  Jack had given them some advice on a craigslist sale - they sold their HUGE swing set.  Jack told them they needed to almost double their asking price.  It was sold within 24 hours.  They took us to dinner as a thank you.

We spent a few minutes waiting in the car before our friends arrived at dinner.  What better opportunity to take a few pictures.

 Then tried to get a family picture...
And I was asking too much.
Jake didn't actually lick Annie but...

I have a bad cough.  I'm not sure if it's allergies or sickness.  We have LOTS of runny noses in our classroom.  :-(  I took some cough medicine I had gotten from the doctor several weeks ago and it has me in a fog.  I'm looking forward to a restful night.  The rain is just starting... which will add to my good sleep.  I am so lucky that everyone in our family sleeps extra well during storms.  We love it!


Monday, April 8, 2013


The count down in on...

Annie has 25 days until she leaves for her big weekend in Chicago with friends and her first REAL concert experience.

I have 25 days left of school with students.

I started using the kitchen calendar again.  The next two months are busy!

Jake had his Pre-Regional Festival Solo Recital performance this afternoon.  Jake didn't think parents were allowed.  Jack picked him up and was surprised to see parents going in and out. :-(  Bummer!  Jake said it went very well and the guest judges said he needs to do exactly what he made them do... put their pencil down, sit back and enjoy the music.  His directors and lesson teacher were there as well and stood up and clapped.  There were only a few minor tips to make his Saturday performance even better.  :-)    He's excited and confident.

Jack got a new toy in the mail today.  A new knife sharpener.  He wasted no time getting to work on our dull knives.  And even "trained" me in the art - since I will be expected to keep the knives sharp during the prep work of next months Legacy BBQ.  
Serious business.

It's hard to see but he sheared himself a bit.
Smooth as a baby's bottom right in the middle of his forearm.
It was as sharp as any Guinsoo knife as advertised back in the day.
Ha! ha!

Jack and I attended the monthly Band Booster Meeting tonight.  It was packed with lots of information and dates.  Did I say the calendar was filling up?  Well band just added a couple more things each week until school is out.  It's crazy!  As the meeting was winding down the director was making a point and just as he finished Jack's phone made a text notification sound... BOING!  It was loud.  And the timing was perfect.  Everyone in the room laughed.  (Jake had a similar situation earlier in the year during band - much worse of course - like father, like son.)  :-)


Sunday, April 7, 2013

sunshine and rain

A few days ago I left the front door open 
and Suzy snoozed in the sunshine all afternoon.

We made our first trip of the season to the dog park yesterday.  We were expecting to see lots of mud - but saw none.  It's so hard to believe just a two weeks ago it was buried under 8 inches of snow.  Suzy loved it but after just one lap she was ready to go.  I love the walk but admit she makes me a bit apprehensive when her old sassy girl comes out and gets snippy with other dogs.  She stops and the hair on her back stands up on her back and she bolts to oncoming K9.  She is so protective.

Suzy waiting patiently for us to catch up..

We went to Grand Avenue Temple this morning.  

After worship we served lunch at Lazarus Table.  It's always a humbling experience.    

The kids were talking to Elizabeth (the youth pastor) about a movie that is coming out soon.  I can't remember the name of it but the premise is one day a year crime is legal.  Annie... she'd eat brownies.  You know, the funny kind.  !?  NOT AT ALL what we expected her to say.   Jake would rob a bank, then change his mind and said he'd burn something down.  He's such a pyromaniac.  He added he thought it meant you had to break a commandment.  We all laughed when Jack said he'd turn right on red at 87th and 69 Highway (where he'd gotten a ticket a few weeks ago.)  I don't know what I'd do, probably just stay home and stay safe!

We returned home and Annie went to a friend's house.  Jack went to the driving range.  I did laundry.  Jake watched tv - then we both took naps.  

We had our first spring thunderstorm this evening.  It started to rain as Jack was taking dinner off the grill.  It was complete with lightning and thunder.  Ahh!  I loved it!  
A picture of severe thunderstorm moving through downtown.
Crazy purple sky.

And finally, a cute picture. 
(I hope it makes you smile!)

Annie has been camera shy.  I'm hoping to get a picture of her soon.  ;-)
